
Shri Hit Radha Kripa
432 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी के जन्मोत्सव से पहले सभी भक्तों के लिए आवश्यक सूचना 02-04-24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Satsang Marg
118 Views · 1 year ago

Wake Up Early or Stay Up Late – Which is Better @BhajanMarg @SadhanPath #wakeup #morning #motivation Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
101 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap #bhajanmarg #shrihitradhakripa #radhakelikunj #sadhanpath Masterbation side effect !Masterbution habit is good or bad for health ?Celibacy impotance in life.

Satsang Marg
95 Views · 1 year ago

Does #astrology Work?? @bhajamarg @SadhanPath #bhajanmargenglish #english Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
84 Views · 1 year ago

How should mantras be chanted ? & “Krishna Vasudevaya” Mantra #chanting #life #spirituality #vrindavan @BhajanMarg @SadhanPath @ShriHitRadhaKripa Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham /#ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
75 Views · 1 year ago

STOP MASTURBATION RIGHT NOW OTHERWISE.🔥🔥 The Power of Celibacy #bhajanmarg #bhajanmargenglish #celibacy #bramhacharyabhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
73 Views · 1 year ago

00:00 - यदि कोई व्यक्ति आपका बुरा करता है, दुःख पहुँचाता है और सिर्फ स्वार्थ से जुड़ा है तो क्या ऐसे व्यक्ति से रिश्ता रखें या दूरी बनालें ?09:03 - आसन मे बैठकर माला करते हैं तो 1-1½ घंटे बाद बेचैनी शुरू हो जाती है ऐसा क्यों ?17:44 - क्या अद्वैत भाव से भक्ति संभव है ?24:07 - बहुत पूजा-पाठ करता हूँ पर फिर भी अंदर बहुत जलन होती है क्या करूँ ?28:29 - आपका बहुत सत्संग सुनते हैं मेरे पति , डर लगता है कहीं वो भी बाबा जी ना बन जायें!33:36 - हम भजन तो नहीं करते पर अच्छे कर्म करते हैं, क्या यह सही है ?42:47 - एकांतिक दर्शन Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
72 Views · 12 months ago

⁣नाम-वाणी जहाँ श्याम-श्यामा तहाँ - जब पूज्य महाराज जी पद सुनाते सुनाते हुए भावुक 27/02/24 #vrindavanrasmahima #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath#vrindavan

Satsang Marg
65 Views · 1 year ago

इसका हिन्दी अनुवाद सुनें:Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
58 Views · 11 months ago

⁣प्रथम यथामति प्रनऊँ, श्रीवृन्दावन अति रम्य - वन विहार पद एवं झूलन दर्शन // 23/03/24

Sadhan Path
56 Views · 1 year ago

वसंत पंचमी स्पेशल : राधा रानी के बारें में अति गुप्त बात || Very secret thing about Radha Rani | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:-00:00 - Why any Information about Radha Rani is not in any holy scriptures04:51 - How to get love and devotion of Radha Rani07:07 - How extraordinary is the devotion done to Radha Rani.08:21 - Why does Lord Krishna himself worship Radha Rani?11:10 - Glory of Lord Krishna and Radha Rani15:45 - Who has the right to worship Radha Rani?19:08 - Why did Sukhdev ji not take the name of Radha even once?22:06 - Description of God's love26:07 - Who can achieve Nikunj Prem Ras and when? ---------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Satsang Marg
56 Views · 1 year ago

👻 Uncover the mystery of ghostly dwellings in this intriguing video! Watch as it delves into the age-old questions: Where do ghosts reside? Who falls victim to their spectral clutches? And most importantly, how can you escape their haunting grasp? 🕵️‍♂️🔍 Get ready for a spine-chilling exploration and discover tips to break free from the paranormal enigma! 👻🚪 Don't miss out on the ghostly revelations – hit play now and unravel the secrets🌙🎥 #ghost #paranormal #hauntedmysteries Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg english
54 Views · 1 year ago

#wwe #motivation #thegreatkhali #bhajanmarg #khali #vrindavan #spirituality #english #usa @ShriHitRadhaKripa @BhajanMarg @SadhanPath Watch This for an extraordinary encounter as The Great Khali engages in a deep and insightful Q&A session with Maharaj Ji! 🤔💬🧘‍♂️ From the ring to the realm of the divine, discover the profound insights that can transform your journey! 🌈🙏🎥 Don't miss this unique conversation that transcends boundaries, blending the worlds of strength and spirituality! Share now and embark on a transformative adventure with The Great Khali and Maharaj Ji! 🔥✨Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
53 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
52 Views · 1 year ago

#anger #angermanagement #overcominganxiety #motivation #life #vrindavan @BhajanMarg @ShriHitRadhaKripa @SadhanPath 🌟 Discover Effective Anger Management Tips for a Happier Life! 🌈Are you struggling to keep your anger in check? 😡 Let's join hands to share valuable insights that can save us from self-destruction and promote a more harmonious world! 🌍👉 Check out this insightful video filled with excellent tips to control anger and ensure a healthier, happier life. 🎥 We believe that by spreading this message, we can empower individuals to manage their emotions better.🤝 Let's work together to create a ripple effect of positivity and make the world a better place! Share this video with friends, family, and anyone who might benefit from these life-changing strategies. 🌟Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
51 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 31-03-24

Bhajan Marg english
50 Views · 11 months ago

Hear about how Radha Raman ji appeared because of the love of Gopal Bhatt Goswami ji, and how Gopal Bhatt Goswami ji came to Vrindavan on the instructions of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
49 Views · 11 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 133 से 140

Bhajan Marg
49 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
48 Views · 11 months ago

प्रेमी की प्रेम विकलता / श्री महाप्रभु चैतन्य देव और राय रामानंद जी की अत्यंत गूढ़ वार्ता // 18/03/24 Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Satsang Marg
48 Views · 1 year ago

#bhajanmarg #bhajanmargenglish #sadhanpath #cheat #love #vrindavan Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
47 Views · 11 months ago

⁣वृन्दावन का अद्भुत प्रभाव / महाप्रभु चैतन्य देव जी द्वारा श्री रघुनाथ दास जी को वैष्णव धर्म का उपदेश Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
47 Views · 12 months ago

⁣परमार्थ मार्ग में ऐसी शपथ जरूरी है सच्ची उपासना करने वाले में ये 33 लक्षण प्रगट होते है 26/02/24 #shrihitradhakripa #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
46 Views · 12 months ago

⁣भव्य कुंज में श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन और मधुर राधा नाम कीर्तन 09/03/24 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Bhajan Marg
46 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 407 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 22-12-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - क्या बिना कोई नियम और दिनचर्या के भगवान की प्राप्ति हो सकती है ?22:04 - गुरुदेव को कैसे प्रसन्न करें ?35:21 - संबंधीजन मांसाहार, मदिरा सेवन करते हैं ऐसे में कैसे उनसे व्यवहार रखें ? Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
46 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2024 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Bhajan Marg
45 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 420 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 04-01-2024 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - आपने तो इतनी साधना की है पर हमरा मन तो मलिन है तो भजन कैसे करें ?18:07 - माँ अम्बा के मंदिर में सेवा करता हूँ पर आपकी कृपा से अब राधा नाम से प्यार होने लगा है । 21:55 - "जौं करनी समुझै प्रभु मोरी ...." इसमे भारत जी कौन सी करनी और निस्तार की बात कर रहें हैं ?27:38- हमारे चित्त का समाधान हो गया है कैसे जाने ?29:44 - वृंदावन में किन-किन वृक्षों का रोपण करें ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
45 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 399 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 14-12-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - किस देवी-देवता की पूजा करें ? क्या बिना गुरु के पूजा-पाठ कर सकते हैं ?20:43 - हम दुख से घबराते क्यों है, व दूर भागने का प्रयास क्यों करते हैं ?34:11 - मेरे बेटे ने Love Marriage किया था, उसे धोखा मिला, उसने अपने प्राण त्याग दिए ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
45 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 403 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 18-12-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - मुझे वो वस्तु चाहिए जिसकी मुझे तलाश है क्या करूँ ?17:42 - क्या भगवान के नाम जप से सब मिल जाएगा ?30:30 - मैं दूसरे सम्प्रदाय से हूँ क्या मुझे भी चौरासी जी के पाठ का फल समान ही मिलेगा ?35:38 - वाराणसी से आए संत जन से चर्चा !Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
45 Views · 1 year ago

Maharaj Ji On RAM MANDIR & RAM RAJYA #ram #rammandir #ayodhya #jaishreeram @BhajanMarg @SadhanPath @ShriHitRadhaKripa @Gurukripakevalam Video Link For Hindi - https://youtu.be/ONIvOoq_ZNw?s....i=wQlHNqGecdSl7LcCBh Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham]#ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
44 Views · 1 year ago

#sadhanpath जनिए नाम जप करने का सबसे गुप्त और सही तरीका || Know the most secret and correct way of chanting || Sadhan Path || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajTime Stamp:00:00 - Symptoms of being free from all sins05:19 - What is world's greatest happiness09:39 - You are very lucky to be a worshiper of Radha Rani.13:26 - Symptoms of Radha Rani's grace17:27 - Don't disrespect your aradhya dev--About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
43 Views · 11 months ago

(जन्मदिन विशेष) सच मानो ! आज तो महाराज जी ने हृदय ही खोल दिया ! Today Maharaj ji opened his heart. || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj----------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
43 Views · 1 year ago

⁣समय बर्बाद करना छोड़ना ही होगा || Stop Wasting Time || Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj | Time Stamp:00:31 - Why You Should Not Waste Your Precious Time 02:09 - What Happens When You Start Naam Jaap04:27 - Effect Of Naam Jaap 08:07 - Why Radha Naam Is Not In Any Holy Scriptures. 14:35 - Radha Naam Mahima 22:39 - Essence Of Everything23:51 - Way To Ultimate Happiness29:57 - Most Secret Thing Of All The Holy Scriptures.Have to use time properly | समय को बर्बाद करना रोकना होगा | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | Time is limited. So use your time properly. Don't waste your time समय सीमित है। सीमित समय का इस्तेमाल करके असीमित संभावनाओं को खोजा जा सकता है। समय सबसे मूल्यवान वस्तु है। समय को अपनी मुट्ठी में करना मुश्किल है लेकिन अपने प्रयासों से समय को वश में कर सकते हो। समय भविष्य का आधार बनता है। समय के सही प्रयोग से भविष्य का आसमान बनता है। समय हम सब के पास सीमित होता है। कुछ लोग उतने ही समय को बर्बाद करके जिंदगी खराब कर लेते हैं। फर्क है सोच का, नजरिया का, संस्कार का, आदतों का, विचारों का। ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life. #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Marg
43 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 392 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 07-12-2023 #ekantikvartalap Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
43 Views · 1 year ago

STOP FALLING BACK TO OLD BAD HABBITS @BhajanMarg @SadhanPath #vrindavan #habbitsbhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham /#ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
42 Views · 11 months ago

⁣श्री जी का अद्भुत वन विहार , झूलन और नौका-विहार // 11/04/24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
42 Views · 11 months ago

⁣महत्त्वपूर्ण बात | Very useful knowledge to move ahead in life | Shri Hit Radha Kripa #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
42 Views · 11 months ago

⁣Best Holi Bhajans 2024 | Holi Jukebox | Non-Stop HOLI Bhajans | Ultimate Holi Music Playlist 2024 0:00 - Nainan me pichkari dayi | नैननि में पिचकारी दई 7:26 - Mero khoye gaye bajuband | मेरो खोय गयो बाजूबंद , रसिया होरी में14:29 - Kaare se laal banaye gayi re | कारे से लाल बनाय गयी रे , गोरी बरसाने वारी 21:28 - Meri chunar me pad gayi daag ri | मेरी चुनरी में पड़ गयो दाग री26:16 - Rang barse laal gulal | रंग बरसे लाल गुलाल36:42 - Kaisa ye desh nigoda | कैसा यह देश निगोड़ा 44:11 - Pakdo ri braj naar kanhaiya | अरे पकड़ो री ब्रज नार कन्हैया48:39 - Vrindavan khel rachyo bhari | वृंदावन खेल रच्यौ भारी 55:55 - Radhavallabh khelat hori | राधावल्लभ खेलत होरी 01:02:27 - Darshan de nikasi ata me te | दर्शन दै निकसि अटा में ते 01:08:29 - Albeli kuwari mahal thadi | अलबेली कुँवरि महल ठाढ़ी01:14:10 - Barsane mahal ladli ke | बरसाने महल लाड़ली 01:20:57 - Duff baaje kuwari kishori ke | डफ बाजे राधा रानी के 01:25:38 - Rang ho ho ho ho horiyan | रंग हो हो हो हो होरियाँ Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima #holi #holi2024#holipremanandjimaharaj#happyholi2024#होली2024 #holi2024song #होली #back2back #holiaayire #holispecial

Bhajan Marg
42 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 362 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 07-11-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - मैंने जो पाप किये हैं वो कितने समय में धुल जाएंगे ?08:34 - अगर कोई दूसरा है ही नहीं तो भगवतप्राप्त महापुरुष बाहरी व्यवहार कैसे कर सकता है ?18:03 - मैं अपने बेटे को भक्त बनाना चाहती हूँ पर डर लगता है कि वंश कैसे चलेगा ?26:46 - क्या देवता स्वर्ग में नाम जप नहीं कर सकते ?28:11 - वृंदावन से कुछ समय के लिए बाहर जाने पर क्या करें ?29:10 - जब किसी ने बोला मुझे आपके चरण छूने हैं ?33:12 - जब किसी ने कहा "मुझे भगवान मिल गए हैं, मेरी कुंडलिनी भी जागृत हो गई है !"Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
41 Views · 11 months ago

होली की ये बात सुनकर आप अपने आँसु नहीं रोक पाओगे || Secret things about Holi festival || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj---------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
41 Views · 12 months ago

⁣ये सुनते ही आपको शांति महसूस होगी - पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा पद गायन // 07/02/24 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Satsang Marg
41 Views · 1 year ago

#money #householder #life #vrindavan #motivation #scripture @BhajanMarg @SadhanPath @ShriHitRadhaKripa 🌟 Immerse yourself in the profound wisdom of scriptures on the role of money, love, and Dharma in householders' lives! 💸💖 Watch it for an enriching exploration in this illuminating YouTube video.Discover ancient secrets that provide guidance on managing finances while aligning with your Dharma and embracing the power of love. 📜💰💕 Uncover the spiritual dimensions of wealth and learn how to use money as a tool for growth, all while cultivating a loving and balanced life. 🏡💼This video offers a tapestry of timeless wisdom, transcending practical and spiritual realms. 🌌✨ Whether you seek financial advice, a deeper understanding of abundance, or the harmonious integration of love and prosperity in married life, this journey is for you. 🎥🔍Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
40 Views · 12 months ago

⁣गुरु प्रदत्त दिनचर्या में असावधानी से निश्चित पतन / संत कृपा पात्र के अंदर ये 8 लक्षण आ जाते हैं #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Bhajan Marg
40 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 365 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 10-11-2023 #ekantikvartalap Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
39 Views · 9 months ago

⁣उत्तम साधना में क्या आवश्यक है ? / महापुरुषों की दिव्य अनुभूति // 01/06/2024 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
39 Views · 9 months ago

⁣ठा. राधामोहन जू महाराज के अद्भुत श्रृंगार दर्शन और आनंद प्रदान करने वाला कीर्तन // 14/05/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
39 Views · 11 months ago

⁣ठा. राधामोहन जू को रिझाते हुए पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा मधुर पद गायन // 28/03/24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
39 Views · 11 months ago

⁣चैतन्य महाप्रभु द्वारा प्रेम लक्षणा भक्ति का सूक्ष्म वर्णन / रघुनाथदास गोस्वामी जी का अद्भुत वैराग्य #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan

Bhajan Marg
39 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
39 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2024 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
38 Views · 10 months ago

Ep-15 | Rasik Shiromani Shri Bitthal Vipul Dev Ji Maharaj | रसिक शिरोमणि स्वामी हरिदास जी के अनन्य , लाड़ले और प्रथम शिष्य श्री विट्ठल विपुल देव जी महाराज का चरित्र ( इन्हीं की कृपा से हम सब बाँके बिहारी जू के दर्शन कर पा रहें है )

• श्री बाँके बिहारी जी कैसे प्रकट हुए ?

• हमारे माई श्यामा जू को राज

Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj
From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan


Vrindavan Ras mahima
38 Views · 12 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती 05-03-24 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan #shrijikimanglaaarti

Sadhan Path
38 Views · 1 year ago

⁣नाम जप के साथ बस ये 2 काम कर लो, फिर देखो चमत्कार Just do these 2 things along with chanting ⁣#sadhanpath गृहस्थ में भजन सिद्ध करना है तो बस ये 2 काम कर लो || Want to Siddha Bhajan in family life then ? | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:-00:00 - Intro00:58 - 2 rare thing for bhajan in household07:41 - Keep the words of knowledge in your life and try don't tell it to anyone.12:29 - Don't Tell about your divine dreams to anyone 15:27 - Why Satsang is a essential part of life17:52 - Take the name of God as you become23:06 - How to chant name effectively 26:42 - Whatever you have earned in life will end one day30:05 - When is the darshan of Radha Rani31:37 - Identification of naam japak -------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life. #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbab

Sadhan Path
38 Views · 1 year ago

premanand ji maharaj
premanand ji maharaj ke pravachan
premanand ji maharaj short video
premanand ji maharaj vrindavan
premanand ji maharaj satsang
premanand ji maharaj ki katha
premanand ji maharaj bhakt charitra
motivational video
motivational speech

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |

Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023

#vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Satsang Marg
38 Views · 1 year ago

#newyear #2024 #bhajanmarg #vrindavan #celebration @BhajanMarg @SadhanPath @VrindavanRasMahima Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
37 Views · 11 months ago

⁣तुम जो हो , जैसे भी हो, इस बात को स्वीकार करके निहाल हो जाओ / वैष्णव धर्म के ये 84 लक्षण // 10/04/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
37 Views · 12 months ago

⁣धाम महिमा नाम से समस्त पाप और प्रारब्ध का नाश और मनोवांछित सुख की प्राप्ति 25/02/24 #shrihitradhakripa #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Bhajan Marg
37 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
37 Views · 1 year ago

क्या लोग आप पर हंसते हैं, बस तुम पीछे मत हटना ? How to Deal with Society || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:-00:00 - Intro01:15 - What to do when people make fun07:21 - Life of such people is useless08:25 - Sermons of great devotee Surdas ji15:00 - No one can do any harm to such people18:07 - How Much God Loves His Devotee22:55 - When does God help us?26:28 - Real life story of a sanyashi30:12 - How To Do Bhagwatprapti In Grihasth Jiwan33:28 - Secret Of Sudarshan Chakra35:38 - A Real Life Story Of Bhakt Madhav Das Ji Maharaj37:42 - Lord Take Care Of Such People.45:27 - The most secret matter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life. #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
37 Views · 1 year ago

Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
37 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationnam jap naam jap kaise kare naam jap kaise kare premanand ji maharaj Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Satsang Marg
36 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
35 Views · 10 months ago

⁣Ep-12 | श्री गुरु तेग बहादुर जी का चरित्र , बलिदान और धर्म के प्रति समर्पण #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
35 Views · 12 months ago

⁣ठा. राधामोहन जू को रिझाते हुए पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा पद गायन 06/03/24 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Sadhan Path
35 Views · 12 months ago

आत्म संयम बढ़ाने का सबसे सरल तरीका || How to Improve Self Control|| Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:00 - Your mind will never be at peace until you leave it.03:23 - Listen Carefully ! never make anyone serve you06:16 - God gives us everything we need to live life without any demands.09:16 - Simple solution to destroy old Destiny12:13 - Just do this one small thing and all your worries will end.14:11 - Don't listen to anyone's criticism even by mistake17:34 - Never share your inner feelings with anyone23:34 - As soon as you do this one thing, God will take control of your life.------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
35 Views · 12 months ago

⁣सुंदर पद गायन एवं ठा. राधा मोहन जू महाराज का मनमोहक झूलन दर्शन 01/03/24 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Sadhan Path
35 Views · 1 year ago

premanand ji maharaj
premanand ji maharaj ke pravachan
premanand ji maharaj short video
premanand ji maharaj vrindavan
premanand ji maharaj satsang
premanand ji maharaj ki katha
premanand ji maharaj bhakt charitra
motivational video
motivational speech

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |

Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023

#vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Bhajan Marg english
35 Views · 1 year ago

Ghosts Can't Harm You !! Just Do This l Maharaj Ji Gave Siddh Mantra #ghost #mantra #vrindavan #pakistan #haunted #bhoot @BhajanMarg @SadhanPath @ShriHitRadhaKripa @VrindavanRasMahima Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
35 Views · 1 year ago

#bhajanmarg #bhajanmargenglish #motivation #solution #vrindavan @BhajanMarg @SadhanPath Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
34 Views · 10 months ago

⁣राधा केलि कुंज में श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन एवं राधा नाम कीर्तन // 29/04/24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
34 Views · 11 months ago

⁣संसार में फँसाकर दुख देने वाली इस बात से बचिये / परमहंस श्री रामकृष्णदेव जी के अनमोल वचन // 11/04/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Bhajan Marg english
34 Views · 11 months ago

Learn what parents should do to save their kids from bad company and abusive situations. Parents can shape their children's lives and make them great. If a child gets spoilt it is the parents fault too! Hindi
#ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
34 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 01-04-24

Sadhan Path
34 Views · 11 months ago

⁣सातों चक्र को कैसे जागृत करें || चक्र जागृत होने से क्या होता है ? How to awaken all seven chakras | Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
34 Views · 11 months ago

⁣मृत्यु से पहले ये बात समझ लो नहींतो पछताओगे / कैसे हुई प्रतापरुद्र पर महाप्रभु चैतन्य देव जू की कृपा #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
34 Views · 12 months ago

⁣अपने साधकों के संग में पूज्य महाराज जी(⁣apne sadhao ke sath mein pujya shri premanand ji maharaj) #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
34 Views · 1 year ago

पूरे दिन में सिर्फ एक माला भी जप करते हो तो ये सुनो ! If You Chant Only One Mala In A Day Then Listen This || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:00 - If You Chant Only One Mala In A Day Then Listen This 03:29 - Be patient, you will get what you can't imagine05:15 - Why are we not able to worship God continuously?08:48 - Practice regularly for many years12:01 - When do we realize that our focus is on the goal?14:43 - Learn to use the power of mind in the right direction17:43 - This is the biggest crime in the world, don't commit this mistake even by mistake.19:20 - Just as the whole family has to suffer the punishment of one wrong person in the family, similarly a Mahatma does welfare of the whole world. -------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--:#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Marg english
34 Views · 1 year ago

#cheating #betrayal #relationship #extramaritalaffair #cheatingspouse #love Navigate the complexities of relationships with spiritual insight in our latest video. 🌟 Discover effective strategies to address extramarital affairs and a cheating spouse, blending practical wisdom with spiritual guidance. 🕊️ Let's empower ourselves to overcome challenges and foster harmony in our partnerships. 💖@BhajanMarg @SadhanPath @ShriHitRadhaKripa @Gurukripakevalam Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath#bhajanmargenglish

Bhajan Marg
34 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 364 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 09-11-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - मनोकामना का संकल्प पूरा नहीं कर पा रही हूँ, इसलिए बहुत जलन हो रही है, क्या करूँ ?04:31 - हमें लगता है, भक्ति केवल संसारिक सुखों के लिए की जाती है । 21:46 - 40 साल ऐसे ही निकल गए अब मुझे कैसे भगवान मिलेंगे ? 30:57 - High Court Justice और District Court Judge ने महाराज जी से जब किये प्रश्न पर प्रश्न ! Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
34 Views · 1 year ago

@BhajanMarg @SadhanPath @HitRadhaKripa #motivation #love #betrayal #spiritual #vrindavan Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
34 Views · 1 year ago

The Real Art of Living @bhajamarg @SadhanPath #bhajanmargenglish #english Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
33 Views · 9 months ago

⁣जानिये कौन है राधा किशोरी और उनके बृजवासीजन/ श्री चरणदास जी की सुलझन प्रदान करने वाली वाणी//11/06/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
33 Views · 10 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 240 से 243

Sadhan Path
33 Views · 10 months ago

राम नवमी स्पेशल || राम जी के बारें में ये बात सुनकर आप अपने आंसू नहीं रोक पाएंगे||------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Marg english
33 Views · 11 months ago

Lal ju (Sri Krishna) is the love of the life of Sriji, but how much do the worshipers of the Nitya Vihar Ras love Him.Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
33 Views · 11 months ago

⁣ब्रज की होली पर अद्भुत आनंद ( फूलों की वर्षा )// 22/03/2024 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
33 Views · 12 months ago

मन के विचारों को पढ़ना सीखो, सारा खेल मन का है || Learn to read the thoughts of the mind || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajTime Stamp:00:00 - How To Bear With Agitating Mind02:42 -If you have lust for anyone then you will have to go through a lot of fear, worry and grief03:39 - What are the symptoms when the mind is controlled?05:05 - This symptom indicates that your rebirth will be certain. (Real Story Of A Saint)12:14 - How to destroy wrong thoughts in mind13:48 - If you keep these 4 things in mind, you will become accomplished very quickly.17:52 - What should we do so that our wealth keeps increasing? ( Simple but most secret solution )22:20 - If you do this, all the wealth will be destroyed and you will be in misery.25:02 - If you do this then you will become happy but later you will get terrible sorrow. ---About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
33 Views · 1 year ago

कामवासना के विचार प्राणशक्ति कैसे चूस लेते हैं || How lustful thoughts suck the life force || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj #sadhanpath ---About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
33 Views · 1 year ago

जैसा सोचोगे बिल्कुल वैसा होगा || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life. #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Satsang Marg
33 Views · 1 year ago

Mind Management Techniques @BhajanMarg @SadhanPath #mindcontrolbhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
33 Views · 1 year ago

@BhajanMarg @SadhanPath #kirtan #hhsachinandanmaharaj #iskcon Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
32 Views · 11 months ago

⁣ठा. राधा मोहन जू को पद सुनाते हुए पूज्य महाराज जी के अद्भुत दर्शन // 08/04/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
32 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा "अपनी बात मोसौं कहि री भामिनी" पद गायन एवं मनमोहक झूलन दर्शन // 08/04/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
32 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा "आजु व देखियत है हो प्यारी" पद गायन एवं मनमोहक झूलन दर्शन // 04/04/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
32 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा "आजु अति राजत दंपति भोर" पद गायन एवं मनमोहक झूलन दर्शन // 30/03/24

Sadhan Path
32 Views · 11 months ago

24 मिनट Daily ये एक काम जरूर करें, फिर देखो चमत्कार || Do this one thing for 24 minutes daily | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |--About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
32 Views · 11 months ago

गृहस्थ में भजन सिद्धि का सबसे सरल तरीका, ये बात 99% लोग नहीं जानते || 99% people don't know this | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |--- About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
32 Views · 12 months ago

⁣हृदय के डर को , तुम्हारे दूषित विचारों को और दुखों को नाश करने वाला महान “नाम” 10/03/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg

Sadhan Path
32 Views · 1 year ago

ताकत और दिमाग को 10 गुणा तेजी से बढ़ा देगा ये एक नियम || Increase strength and brain 10 times faster | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | Time Stamp:-00:00 - Intro00:48 - Why We Can't Do Spiritual Practice Frequently05 :06 - If you are not celibate then you will have these shortcomings15:43 - Power of Brahmacharya20:05 - Rules of celibacy23:23 - God Himself Protects Such People26:21 - Never listen to wrong words34:39 - When does Brahmacharya begin to be established?38:47 - Why Bharat(India) Is Best All Over The World46:15 - Train Your Mind Not To fall In Material World53:05 - Daily Routine Foe a Healthy Brahmacharya life.56:59 - What should be the food for a Brahmachari-------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly ⁣ताकत और दिमाग को 10 गुणा तेजी से बढ़ा देगा ये एक नियम || Increase strength and brain 10 times faster #sadhanpath decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life. #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional#premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
32 Views · 1 year ago

⁣मुझे भूत ने पकड़ लिया है रक्षा कीजिए || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
32 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2024 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
31 Views · 10 months ago

⁣ये समझ लो - चिंता करना ही भूल जाओगे || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj भगवान का वादा है सारी चिंता दूर कर देंगें, सिर्फ ये कर लो || God's promise will take away all the worries, just do this || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj00:00 - Intro (bhagwan kavachan hai Upcoming in the video...01:08 - God has graciously shown two paths - Pravtti and Nivrtti Marg.04:30 - The devotee of the path of nivrtti lives with sole reliance on God.10:29 - There is no one like Gurudev. Gurudev gives a strange herb which kills the effect of foreign illusion.18:12 - The ultimate truth is the name of the thing, this is the greatest knowledge.23:09 - As long as there is any raga left there will be an inflection in the name.25:39 - Context - When Satyabhama ji defeated Shri Krishna ji and Narad ji---------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
31 Views · 10 months ago

अगर मन नहीं लगता तो इस तरह नाम जपो फिर देखो चमत्कार || If you don't feel like it then chant the name like this and then see the miracle. || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |-------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.----- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
31 Views · 10 months ago

⁣भव्य कुंज में श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन एवं रसमय राधा नाम कीर्तन // 16/04/24

Sadhan Path
31 Views · 11 months ago

⁣जन्मदिन पर महाराज जी ने बताया सबसे गुप्त और अंतिम बात || The most secret and last thing | Pujya Maharaj Ji's Birthday Special : महाराज जी के पूरे जीवन की साधना का सार |||| Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Marg english
31 Views · 11 months ago

What is True Love? Who really loves you? Discover in this video and see how Guru's Love is unconditional.Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
31 Views · 11 months ago

⁣भव्य कुंज में श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन एवं रसमय राधा नाम कीर्तन 29/03/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
31 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी के राधा नाम कीर्तन में आनंदमय दर्शन और श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन // 28/03/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
31 Views · 11 months ago

⁣राधा केली कुंज में राधा नाम की रस वर्षा और श्रीजी का अति सुन्दर श्रृंगार दर्शन // 19/03/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
31 Views · 12 months ago

⁣भव्य कुंज में श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन और मनमोहक राधा नाम कीर्तन 03/03/24 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Satsang Marg
31 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 401 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 16-12-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - गृहस्थ जीवन को चलाने के लिए कितने पैसे और किन किन दायित्वों को निभाना आवश्यक है ?18:08 - युवाओं में देशभक्ति और सेवा भाव बढ़े इसके लिए मार्गदर्शन करें । 31:07 - क्या पति-पत्नि एक गुरु से दीक्षा ले सकते हैं ?32:47 - विरक्ति और भक्ति प्रेम कैसे बढ़े ?37:31 - जो लंगर मे सेवा करते हैं क्या वो वहाँ प्रसाद पा सकते हैं ?38:55 - यदि हम ब्रह्म (भगवान) ही हैं तो हमारी शक्तियां कहाँ हैं ? Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
31 Views · 1 year ago

इसका हिन्दी अनुवाद सुनें: https://youtu.be/VWbdr7X4DsM?s....i=_RBV1AZ08U3gxgKLBh Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
30 Views · 9 months ago

"ना" कहना सीखो वरना सहते रहो || Learn to say "no" or keep suffering BY Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |00:00 - Learn to say "no" or keep suffering02:31 - Eliminate the mind by doing sadhana, only then you will get real happiness.04:13 - Stop worrying about your body, it will happen due to the destiny written by you.06:25 - The truth about the body is that those who knowingly destroy the body face great misfortune.08:33 - This is the reason for all your sorrows11:11 - When do you fall in love with God?12:26 - Take care of your thinking, thinking is everything13:20 - Very important thing, listen carefully (why do we get life)15:30 - The bondage of the world has to be cut. How to cut? this is very important19:15 - These two things cover your form: lustful thoughts and lustful actions. this is the bond22:39 - If the bondage of karma still remains then be careful, cut it by continuously thinking about God.25:38 - This contemplation and attachment to the subject makes even a learned man crazy and he deviates from the path of God.---------------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite G :#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
30 Views · 10 months ago

हितोत्सव की मंगल बधाई , प्रेम की पीर - पद 278 से 280

Sadhan Path
30 Views · 10 months ago

एक ऐसी गुप्त बात जो करोंड़ों में कोई जनता है, ध्यान से सुनना || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj00:00 - Intro (जानिए आपका मरने के बाद क्या होगा ) Upcoming in the video..00:54 - It is very rare for someone whose mind is not completely under control to attain God.03:13 - Arjun asks some questions to Shri Krishna for all of us09:01 - One who depends on God can never fall, God himself supports him.14:50 - Dhruva Das ji says that even millions of senses cannot match the one who has become dependent on God.21:22 - Is it possible for the one who remembers the story of God to suffer from misfortune?27:28 - God never lets his dependents perish32:08 - God gives us freedom to destroy our unclean nature.35:50 - For a devotee of God, even heaven seems like a prison.-------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--- bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
30 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य श्री प्रेमानंद जी महाराज ने अपने गुरुदेव के संग अपना जन्मदिन मनाया #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
30 Views · 11 months ago

चालाकी से बात करना सीखो, जितना हो सके मौन रहो || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajTime Stamp :00:00 - Intro : BAT KARNE MEN APSE DARE ( Upcoming In the video )00:37 - It is a mistake to sleep so many hours, you are wasting time, death is coming. Food and sleep are just helpers, the main work is bhajan.03:54 - Not even a single moment should be wasted. If bhajan is missed or God's name is missed then it is a wasteful state of life.08:00 - The name will take care of you no matter how you behave, who you are , from where you belong.12:26 - When the hymns start increasing, the names are chanted, the disorders in the heart subside, then become indifferent from outside.17:07 - You have to behave with love towards everyone but don't fall in love with anyone.22:08 - Dhanvantari ji did such research and showed that only the name is capable of destroying all diseases.26:20 - The fear of death is felt by the mind attached to the world, not by the devotee.-------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-----#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
30 Views · 11 months ago

⁣भव्य कुंज में श्रीजी का मनोरम श्रृंगार दर्शन और आनंदमय राधा नाम कीर्तन // 04/04/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
30 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती 15-03-24 #shrihitradhakripa

Bhajan Marg
30 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
30 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
30 Views · 1 year ago

⁣उपासना में मुख्य भाव और भाव प्राप्ति की 10 बातें // Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj // 06/02/24 #shrihitradhakripa Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg #premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
30 Views · 1 year ago

premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationRasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
30 Views · 1 year ago

Our youtube channels:- @BhajanMarg @ShriHitRadhaKripa @Gurukripakevalam @BhajanSaar @SadhanPath Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| For more satsang by " Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj #bhajanmarg #vrindavan #sadhanpath #vrindavanrasmahima #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #radhanamkirtan #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
30 Views · 1 year ago

Our youtube channels:-

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023

#vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #radhanamkirtan #bhakti #bhajan

Satsang Marg
30 Views · 1 year ago

PRACTICE MAKES PROGRESS l POWER OF PRACTICE l SUCCESS MOTIVATION #bhajanmargenglish #bhajanmarg @BhajanMarg @SadhanPath @ShriHitRadhaKripa #motivation Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
29 Views · 10 months ago

कभी चिंता मत करना, भगवान पर भरोश बड़ा देगी ये कहानी ! Never worry, this story will increase your trust in God ||Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |00:00 - Intro कभी चिंता मत करना, भगवान पर भरोश बड़ा देगी ये कहानी (Upcoming in the video...)00:05 - Character of Mahabhagwat Silpille Bai Ji 02:35 - These are 64 service offenses and sub-service offenses of worship.05:30 - There should be complete faith in the Guru's words and the service provided by the Guru.13:45 - Unless our mind is dedicated to the Lord, there is always a possibility of sin.18:11 - Till date no one has had enough of the pleasures. The story of Devyani ji, the daughter of demon guru Sukarcharya ji.21:11 - Maharaj Yayati ji took Devyani ji out of the well.27:14 - One whose heart is troubled with lust, even if he is given all the glory of Tribhuvan, he cannot be satisfied.-------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life. #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
29 Views · 10 months ago

⁣ठा. राधामोहन जू महाराज के अद्भुत श्रृंगार दर्शन और आनंद प्रदान करने वाला कीर्तन // 22/04/24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
29 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पाप और पाप प्रवृत्ति को नष्ट करने का अचूक उपाय / Shri Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj // 19/04/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
29 Views · 11 months ago

ये 1 अपराध आपके सारे पुण्य नष्ट कर देगा / चैतन्य महाप्रभु और श्री प्रकाशानंद जी के बीच अद्भुत वार्ता Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
29 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी ने सब भक्तों के साथ गुलाल और पिचकारी से होली खेली - Holi Mahotsav 25/03/24 | Holi Mahotsav 2024 ( होली महोत्सव ) // 25/03/24Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
29 Views · 11 months ago

⁣वृंदावन की प्रेममयी होली / जगाई-मधाई की क्रूरता और महाप्रभु के द्वारा उनका परम उद्धार / 20/03/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa

Vrindavan Ras mahima
29 Views · 11 months ago

⁣ठा. राधा मोहन जू को पद सुनाते हुए पूज्य महाराज जी के अद्भुत दर्शन // 15/03/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
29 Views · 12 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 09-03-24 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
29 Views · 12 months ago

कृपा प्राप्ति के लिए सावधानियाँ भक्तों के 6 अपराध से बचिए ये 10 लक्षण स्वयं भगवद् दर्शन करा देंगे #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
29 Views · 12 months ago

⁣होली धमार के पद- अलक लड़ी रिझवार प्रीतम सौं खेलें। श्री बयालीस लीला- पद्यावली 44 से 48 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Sadhan Path
29 Views · 1 year ago

नाम की शक्ति का जल्दी अनुभव करना है तो इस तरह नाम जप करो || POWER OF NAME CHANTING || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:Time Stamp:00:00 - Your mind will never be at peace until you leave it.03:23 - Listen Carefully ! never make anyone serve you06:16 - God gives us everything we need to live life without any demands.09:16 - Simple solution to destroy old Praradh12:13 - Just do this one small thing and all your worries will end.14:11 - Don't listen to anyone's criticism even by mistake17:34 - Never share your inner feelings with anyone23:34 - As soon as you do this one thing, God will take control of your life. ----------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
29 Views · 1 year ago

⁣जानिए धर्म के बिना अर्थ और काम का उत्साह तुम्हें पतन के मार्ग में ले जायेगा 17/02/24 #shrihitradhakripa #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
29 Views · 1 year ago

मन की चिंताओं से मुक्ति का उपाय || Way to get rid of mental illness || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:-00:00 - Intro01:09 - Don't Worry About All The Dirty Thoughts In Your Mind04:43 - All mental Stress will end as soon as you do this.07:44 - God will create a complete new situation for you12:53 - Don't Take Stress About Your Life14:24 - God will Accept You In Any Situation19:52 - How to make your mind stress free.25:14 - Never Think You Can't Do Bhagwatprapti -----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his ⁣मन की चिंताओं से मुक्ति का उपाय Way to get rid of mental illness #sadhanpathfamily for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life. #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Marg
29 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
29 Views · 1 year ago

00:00 - दूसरे व्यापारी मिलावट व Low Quality माल बेचते हैं और ग्राहक भी रही खरीदना पसंद करते हैं मैं क्या करूँ ?09:00 - मैंने गुरु मंत्र नहीं लिया है तो क्या मुझे निकुंज में श्रीजी की श्री अंग सेवा प्राप्त हो जाएगी ?14:06 - मुझे क्या करना चाहिए कि मेरे रब्बा मुझसे खुश हो जाएं ?19:49 - गुरु मे मनुष्य बुद्धि कैसे हटाएं ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
28 Views · 10 months ago

⁣नाम-वाणी सुनत श्याम-श्यामा सुबस - पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा श्रीजी को पद से रिझाना // 13/04/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
28 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा "“प्रथम जथामति प्रनऊँ श्री वृंदावन" पद गायन एवं मनमोहक झूलन दर्शन // 09/04/24

Sadhan Path
28 Views · 11 months ago

भगवान पर भरोसा कभी कम मत होने देना ||अनोखी कहानी || Never let your faith in God diminish || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajTime Stamp :-------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.----- :#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
28 Views · 11 months ago

भगवान तुरंत सारी चिंता दूर कर देंगें,हर दिन भगवान से ये एक बात जरूर कहो || Say this to God every day || Sadhan Path || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajSatsang discusses the concept of surrendering to the divine and letting go of the ego. It emphasizes the importance of focusing on God and not getting attached to worldly desires and relationships.Highlights00:10 🙏 The speaker expresses their belief in being a part of the eternal Lord and the Lord being theirs.01:30 🤔 The text suggests that if one truly accepts the concept of not belonging to this world and being a part of God, then there will be a test to see if they have any attachments in this world.03:45 😇 Surrendering to God and letting Him take care of everything is the ultimate goal. One’s duties and actions are no longer necessary.05:20 🌟 The text explains that when one truly believes and accepts that they are not anyone’s in this world and that they belong to the Lord, the need for any personal duties fades away.07:10 🌊 The text compares the waves in the ocean to the divine play of God, expressing the joy of being a part of it.08:40 🧘‍♂️ The ego can hinder spiritual progress, so it is advised to listen to the words of saints and gurus who can help remove ego and worldly attachments.10:15 🌹 The ultimate aim is to be completely surrendered to God, where one realizes that they are nothing and God is everything.Key Insights🙏 The concept of surrendering to the divine is central to spiritual growth. Letting go of ego and attachments allows one to focus on God and experience true devotion.🤔 Accepting the idea that one does not belong to anyone in this world and only belongs to God requires a deep understanding and conviction. It is a test to see if one can detach from worldly relationships and desires.😇 Surrendering to God means letting go of personal responsibilities and relying on God to take care of everything. It is about trusting in His divine will and guidance.🌟 Believing that one is not a part of this world and that everything belongs to God eliminates the need for personal duties and actions. It brings a sense of freedom and liberation.🌊 The divine play of God can be seen in the waves of the ocean, symbolizing the joy and beauty of being a part of His creation. It is an invitation to participate in His cosmic dance.🧘‍♂️ The ego and worldly attachments can hinder spiritual progress. Listening to the teachings of saints and gurus helps remove ego and cultivate detachment from material desires.🌹 The ultimate realization is that one is nothing and God is everything. Being completely surrendered to God brings immense joy and freedom from the cycle of birth and death.------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
28 Views · 11 months ago

⁣आनंद प्रदान करने वाला कीर्तन और ठा. राधामोहन जू महाराज के अद्भुत श्रृंगार दर्शन // 22/03/24

Sadhan Path
28 Views · 11 months ago

⁣किसी से नफरत हो रही है तो क्या करें ? What to do if someone hates you | बहुत जल्दी अनंत जन्मों के पाप नष्ट करने का सबसे सरल उपाय ! The easiest way to destroy all the sins. | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:00 - What to do if someone hates you3:21 - This feeling of hatred will weaken your Hymn06:51 - This is the main reason for the halting of bhajans.09:07 - Who gets the ghost's body?15:26 - What is the greatest thing - Mercy18:52 - Chanting the name and becoming interested in chanting the name are two different things.23:29 - Learn to control your tongue, if you don't do this then all the favorable things will turn into bad luck.28:26 - Know the meaning of complete service, all the troubles of life will go away with this.32:46 - The thing which makes our mind impure by touching, listening, company or speaking is Dusanga.36:29 - Leave those relationships which take us away from God, let that wealth set on fire.-----------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.----- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
28 Views · 12 months ago

⁣भव्य कुंज में श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन और मधुर राधा नाम कीर्तन #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Bhajan Marg
28 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham /#ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg english
28 Views · 1 year ago

#sanatandharma #hindu #vrindavan #rammandir #preaching @BhajanMarg @SadhanPath @ShriHitRadhaKripa Welcome to the enlightening realm of Sanatan Dharma! 🌍 In this video, embark on a journey to unravel the essence of Sanatan Dharma, exploring its ancient scriptures and the best ways to spread its timeless teachings in entire world. 🕉️✨ Watch it now, as Pujya Maharaj Ji decodes the beauty of Sanatan Dharma, showcasing its profound wisdom and fostering global understanding. 🌐🙏 Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
28 Views · 1 year ago

If You Have These Qualities Then Your Sadhana is Fruitful #bhajanmarg #bhajanmargenglish #vrindavanbhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
27 Views · 9 months ago

⁣जगद्गुरु श्री यामुनाचार्य , मध्वाचार्य , निम्बार्काचार्य , रामानुजाचार्य , वल्लभाचार्य जी के सदोपदेश #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
27 Views · 9 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 15-05-24

Sadhan Path
27 Views · 9 months ago

जिद्दी बनो ! आपको अंदर से मजबूत बना देगी ये बातें ! Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |00:00 - You will have to move away from Maya, only then you will be able to get out of its trap.02:46 - Change of heart cannot happen by force. No amount of government can change the condition of the heart05:17 - When you become an instrument in the hands of God, even the biggest tasks will become a snap.08:10 - Chanting the name is the greatest noble act. The greatest ritual is chanting the name.14:00 - The glory of the name makes everyone worshipable. Naam has poisoned Meera, Naam has transformed the maid's son into brother-in-law, Shri Narad.18:39 - All knowledge is gained through name. Names have been found in the lives of all accomplished great men.22:00 - It is mentioned in Ekadashi Sakanda that the person who does not forget the name of the Lord even for a moment is a great devotee of God.25:22 - The heart of a chanter of Naam is more peaceful as that of a traveler on other paths.--------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-----:#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
27 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी के राधा नाम कीर्तन में आनंदमय दर्शन और श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन // 11/05/24

Bhajan Marg english
27 Views · 10 months ago

⁣Masturbation - Doctors vs Divine wisdom #bhajanmargenglish | Is masturbation ok? what about abortion? Some doctors are contradicting scriptural wisdom - they are recommending masturbation and great sins such as abortion. Listen to what Maharaj ji has to say about this. Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
27 Views · 10 months ago

⁣जानिए माया का बंधन क्या है ? / महापुरुषों के अत्यंत उपयोगी उपदेश / 10 यम और 10 नियम // 27/04/24 Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
27 Views · 10 months ago

⁣आनंद प्रदान करने वाला कीर्तन और ठा. राधामोहन जू महाराज के अद्भुत श्रृंगार दर्शन // 25/04/24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
27 Views · 11 months ago

⁣दान किसको देना चाहिये / दान देने से क्या लाभ मिलता है / साधकों की सावधानी की अमूल्य बातें //12/04/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
27 Views · 11 months ago

⁣जब तक परमानंद की प्राप्ति ना हो तब तक इन बातों से बचें // प्रकाशानंद जी कैसे बने श्री प्रबोधानंद जी #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
27 Views · 11 months ago

होली महोत्सव पर श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन और राधा नाम कीर्तन की अद्भुत रस वर्षा // 25/03/24

Sadhan Path
27 Views · 11 months ago

⁣नाम जप में नया जोश पैदा हो जाएगा, ये बात ध्यान से सुनना | You will generate new enthusiasm in NAMJP बहुत जल्दी अनंत जन्मों के पाप नष्ट करने का सबसे सरल उपाय ! The easiest way to destroy all the sins. | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |----------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
27 Views · 11 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 79 से 85

Sadhan Path
27 Views · 11 months ago

बहुत जल्दी अनंत जन्मों के पाप नष्ट करने का सबसे सरल उपाय ! The easiest way to destroy all the sins. | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:00 - Intro01:17 - Lord Shri Krishna himself is telling the solution to attain salvation by destroying all the sins.05:50 - You will have to try and do it, know the characteristics of the Siddhas.08:39 - Just do this one thing and all your sins will be destroyed immediately.11:08 - Those who have everything in the world, wealth, respect and honor, are still disturbed from within, when will you understand this?14:37 - Shri Krishna is telling the most secret thing, if you understand it your life will change in a moment.16:56 - How to imbibe in life what Shri Krishna is telling us?19:05 - Your luck has risen if you are seeing these signs22:27 - Those who know the glory of the royal court, how will they know about love?26:12 - When the mind is absorbed in the contemplation of Radha Rani, then there is nothing else to do.----------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
27 Views · 11 months ago

⁣भविष्य की चिंता से कैसे बचें ? | How Can We Stop Worrying About The Future ये सुनकर आप भविष्य की चिंता करना छोड़ दोगे || After hearing this you will stop worrying about future. | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |----------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.----#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
27 Views · 12 months ago

जनिए सहनशील होना क्यूँ जरूरी है,सहनशील होने के फायदे || Know why it is important to be tolerant || ये एक बात छोड़ते ही आपके अंदर की शक्ति जागृत होने लगेगी || Your inner power will start awakening || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:00 - Your mind will never be at peace until you leave it.03:23 - Listen Carefully ! never make anyone serve you06:16 - God gives us everything we need to live life without any demands.09:16 - Simple solution to destroy old Praradh12:13 - Just do this one small thing and all your worries will end.14:11 - Don't listen to anyone's criticism even by mistake17:34 - Never share your inner feelings with anyone23:34 - As soon as you do this one thing, God will take control of your life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Social Media :Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/vrin....davanrasmahima/Faceb : https://www.facebook.com/srihi....tpremanandjimaharaj- :#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
27 Views · 12 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी ने पद सुनते हुए बोली अपने हृदय की बात 04/03/24 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Bhajan Marg
27 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 343 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 19-10-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - श्रीजी को सब कुछ समर्पित करने के बाद भी कुछ ना कुछ चिंता बनी रहती है क्या करूँ ?21:41 - "अहं ब्रह्मास्मि" का क्या तात्पर्य है ?37:50 - माता-पिता अपने बच्चों के साथ कैसा व्यवहार करें ?41:05 - College Students को जब महाराज जी ने बताया जीवन में सफलता पाने का सूत्र !51:33 - Ekantik DarshanBhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
27 Views · 1 year ago

premanand ji maharaj
premanand ji maharaj ke pravachan
premanand ji maharaj short video
premanand ji maharaj vrindavan
premanand ji maharaj satsang
premanand ji maharaj ki katha
premanand ji maharaj bhakt charitra
motivational video
motivational speech

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |

Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023

#vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
27 Views · 1 year ago

Our youtube channels:- @BhajanMarg @ShriHitRadhaKripa @Gurukripakevalam @BhajanSaar @SadhanPath Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| For more satsang by " Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj " #bhajanmarg #vrindavan #sadhanpath #vrindavanrasmahima #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #radhanamkirtan #bhakti #bhajan

Vrindavan Ras mahima
26 Views · 9 months ago

⁣मन आनंदित कर देने वाला राधा नाम कीर्तन और श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन // 29/05/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
26 Views · 9 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 25-05-24

Sadhan Path
26 Views · 9 months ago

ऐसे इंसान से दूर ही रहना ! सिर्फ 1 तरीका है खुशी का || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj00:15 - For these reasons Grahastha is also considered celibate. What are the symptoms of a Sadgrashasta?03:20 - It is up to us to avoid bad company. We have to find out how to give up bad company, otherwise it will lead us astray.08:22 - If you are in surrender and doing bhajan then don't worry, your previous karma will be destroyed.11:46 - The worshiper should gradually suppress his bad nature and bad deeds with good nature through goodwill.15:48 - When there is Guru's grace, all the sensual desires are destroyed.20:25 - God is saying that whoever is my devoted devotee and on whom I shower my blessings, I destroy him completely.24:16 - Our mind is so dirty, where is it stuck, where is it stuck? Leave it and direct it towards God.------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.----- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
26 Views · 10 months ago

⁣प्रिया जू के रूप का प्रभाव /सर्वनाशक काम के प्रभाव से कैसे बचें ? / कौनसे प्राणी भगवान को प्रिय है ? #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
26 Views · 10 months ago

महाराज जी के पूरे जीवन की सबसे गुप्त और अंतिम बात || The most secret and last thing of Maharaj ji's entire life | Sri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj00:00 - Intro महाराज जी के पूरे जीवन की सबसे गुप्त और अंतिम बात || (Upcoming in the video...)00:45 - The position, prestige and glory of the world are all like glass.05:37 - What is the difference between a dependent and a seeker?08:36 - We are slaves sold at the feet of Shyama Shyam. Our every vow should be to Shyama Shyam.12:56 - Surrender your existence to Shyam Shyam. As if we have no one without Shyama Shyam19:17 -When the saints make fun of Mama Prayag Raag Ji, you just sit and do not chant any rosary.22:55 - From today onwards there is no wish, no resolution. Satsang is for improvement। 25:27 - Story - Shriman Madhavendra Puri Ji Maharaj30:16 - What is the nature of charity? If you have any desire, stop it first so that it does not find a place in your heart.---------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Marg english
26 Views · 11 months ago

A very sweet pastime of Priya Lal Ju (Radha Krishna) playing Holi on the pure banks of Yamuna Ji, from the nectarean vanis - compositions of the Rasik saints.Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
26 Views · 11 months ago

⁣जो समस्त साधनों से हीन है उसे भगवद् प्राप्ति कैसे होगी ? Premanand Ji Maharaj Ka Aaj Satsang 15/03/24 # Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
25 Views · 10 months ago

⁣वृंदावन आकर क्या सावधानी रखें ? / बिहारिन देव जी की वाणी से अध्यात्म की सच्चाई को सुनिये // 28/04/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
25 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा "आजु व देखियत है हो प्यारी" पद गायन एवं मनमोहक झूलन दर्शन //

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
25 Views · 10 months ago

⁣A New Initiative by Pujya Maharaj Ji - Ep-1 | हरिराम व्यास जी | रसिक भक्तों की महिमा का गायन , अर्चन-वंदनSatsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
25 Views · 11 months ago

⁣राधा नाम से कैसा प्रेम हो ? / इन दोषों के कारण साधन करते हुए भी प्रेम प्राप्ति नहीं होती // 30/03/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
25 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी के संग वृंदावन की रंगभरी होली 20/03/24 Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
25 Views · 11 months ago

एक समय आएगा जब कोई साथ नहीं देगा, उस समय ये बात याद रखना || When No one support you, remember this | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:00 - Just accept this, remember this when no one will help you.05:46 - Those who do not have children, listen carefully (Real Story Of Aatmadev Brahman)11:09 - Real Story of Dhundkari13:04 - No matter how much you try, you will get peace in life only through this solution.14:57 - What was the last thing Pujya Maharaj ji told throughout his life?17:03 - Those who are attached to a man/woman, listen carefully.20:39 - life is too short don't waste time25:42 - One should always stay away from things that are said to please people.---------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.----#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
25 Views · 12 months ago

⁣ऐसा राधा नाम कीर्तन की आप भी हो उठोगे आनंदित और श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन 11/03/24

Bhajan Marg english
25 Views · 12 months ago

⁣CHARITY VS CHANTING l ROLE OF CHARITY IN SPIRITUALITY @BhajanMarg @English_BhajanMarg @SadhanPath #vrindavan #hitpremanandji #ekantikvartalap #charity #donation Dive into the intriguing comparison between Charity and Chanting and their roles in spirituality. 🌟📿 Explore how both practices contribute to spiritual growth, inner fulfillment, and success, guided by the wisdom of Vedas and scriptures. 🙏📚 Whether you're drawn to giving or the power of mantra, discover how each path leads to profound spiritual development. #charity #chanting #spiritualgrowth 🕊️💖🌿@BhajanMarg @SadhanPath @English_BhajanMarg @ShriHitRadhaKripa Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan DhamGoogle Map Link: https://goo.gl/maps/nZYKt1sJaMyCVRNS7For More Video of Satsang and Ekantik Vaartalaap of Pujya Maharaji's :-For English translation:Bhajan marg English : https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCU5NTShqBuq_u7hMc Bhajan Marg Official https://www.instagram.com/bhaj....anmarg_official/Face : Bhajan marg https://www.facebook.com/bhajanmargofficial11 Twitter: Bhajan Marg https://x.com/RadhaKeliKunj?t=jWrowDRLOaNLSSq3sKoK1w&s=09Our YouTube Channels: Shri Hit Radha Kripa : https://www.youtube.com/@ShriH....itRadhaKripaVrindava Ras Mahima : https://www.youtube.com/@VrindavanRasMahimaSadhan Path: https://www.youtube.com/@SadhanPathFacebook : Vrindavan Ras Mahima : https://www.facebook.com/Vrind....avanRasMahima/Websit Login : https://vrindavanrasmahima.com..../#EkantikVartalap#Bh #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
25 Views · 12 months ago

⁣दैन्यता से दुर्लभ स्थिति की प्राप्ति भजन करते हुए भी भगवद् प्राप्ति में देरी क्यों ? 29/02/24 #shrihitradhakripa #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
25 Views · 12 months ago

⁣ठा. राधा मोहन जू को पद सुनाते सुनाते पूज्य महाराज जी हुए भावुक 23/02/24 #vrindavanrasmahima ⁣Th. Pujya Maharaj Ji became emotional while reciting the verse to Radha Mohan Ju. (⁣tha. raadha mohan joo ko pad sunaate sunaate poojy mahaaraaj jee hue bhaavuk) #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#Radhakelikunj⁣ #sadhanpath#vrindavan

Bhajan Marg
25 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
25 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 340 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 16-10-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - मन में चिंता आए तो उसे कैसे नष्ट करें ?03:22 - दान किसे, क्या और क्यों दें ?12:12 - अगर गुरु अपनी बाहरी संपत्ति अपने परिवार को दे दे तो क्या ये सही है ?21:18 - जगन्नाथ जी के शृंगार सेवी से जगन्नाथ जी की महिमा पर क्या बोले महाराज जी ?43:27- एकांतिक दर्शन Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
25 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |

Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023

#vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
25 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2024 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
25 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Satsang Marg
25 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
25 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
25 Views · 1 year ago

Unlock the power of your mind with our latest video on mind control techniques. Discover practical insights and valuable tips on mastering your mind in this insightful guide.#mindcontrol #selfimprovement #personaldevelopment #vrindavan #hitpremanandji #radhakrishna Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
25 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
24 Views · 9 months ago

⁣ठा. राधामोहन जू महाराज के अद्भुत श्रृंगार दर्शन और आनंद प्रदान करने वाला कीर्तन // 30/05/24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
24 Views · 9 months ago

Ep-30 | राधावल्लभ लाल जू के अद्भुत प्रेमी श्री रूपलाल गोस्वामी जी का चरित्र एवं उनकी रसमयी वाणी

Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj
From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan


Bhajan Marg english
24 Views · 10 months ago

⁣Immerse yourself in Divine Love #bhajanmargenglish | ⁣Immerse yourself in Divine Love #bhajanmargenglish | Vrindavan is miraculous! Hear about how you can get immersed in Divine Love - the the True Spiritual Love. Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
24 Views · 10 months ago

बहुत जल्दी भक्ति की शक्ति का अनुभव करना है तो ये कर लो बस || If you want to experience the power of devotion very quickly then just do this.|| Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |00:00 - Intro स्वयं का अपमान होने पर ये एक काम जरूर करना ! (Upcoming in the video...)00:40 - The first sign of sadhana is Titikshava. He will be very patient and tolerant03:27 - Bear with everything, God will settle the matter automatically, just remain silent.07:56 - By having equal feelings in respect, insult, sorrow, happiness, profit and loss, one becomes subordinate to God.11:40 - When we chant the name, both the attachment to this body and the love for it end.16:30 - Any great raga gets destroyed by following the orders of the teachers.21:30 - Chanting the name should be such that you get immersed in every syllable.26:43 - Even if God comes and says stop chanting the name now, don't leave the name.--------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.----- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
24 Views · 10 months ago

बस चुप रहो और खुद पर ध्यान दो, दुनियस बदल दोगे || Just keep quite and focus on yourself, you will change the world Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
24 Views · 10 months ago

⁣ये सुनकर नाम जप अपने-आप चलने चलने लगेगा || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | इस एक छोटि सी बात से भगवान बहुत जल्दी प्रसन्न हो जाते हैं || As soon as you chant such names, wonderful miracles will start happening in your life. || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |00:36 - To attain the love of devotion, the name Harivansh is necessary.05:56 - In Tribhuvan, in Trikaal, he is worthy of thanks who has adopted the form of worship of Ladli Ju Maharaj Shyama Ju in his mind.10:54 - All kinds of achievements are present in the name Harivansh, someone is lucky who gets to hear the name Harivansh.15:27 - The one who heard this name is blessed, the one who started chanting this name, his parents are blessed.19:44 - The first result of the Siddhi of the name Harivansh is to get the company of people who are heartful devotess of Priya Lal.24:42 - Don't worry, I will save you from the ocean of the world.------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.----#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
24 Views · 10 months ago

⁣तेरी मुरली पे जाऊं बलिहार रसिया, रंग बिरंगे फूलों से श्रृंगारित श्रीजी का अद्भुत झूलन दर्शन/21/04/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
24 Views · 10 months ago

⁣गुलाब डोल पर श्रीजी का मनोरम श्रृंगार दर्शन और आनंदमय राधा नाम कीर्तन // 19/04/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
24 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा "आजु अति राजत दंपति भोर" पद एवं मनमोहक झूलन दर्शन // 13/04/24

Sadhan Path
24 Views · 11 months ago

श्री कृष्ण बता रहें हैं किसी किसी को ये गुप्त बात समझ आएगी || someone will understand this secret. || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajTime Stamp :00:00 - intro00:42 - There is a misconception that if we do something for our happiness then we will be happy but we will not be. If you start thinking about giving happiness to others, you will never be sad.04:03 - he is an ocean of knowledge, Only He can save us from the tricks of Maya.09:32 - Shri Krishna reverses all the actions in a moment.13:57 - Ordinary creatures consider God as their own and disobey orders.20:10 - There should be no attachment in the body, only then will enter the Rasa Leela.---------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
24 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 30-03-24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
24 Views · 11 months ago

नाम-वाणी सुनत श्याम-श्यामा सुबस - पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा श्रीजी को पद से रिझाना // 18/03/24

Sadhan Path
24 Views · 1 year ago

अनंत जन्मों के भयानक पापों से बचने का सबसे अचूक तरीका | Way to avoid the Punishment Of terrible sins | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | Time Stamp:-00:00 - Intro00:36 - 4 things to avoid and 7 things to accept for a good life04:27 - God erases the terrible sins of past lives very easily.06:28 - Bear whatever is happening silently and don't listen to your mind.07:33 - Just as sin is a bond, virtue is also a bond.08:52 - The only way to avoid all Apradh12:10 - Rules For Sanyashi17:07 - When you will accept these 7 things your will change dramatically 21:45 - When You will surrender God himself take care of your life24:52 - Explanation Of Mira bai Pad and Prem Charcha31:05 - Pray this to God daily----- About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life. #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbab

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
23 Views · 10 months ago

⁣ये बातें आपके संशयों का नाश कर देगी / जानिए सब युगों में कलयुग कितना महान फल देने वाला है ? 11/05/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
23 Views · 10 months ago

⁣सूर्योदय के 48 मिनट ये काम जरूर करो, फिर देखो || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | अनंत जन्मों के भयानक पापों से बचने का सबसे अचूक तरीका | Way to avoid the Punishment Of terrible sins | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp :00:00 - Intro : Get up 48 minutes before sunrise! then see the miracle ( Upcoming In the video )00:24 - If you want to achieve worldly progress in life or the transcendental world, you should wake up 48 hours before sunrise.03:20 - Like bhajan, exercise is very important. 07:55 - There is no need of any worship material or wealth to please the Lord.13:07 - If even the biggest work is done without devotion, then God does not like it at all.17:12 - Any work done by those who do not know God and do not believe in God only leads to downfall.21:26 - Man has become so weak that he gets trapped in the habit of enjoying and accumulating pleasures.24:49 - Arrogance never makes one experience the truth. Drama never gives the experience of Sachchidanand Rasa-----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
23 Views · 11 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 192 से 195

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
23 Views · 11 months ago

⁣भगवद् प्राप्ति का ख़ास सूत्र / सिद्ध पुरुषों के लक्षण / साधकों को जीवन में ये सावधानी रखनी चाहिये #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
23 Views · 11 months ago

⁣भाग्य का लिखा कभी नहीं मिटता, भाग्य का खेल कोई नहीं जानता | The writings of destiny never get erased | शरीर के अंदर की शक्ति जागृत और बढ़ाने का सबसे साराल उपाय ! awaken the power inside the body. | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |00:00 - Intro : The writings of destiny never get erased ( Upcoming In the video ) 00:47 - Rest assured that what is going to happen has already been decided.04:21 - Is attainment of God also as per destiny?08:12 - Through satsang you have to decide which path you are on. 1.The path of good and inauspicious deeds, 2.by destroying inauspicious deeds through good deeds. 3.God dependent best path13:24 - Context - Making Lagna Patrika of Shri Vashishtha Ji Maharaj | Ramayana exile episode21:58 : Talk of force- Ravana incident25:28: Context - How much Shri Krishna loves Arjun. Krishna emanated from every pore of Arjuna.---------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
23 Views · 11 months ago

⁣आत्मा को दूसरा जन्म लेने की सच्ची कहानी ? | The true story of the soul taking second birth | राधा रानी के प्रति ये अपराध भूल से भी मत करना, वरना..|| Don't commit this against Radha Rani. | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |--------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
23 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा "नंद के लाल हरयौ मन मोर" पद गायन एवं मनमोहक झूलन दर्शन 25/03/24

Sadhan Path
23 Views · 11 months ago

⁣जीवन में नया जोश भर देंगी ये गुप्त बातें || These things will fill your life with new enthusiasm | प्रभु आपको इतना बदल देंगें की किसी को विश्वास नहीं होगा || You will not give up even in worst times.Time Stamp:00:00 - Intro00:54 - Don't be afraid of external things, who has the courage to defeat you now?05:39 - If you say that I have no one except you, then God also says that I have no one except you.12:15 - The devotee's enemy is my enemy, the devotee's victory is my victory.17:44 - How to meet God in household life, the simplest solution20:09 - The secret of God's Sudarshan Chakra, don't be afraid, no one can do anything now23:09 - How God plays with his devotee, true story of devotee Madhav Das Baba25:19 - No one can match such devotees, keep being afraid of the devotee's crime.29:04 - What should we do when someone criticizes us?34:33 - Believe me, just by following this belief, there will be fun in life.40:06 - You will be delighted to hear the secret from the heart of Pujya Maharaj Ji.-------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
23 Views · 12 months ago

⁣ठा. राधामोहन जू को पद सुनाते सुनाते हुए पूज्य महाराज जी के अद्भुत दर्शन 05/03/24 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Sadhan Path
23 Views · 1 year ago

खुद को माफ करना सीखो ! जो हो गया, उसे जाने दो || Learn To Forgive Yourself | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:-00:00 - Intro00:55 - Stop thinking about the past. forgive yourself04:58 - Never think whether God has accepted you or not07:52 - It is our nature that we cannot let go of the one we catch.09:45 - Whatever you want you can do just by naam jaap / mantra chanting13:41 - You will win just by this, the most secret thing16:41 - Who cares about life now, we are theirs and they are ours.18:44 - With just this, all the problems in life will be solved.22:21 - God himself destroys all the sins of such people. ----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He ⁣खुद को माफ करना सीखो ! जो हो गया, उसकी चिंता छोड़ दो Learn To Forgive Yourself, let go of what's done #sadhanpathwas prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
23 Views · 1 year ago

⁣राधा केलि कुँज में सामूहिक राधा नाम की गूँज और श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन 11/02/24 #vrindavanrasmahima #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg #premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath#vrindavan

Sadhan Path
23 Views · 1 year ago

गृहस्थ में भजन का सबसे सरल तरीका क्या है ? Easiest Way Of Devotion In Grihasth || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj - About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Marg
23 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 349 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 25-10-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - क्या करें जिससे मन पाप कर्मों और भोगों में ना जाये ?12:41 - कर्तव्य, कर्म, धर्म और पाप में किस आधार पर मतभेद करें ?18:48 - दूसरों के कष्ट, पीड़ा देखकर मदद न कर पाने पर काफी दुखी हो जाती हूँ !34:00 - America से आये Foreigners को महाराज जी ने वृंदावन का क्या रहस्य बताया ?43:12 - एकांतिक दर्शन Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
23 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2024 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
23 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2024 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
23 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2024 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Satsang Marg
23 Views · 1 year ago

Follow Celibacy (Brahmacharya) For Healthy Married Life #fitness #viral #celibacy #bhajanmarg #bhajanmargenglish #motivation Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
23 Views · 1 year ago

#bhajanmarg #bhajanmargenglish #genderequality #womenempowerment Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
23 Views · 1 year ago

इसका हिन्दी अनुवाद सुनें: https://youtu.be/VWbdr7X4DsM?s....i=_RBV1AZ08U3gxgKLBh Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
22 Views · 9 months ago

⁣भव्य कुंज में श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन और मधुर राधा नाम कीर्तन // 17/05/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
22 Views · 9 months ago

पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 13-05-24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
22 Views · 10 months ago

| गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी का चरित्र | खालसा पंथ की स्थापना | पंज प्यारे कौन थे ? | अमृतमयी वाणी #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Bhajan Marg english
22 Views · 10 months ago

An interactive discussion on Masturbation. Our kids and young generation fare getting wrong information from movies, mobiles, even some doctors. Learn the truths about Masturbation and hear experiences these people went through. #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
22 Views · 10 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 222 से 225

Vrindavan Ras mahima
22 Views · 10 months ago

श्रीजी का मनोरम वन विहार , झूलन और नौका-विहार की कुछ झाँकियाँ // 16/04/24#shrihitradhakripa #bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
22 Views · 10 months ago

⁣निष्ठा का परिचय जानिये / दादूजी द्वारा नाम महिमा वर्णन / मल विक्षेप आवरण का नाश कैसे हो ?// 20/04/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
22 Views · 10 months ago

⁣ऐसा श्री जी का अद्भुत वन विहार , झूलन और नौका-विहार की हृदय आनंदित हो उठे // 12/04/24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
22 Views · 11 months ago

⁣आप बस इस बात पर विश्वास कर लीजिए // Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj // 09/04/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
22 Views · 11 months ago

जानिये इन कमियों के कारण भक्त को भगवद् साक्षात्कार नहीं होता / Shri Premanand Ji Maharaj // 06/04/24 Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
22 Views · 11 months ago

⁣3 टिप्स - खाना खाने का सही तरीका, कैसा खाएं और कितना खाएं || 3 tips - the right way to eat food | सफलता के लिए ये एक गुण बहुत जरूरी है ! सफलता का गुप्त नियम || This is very important for success || About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajTime Stamp :00:00 - Intro : 3 tips - the right way to eat food ( Upcoming In the video ) 00:24 - Be very careful with your food! Food purifies or impures our thoughts for 24 hours05:01 - When food is received as Prasad offered to God, then that Prasad will reveal the feeling of God in our heart and will increase the devotion.08:17 - While having food, do not look at any picture or think about anything that is not beneficial. Using mobile phone while eating food does not allow bhajan to be done.12:43 - One who chants the name should not think about how his past sins will be destroyed.16:11 - The name of God is like the sun for the darkness of ignorance.20:54 - If you follow religion even after these problems then ultimate welfare is certain.24:55 - If happiness, comfort, wealth, property, respect and honor were found in following religion, then we would have seen a group of righteous souls.28:28 - The greatest religion is to desire the attainment of God-----------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-----#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
22 Views · 11 months ago

⁣वृंदावन के कुंड, सरोवर, लता की महिमा / चैतन्य महाप्रभु द्वारा नौराजी का उद्धार , निंदा सहने की महिमा #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
22 Views · 11 months ago

⁣श्रीजी का मनोरम श्रृंगार दर्शन और मन लुभाने वाला राधा नाम कीर्तन // 24/03/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
22 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 22-03-24

Bhajan Marg english
22 Views · 11 months ago

⁣Rayvanny African Singer Asked, 'Other Artists are Jealous of Me. What to do ? #bhajanmargenglish Discover how to deal with jealousy from other artists, as discussed by Rayvanny, the African singer, in our latest video. 🌟🎶 Explore spiritual and practical insights from Vedas and scriptures for spiritual growth, overall well-being, and success in navigating such challenges. Join us in this enlightening discussion on handling jealousy with grace and wisdom. #rayvanny #jealousy #spiritualwisdom 🙏 #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
22 Views · 1 year ago

भाग्य को कोसने वाले इस कहानी को जरूर सुनें ! Those cursing fate must listen to this story || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:00 - Intro01:14 - We will all be tested for loyalty once02:35 - Those cursing fate must listen to this story. (story of the King Harishchandra In brief)16:10 - Even if you lose everything, you should not lose your loyalty, this is what leads to success.19:11 - If you don't understand now then gradually sorrow, unrest and pain will increase in your life.21:19 - Story of Arjun and Urvashi.24:26 - why does god test us27:04 - If you give importance to God in your life then this will start happening29:26 - God likes such devotees very much -----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
22 Views · 1 year ago

⁣भाव भरी आर्त पुकार - जेहि विधि तोहि अति प्यारी लागौं 12/02/24 #shrihitradhakrip #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Bhajan Marg
22 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 417 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 01-01-2024 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - "नाम जप करना कठिन है , करके बचाना कठिन है और बचा के पचाना कठिन है " इसका अभिप्राय क्या है ?05:06 - क्या बिना कामना के भक्ति और प्रेम संभव है ?16:24 - सुख और दुःख में भगवान का निरंतर स्मरण कैसे करें ?22:27 - आध्यात्मिक दृष्टि से आदर्श व्यापार की सही दिशा क्या है ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
22 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 359 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 04-11-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - असफलताओं में मन विचलित हो जाता है क्या करूँ ?13:14 - अपने मन की इच्छाओं को आपकी इच्छाओं में कैसे लीन करें ?20:05 - मेरे आराध्यदेव कालभैरव हैं, लोगों बीच उनके प्रति दुर्भावना है, क्या करूँ ?25:34 - किन लक्षणों से पहचाना जा सकता है की ये भगवद् प्राप्त है ?41:17 - जो पाप भी करते हैं और थोड़ा नामजप भी कर लेते हैं ,तो उनके साथ क्या होगा ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
22 Views · 1 year ago

#iskcon #prabhupada #vrindavan #mayapur @BhajanMarg @ISKCONVrndavan Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
22 Views · 1 year ago

How to #control #anger @bhajanmarg #english @SadhanPath Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
21 Views · 9 months ago

⁣बस विश्वास कीजिये , प्रतिदिन इस पाठ से आपको जो चाहिये सब मिल जायेगा ! #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Bhajan Marg english
21 Views · 10 months ago

⁣Banke Bihari ji's mercy on Maharajji #bhajanmargenglish | Maharaj ji's first darshan of Bihari Ji - hear about how Banke Bihari ji showered his mercy on Maharaj ji.Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham For More Video of Satsang and Ekantik Vaartalaap of Pujya Maharaji's :-For English translation:Bhajan marg English : #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
21 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा "राधा प्यारी तेरे नैंन सलोल" पद एवं मनमोहक झूलन दर्शन // 04/05/24

Sadhan Path
21 Views · 10 months ago

ज्यादा चिंता करने वाले, हर समय सोचने वाले इसे जरूर सुनें ! Those who worry a lot and think all the time must listen to this. | Sri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj00:00 - Intro chinta (Upcoming in the video...)00:52 - One who accepts God as his own, all his ties become loose and he becomes carefree.03:58 - If you don't have peace of mind then you say with your mouth that Shyama is ours but inside you have kept your false relations intact.09:23 - Who suffers from despair? The one who has the only connection with God13:25 - When the saint destroyed the ego of the great emperor Sikandar 19:30 - Narad ji asked the Lord why he did not allow him to marry the princess.23:00 - God does not give us things which are not good for us.27:06 - As long as we remain engaged in worldly matters, we will not be able to realize the Lord sitting within us.29:51 - Those who work only for themselves get misery-----------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.----------#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Marg english
21 Views · 10 months ago

One should have a proper spiritual mood in Vrindavan. Learn how even the dogs and other animals of Vrindavan are divine. EkantikVartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
21 Views · 10 months ago

⁣रस सिद्धांत के अद्भुत रसिक श्री बिहारिन देव जी का चरित्र Ep-16 | Rasik Ananya Mukutmani Shri Biharin Dev Ji Maharaj | रसिक अनन्य मुकुटमणि श्री बिहारिन देव जी महाराज का चरित्र Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
21 Views · 10 months ago

⁣मानसिक व्रत के बिना कायिक व्रत का विशेष महत्त्व नहीं/ 8 पुष्पों की पूजा से भगवान ज़रूर प्रसन्न होंगे #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
21 Views · 10 months ago

जीवन में विपत्ति, रोग शारीरिक कष्ट बनी रहती है तो ये ध्यान से सुनना ! If adversity, disease or physical pain persists in life, then listen carefully | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp :00:00 - Intro : If adversity, disease or physical pain persists in life, then listen carefully.( Upcoming In the video )00:12 - We would not have been able to atone for the sins of infinite births if we had not received the shelter of God.02:01 - In every calamity there is a hidden blessing of God.03:25 - Context - When a devotee was killed by 90 people together06:04 - Context - Pratap Rai ji10:00 - If you surrender yourself only at the feet of God, he will take care of everything else himself.13:23 - Context - Respected Shri Sanatan Goswami Ji16:27 - Context - His Excellency Shri Pandit Baba Ji Maharaj21:31 - Why is sorrow the result of bhajan?24:07 - If we have consciousness then our movement should be only in the name of Radha.---About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
21 Views · 11 months ago

श्रीजी का मनोरम श्रृंगार दर्शन और मन लुभाने वाला राधा नाम कीर्तन // 06/04/24

Sadhan Path
21 Views · 11 months ago

शरीर के अंदर की शक्ति जागृत और बढ़ाने का सबसे साराल उपाय ! awaken the power inside the body. | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | ---------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
21 Views · 11 months ago

⁣भगवद् आनंद प्रदान करने वाले सूत्र / सिद्ध पुरुष की स्थिति // 03/04/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
21 Views · 11 months ago

⁣इस बात को मान कर चलने वाले नाम जापक को कोई भी परास्त नहीं कर सकता // 01/04/2024 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
21 Views · 11 months ago

⁣ठा. राधा मोहन जू को पद सुनाते हुए पूज्य महाराज जी के अद्भुत दर्शन // 27/03/24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
21 Views · 11 months ago

⁣गृहस्थ में ये सावधानी रखी तो भगवद् प्राप्ति निश्चित // चैतन्य महाप्रभु द्वारा सनातन जी को गूढ़ उपदेश #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan

Vrindavan Ras mahima
21 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा "अति ही अरुण तेरे नैन नलिन री" पद एवं मनमोहक झूलन दर्शन 21/03/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
21 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती 19-03-24 #shrihitradhakripa

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
21 Views · 11 months ago

होली के रंग , श्यामा श्याम के संग | वृंदावन की होली | ब्रज की होली | बरसाना की होली | HOLI 2024Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan

Sadhan Path
21 Views · 11 months ago

नहाने के तुरंत बाद ये एक काम जरूर करो !फिर देखो चमत्कार |Do this one thing immediately after bathing | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:00 - Intro00:43 - Do this one thing immediately after bathing02:53 - Even Our lovable Priya Ju does this with enthusiasm.04:18 - These 3 things should always be with you07:09 - Lord Krishna Vrindavan leela10:09 - You must have Vrindavan Raj on your body 24 hours a day14:09 - To calm your mind, recite Hit 84 Ji daily. ( Importance of Acharya's grace )20:53 - Learn to remain silent, the biggest crime is caused by words.23:45 - In youth, the speed of speech becomes very loud, learn to control it.27:01 - Be very careful, stay far away from such people------------------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Marg english
21 Views · 12 months ago

⁣ART OF PARENTING l A CHILD GETS BODY BASED ON HIS KARMA OR OF PARENTS ?? @BhajanMarg @SadhanPath #vrindavan #parenting #radhakelikunj #ekantikvartalap #sadhanpath #karma Unveil the mysteries of parenting with a spiritual perspective in our latest video! 👶🌟 Explore the profound question: Does a child's body result from their own karma or that of their parents? 🤔 Delve into spiritual and practical insights from Vedas and scriptures for spiritual growth, overall well-being, and success in parenting. 📖🕊️ #parenting #karma #spiritualwisdom 🙏💖@BhajanMarg @English_BhajanMarg @SadhanPath @ShriHitRadhaKripa Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan DhamGoogle Map Link: https://goo.gl/maps/nZYKt1sJaMyCVRNS7For More Video of Satsang and Ekantik Vaartalaap of Pujya Maharaji's :-For English translation:Bhajan marg English : #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
21 Views · 12 months ago

ध्यान का सबसे शक्तिशाली रूप || MOST POWERFUL FORM OF MEDITATION || #sadhanpath भजन का पहला अनुभव || ध्यान का पहला अनुभव कैसे होगा || Pain in your brain while meditating? || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:00 - Your mind will never be at peace until you leave it.03:23 - Listen Carefully ! never make anyone serve you06:16 - God gives us everything we need to live life without any demands.09:16 - Simple solution to destroy old Destiny12:13 - Just do this one small thing and all your worries will end.14:11 - Don't listen to anyone's criticism even by mistake17:34 - Never share your inner feelings with anyone23:34 - As soon as you do this one thing, God will take control of your life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Social Media :Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/vrin....davanrasmahima/Faceb : https://www.facebook.com/srihi....tpremanandjimaharaj- :#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
21 Views · 12 months ago

भजन का पहला अनुभव || ध्यान का पहला अनुभव कैसे होगा || Pain in your brain while meditating? || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:00 - Your mind will never be at peace until you leave it.03:23 - Listen Carefully ! never make anyone serve you06:16 - God gives us everything we need to live life without any demands.09:16 - Simple solution to destroy old Destiny12:13 - Just do this one small thing and all your worries will end.14:11 - Don't listen to anyone's criticism even by mistake17:34 - Never share your inner feelings with anyone23:34 - As soon as you do this one thing, God will take control of your life. ---------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
21 Views · 12 months ago

सफ़लता के सूत्र || सफलता के लिए ये बात बहुत जरूरी है || What is the mantra to be successful || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj ---About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life. #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Marg english
21 Views · 12 months ago

⁣MADNESS OF LUSTY DESIRES l A MUST WATCH #lust #desire #bhajanmargenglish #vrindavan #ekantikvartalap #hitpremanandji #lust #vrindavan #bramhacharya Dive deep into understanding the madness of lusty desires with our enlightening video. 🌊💔 Explore spiritual and practical insights from Vedas and scriptures to transcend these desires for overall growth and success. 📚🙏 This is a must-watch for anyone seeking to navigate life's temptations with wisdom. #lust #desire #spiritualgrowth 🌟🔥🕊️@BhajanMarg @English_BhajanMarg @SadhanPath @ShriHitRadhaKripa Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
21 Views · 12 months ago

⁣जानिये नामजप कितने समय में सिद्ध होता है ? कौन-कौन सी सावधानियाँ नामजप में रखनी चाहिये 24/02/24(⁣Know how much time does chanting the name take to be accomplished? What precautions should be taken while chanting the name?) ⁣jaaniye naamajap kitane samay mein siddh hota hai ? kaun-kaun see saavadhaaniyaan naamajap mein rakhanee chaahiye #shrihitradhakripa #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Bhajan Marg
21 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 404 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 19-12-2023 #ekantikvartalap Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
21 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 346 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 22-10-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - जो मैं चाहता हूँ, क्या नाम जप से हो जाएगा ?05:46 - क्या साधना की सुदृढ़ता के लिए नाम जप के साथ संकल्प का उपयोग करना सही है ?12:50 - महाराज जी नौकरी व्यापार में जाम जप नही हो पाता ?18:15 - बाबा हमारे अपराधों का दंड मत देना !!20:46 - मीरा चरित्र की लेखिका पूज्या सौभाग्य कुँवरी राणावत जी से महाराज जी की क्या वार्तालाप हुई ??32:20 - मैंने हस्तमैथुन के कारण महापाप कर दिया, मुझे बचा लो !!! 54:56 - एकांतिक दर्शन Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
21 Views · 1 year ago

premanand ji maharaj
premanand ji maharaj ke pravachan
premanand ji maharaj short video
premanand ji maharaj vrindavan
premanand ji maharaj satsang
premanand ji maharaj ki katha
premanand ji maharaj bhakt charitra
motivational video
motivational speech

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |

Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023

#vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Satsang Marg
21 Views · 1 year ago

@BhajanMarg @SadhanPath @ShriHitRadhaKripa Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
21 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
20 Views · 8 months ago

कुछ भी बोलने से पहले एक बार सोच लेना वर्ना बाद में पछताना पड़ेगा || Sadhan Path-------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
20 Views · 9 months ago

इसके बाद डर के जिना छोड़ दोगे ! डर के आगे जीत है ! After this you will leave your life in fear! Victory is beyond fear || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |

premanand ji maharaj
premanand ji maharaj ke pravachan
premanand ji maharaj short video
premanand ji maharaj vrindavan
premanand ji maharaj satsang
premanand ji maharaj ki katha
premanand ji maharaj bhakt charitra
motivational video
motivational speech

Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023

#vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
20 Views · 9 months ago

⁣7-7 दिन-रात तक एक-एक पद में डूबे रहने वाले श्री हित नेही नागरी दास जी का जीवन परिचय Ep-36 | ऐसी स्थिति की 7-7 दिन-रात तक एक-एक पद में डूबे रहने वाले श्री हित नेही नागरी दास जी का जीवन परिचय , जिनके यहाँ सिंह , साँप आदि भी सत्संग का आनंद लेते थेSatsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
20 Views · 9 months ago

⁣जानिये कहीं ऐसे आचरणों से तुम्हारा जीवन निरर्थक तो नहीं हो रहा // श्री शुकदेव जी के परम पावन उपदेश Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
20 Views · 10 months ago

⁣हितोत्सव की मंगल बधाई , प्रेम की पीर - पद 300 से 302

Vrindavan Ras mahima
20 Views · 10 months ago

⁣हितोत्सव की मंगल बधाई , प्रेम की पीर - पद 292 से 295

Vrindavan Ras mahima
20 Views · 10 months ago

⁣हितोत्सव की मंगल बधाई , प्रेम की पीर - पद 288 से 290

Sadhan Path
20 Views · 10 months ago

इस 9 में कोई एक कर लो, पक्का सिद्ध हो जाओगे || Do any one of these 9, you will surely prove yourself. || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |00:00 - Intro nvdha bhakti (Upcoming in the video...)00:10 - When Ram ji came to meet Shabari ji03:35 - Lord Ram ji says that I believe in only one- devotion.09:06 - When Ram ji told how he becomes subordinate to the devotee? How the devotees are very dear to him14:12 - The joy of being in the company of a saint comes only when we give up arbitrary behavior.18:55 - The fourth devotion is to sing the praises of the Lord but after renouncing the kapat.24:05 - Chant the name and mantra given by your Guru with faith and believe that there is no one greater than this.29:06 - What is the nature of devotees?34:09 - In the eighth devotion, God is saying, live as I am making you live and never look at anyone's faults.37:10 - The one who starts devotion also makes mistakes but God forgives him. ----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
20 Views · 10 months ago

⁣महापापों से भी मुक्त कर देगा ये सरल उपाय || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | | अनंत जन्मों के भयानक पापों से बचने का सबसे अचूक तरीका | Way to avoid the Punishment Of terrible sins | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | Time Stamp:-00:00 - Intro00:36 - 4 things to avoid and 7 things to accept for a good life04:27 - God erases the terrible sins of past lives very easily.06:28 - Bear whatever is happening silently and don't listen to your mind.07:33 - Just as sin is a bond, virtue is also a bond.08:52 - The only way to avoid all Apradh12:10 - Rules For Sanyashi17:07 - When you will accept these 7 things your will change dramatically 21:45 - When You will surrender God himself take care of your life24:52 - Explanation Of Mira bai Pad and Prem Charcha31:05 - Pray this to God daily-- About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
20 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 14-04-24

Sadhan Path
20 Views · 10 months ago

⁣जनिए पैसों के 15 गुप्त दोष जो आपको बर्बाद कर देगा ! Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | | Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp :00:00 - Intro : ये कहानी उनके लिए जिन्हें कोई रास्ता नहीं दिख रहा ( Upcoming In the video )00:09 - If you want to be saved from the attack of Maya, then dedicate all your actions to God.04:51 - The one who worships the Lord with full devotion, the Lord takes his favor.07:20 - The nature of the living being has become such that one cannot take refuge in God until one is defeated.14:02 - Context- 'Kachcha ji' went to Lord Shukracharya, who was sitting in the assembly of demons, to become his disciple.27:21 - There is great power in celibacy39:51 - Without the grace of Guru, no ritual can be accomplished. The one who disobeys Gurudev after receiving knowledge from him goes to hell.58:05 - No one's fame remains, Maya washes away everything.1:00:48 -The churning of the ocean begins, all the gods and demons come together and start churning.1:07:49 - Don't be arrogant, you are not doing sadhana, God is making you do it.1:17:26 - Lord Shiva drank the entire Halahal poison for the welfare of the world.Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
20 Views · 11 months ago

करोड़ों जन्म साधना करते हुए भी ये एक ग़लती कोई लाभ नहीं होने देगी || Sadhan Path || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj--- About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
20 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 02-04-24

Sadhan Path
20 Views · 11 months ago

हर समय दुःखी और चिंतित रहने वाले लोगों 100% बदल जायेगा जीवन ||Must listen, who are worried all time || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajTime Stamp :00:00 - Intro 01:01 - It is the effect of Maya that we have forgotten our true form and our worshipable God.03:48 - Sadhana means that God's creation in the entire universe could not affect you.07:40 - Affection, anger, greed, attachment, pride, passion, hatred are the main defects of Maya. They will affect us only when we accept them.12:03 - The day the influence of the world will end, all the turmoil in the heart will end. you will get rest15:26 - Say Radhe Radhe on your behalf to anyone who hates you.19:10 - One who internally harbors hatred and condemnation towards others, his bhajan stops and he attains the ghostly form.-----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
20 Views · 11 months ago

नाम जप की ये शक्ति सुनकर आपके होश उड़ जाएंगें ! Amazing power of chanting name || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj-------Time Stamp :00:00 - Your senses will be blown away after hearing this power of chanting the name! ( Upcoming In the video )01:07 - Bhagwat form in everything. No obstacle that can't be defeated if the name is going on.05:15 - Even Yama is afraid of those from whose mouth comes the name Radha.09:18 - Spirituality is not for rational people, it is only for those who have faith and only they experience it.13:46 - Vedas, Puranas, every scripture tells that there is no one greater than God, if there is one, then that is the name.22:24 - Donation should be of that thing which seems best.28:09 - One whose intellect is pure does not care about the glory of the world.About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
20 Views · 11 months ago

6 संकेत जो बताते हैं की प्रभु आपके साथ हैं ! 6 signs that God is with you || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj---Time Stamp :00:00 - Intro - 6 signs that God is with you ( Upcoming In the video )01:25 - Now you belong to God, there will be no lack.04:08 - Everyone has to go at a fixed time, there is no way, not even a hymn, to avoid death.07:27 - God himself sits in the heart and washes away all the filth and sin.12:06 - The essence of everything – chanting the name. every victory will be achieved17:18 - This lust has enslaved us, who will listen to us? 22:25 - Whom does God love the most?25:57 - How is the heart of a person blessed by God?About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.----- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
20 Views · 11 months ago

⁣नंदगाँव की होली पर अद्भुत मस्ती ( फूलों की वर्षा ) // 19/03/2024 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg

Sadhan Path
20 Views · 11 months ago

इंद्रियों पर नियंत्रण करने का सबसे सरल उपाय || The simplest way to control our senses. मनुष्य के बर्बाद होने के 3 लक्षण, एक भी आपके अंदर है तो तुरंत सुनें || 3 signs of human destruction || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | ---------------------------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-------#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
20 Views · 11 months ago

8 POWERFUL TIPS FOR DAILY LIFE | 10 Simple Daily Tips to TRANSFORM Your Life Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
20 Views · 12 months ago

खुद से खामोश लड़ाई, ये सिख आपकी जिंदगी बदल देगी || This lesson will change your life|| Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:00 - You have to fight yourself, just like a brave warrior moves forward from the front, in the same way you have to move forward.03:27 - This is the true warrior of this path, who has dedicated his body, mind and soul.05:59 - Never Complain , whatever is happening is happening good09:42 - Why do most people fail in this path?12:47 - The easiest way to meet God15:26 - Say one prayer to God every day19:05 - Always thank God for this one thing ---About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life. #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
20 Views · 12 months ago

⁣बसंत के पद- जहाँ श्री हरिवंश रचें बसन्त, श्री बयालीस लीला- पद्यावली 35 से 36(⁣basant ke pad- jahaan shree harivansh rachen basant, shree bayaalees leela- padyaavalee 35 se 36) ⁣Verses of Basant- Jahan Shri Harivansh creates Basant, Shri Byalas Leela- Padyavali 35 to 36 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Bhajan Marg english
20 Views · 1 year ago

#womenempowerment #genderequality #abortion #vrindavan #hitpremanandji Empowerment of women and achieving gender equality between son & Daughters are essential in today's world. Watch This Video and Explore this crucial social issue with a spiritual perspective, shedding light on real-life situations and inspiring change. 🚺💪 Let's work together to create a more equitable and inclusive society. #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
20 Views · 1 year ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती 11-02-24 #vrindavanrasmahima #shrihitradhakripa #bhajanmarg #sadhanpath #vrindavan

Bhajan Marg
20 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
20 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 410 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 25-12-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - मैं बहुत ज्यादा परेशान हूँ, भगवान और भक्तों के प्रति दुष्टता का भाव आ जाता है, मैं क्या करूँ ?05:11 - मन वैराग्य चाह रहा है पर पति व्यभिचारी ना हो जाए इसलिए साथ देना हमे भक्ति से दूर तो नहीं कर देगा ?13:28 - अभी ऑस्ट्रेलिया मे रहते हैं, आपको सुनकर भारत आने का मन करता है पर इधर आकर मन इधर लग ही नहीं रहा !26:32 - जिंदगी एक मशीन की तरह हो गई है, कुछ समझ नहीं आ रहा क्या करूँ ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
20 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 376 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 21-11-2023 #ekantikvartalap 0:00 - घर की Problems & पारिवारिक जिम्मेदारियों की पूर्ति के लिए क्या भगवान से मनोकामना करना अनुचित है ?11:00 - मैं पहले एक काल्पनिक दुनिया में थी पर सत्संग सुनने के बाद पता चला की संसार झूठा है, यह बात स्वीकार करने घबराहट हो रही है । 17:17 - लीला चिंतन तो होता है पर नाम जप नहीं होता क्या करना चाहिए ?21:52 - सांख्य योग किसे कहते हैं ?28:27 - समाज सेवा की फ़ोटोज़ Social media पर upload करना सही है या गलत ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
20 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2024 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
20 Views · 1 year ago

Our youtube channels:- @BhajanMarg @ShriHitRadhaKripa @Gurukripakevalam @BhajanSaar @SadhanPath Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| For more satsang by " Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj #bhajanmarg #vrindavan #sadhanpath #vrindavanrasmahima #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #radhanamkirtan #bhakti #bhajan

Satsang Marg
20 Views · 1 year ago

#vrindavan #bhajanmarg #sadhanpath #radha #radhakrishna Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
20 Views · 1 year ago

इसका हिन्दी अनुवाद सुनें: https://youtu.be/VWbdr7X4DsM?s....i=_RBV1AZ08U3gxgKLBh Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
19 Views · 8 months ago

⁣जानिये राधा तत्व को और श्यामा श्याम की प्रेममयी दुर्लभ उपासना को // 12/06/2024 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
19 Views · 9 months ago

⁣गोपी गीत || Gopi Geet With Hindi Lyrics - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
19 Views · 9 months ago

⁣ये सुनलो - कभी रोना नहीं पड़ेगा || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | जो हमेशा चिंता करते हैं उनके लिए जरूरी बात || Important thing for those who always worry || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |---------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.----- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
19 Views · 10 months ago

| गोपाल सहस्त्रनाम : नित्य पाठ करने वालों की होगी सारी मनोकामना पूरी ! Sadhan Path---------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
19 Views · 10 months ago

⁣जिनसे कोई भजन-साधन, नहीं हो रहा वो वो सिर्फ ये अंतिम काम कर लो ! Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj | कभी चिंता मत करना, भगवान पर भरोसा बड़ा देगी ये कहानी ! Never worry, this story will increase your trust in God ||Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |00:00 - Intro स्वयं का अपमान होने पर ये एक काम जरूर करना ! (Upcoming in the video...)00:12 - Take the rule of dying in Vrindavan, this will make Radha Rani very happy.04:10 - If you leave your body here in Vrindavan then it will be a matter of infinite births.08:52 - Brother-in-law, Shri Narad ji, while describing the formula of love for devotion, says that this devotion illuminates love in a rare person.14:10 - There should be no lust in the path of love and devotion, otherwise it will trap you in trivial matters.17:46 - Just giving a speech does not bring welfare to the world. It is the saints who save us from the consequences of all the sins that are being committed in the world and who pray for everyone.23:45 - What is the identity of Maya? Whatever things make us forget the remembrance of God is Maya.28:55 - Offer each and every one of your sins at the feet of God.-------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
19 Views · 10 months ago

Ep-19 | Shri Narhari Dev Ji Maharaj | वृंदावन अनुरागी श्री नरहरि देव जी का चरित्र , उनके चमत्कार एवं उनकी रसमयी वाणी से प्रिया प्रीतम की लीलाओं का वर्णनSatsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
19 Views · 10 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 226 से 230

Vrindavan Ras mahima
19 Views · 10 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 208 से 211

Vrindavan Ras mahima
19 Views · 10 months ago

⁣मन लुभाने वाला श्री जी का अद्भुत वन विहार , झूलन और नौका-विहार // 14/04/24

Bhajan Marg english
19 Views · 11 months ago

Learn about the dark side of meat eating and its Karmic reactions and save yourself from the dire consequences. Lead a more mindful life that will benefit not only in this life but future births. Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg english
19 Views · 11 months ago

Maharaj ji discusses corruption and how it affects you, your family and your health if you take bribes or earn money by sinful means. Karmic reaction is unavoidable. #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
19 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा "वन की कुंजन कुंजन डोलन" पद गायन एवं मनमोहक झूलन दर्शन // 01/04/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
19 Views · 11 months ago

⁣भव्य कुंज में श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन और मधुर राधा नाम कीर्तन // 31/03/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
19 Views · 11 months ago

⁣जब राधा नाम कीर्तन में सभी भक्त झूम उठे और श्रीजी का सुंदर श्रृंगार दर्शन // 21/03/24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
19 Views · 12 months ago

⁣भजन करते हुए आनंद की प्राप्ति क्यों नहीं होती ? Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj 13/03/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
19 Views · 12 months ago

⁣ब्रज कौ दिन दुल्ह रंग भरयौ ( मानसरोवर होली उत्सव ) - 07/03/2024 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
19 Views · 12 months ago

⁣मन की तरंगों से बचकर ये निष्ठा हृदय में लायें इस पद्धति से 4 साल में भगवद् साक्षात्कार 27/02/24 #shrihitradhakripa #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
19 Views · 12 months ago

परेशान रहने वाले लोग : ये कहानी आपको शांत कर देगी || People who are worried must listen to this || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:00 - The most powerful people in the world are like this01:25 - Ultimate Way To Happiness. After this, You will not like any pleasure of this world 05:45 - Real Story, How Your Desires Kill You Inside Out.11:43 - Shri Gaukarn Ji advice to his father to attain god. ( How desire destroys us )13:55 - Signs of true happiness16:09 - Those who hurt others suffer great misfortune (there is still time to improve)19:02 - Such people are very unfortunate23:56 - Recognize your inner strength and follow the right path27:34 - If you donate ill-gotten money, it will be a big disaster. ----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Marg english
19 Views · 1 year ago

GURU TEGBAHADUR JI & KASMIRI PANDITS #bhajanmargenglish Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
19 Views · 1 year ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती 16-02-24 #vrindavanrasmahima#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Bhajan Saar
19 Views · 1 year ago

⁣सम्पूर्ण विघ्न, दुख, शोक दूर करने के लिए तेरे को कोई प्रयास नहीं करना पड़ेगा (एक बात मानलो बस) #bhajansaar Epic collection of effective, inspirational and motivating Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan ji Maharaj which will help to advance in the Spiritual Path clearing your Doubts and Confusions.From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospice , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#sadhanpath#VrindavanRasMahima​#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#satsang​#vrindavan#bhakti #satsang #devotion #stories #devotional #bhajan #radharani #motivational #ram #premanandmaharaj #facebookpost #story #facebookpage #radha #krishna premanand maharajpremanand maharaj bhajanpremanand maharaj satsangpremanand maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharajpremanand ji maharaj bhajanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj ka satsangpremanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj radha naam kirtanbhajan marg motivationpremanand ji maharaj pravachanekantik vartalaapekantik vartalap premanand ji

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
19 Views · 1 year ago

Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand वृंदावन का अद्भुत नजारा #shrihitradhakripa #satsang #satsangmarg Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Bhajan Marg
19 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 422 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 06-01-2024 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - क्या जितना हमारे पास पैंसा है उतने में संतुष्ट हो जाना चाहिए या और कमाना चाहिए ?05:48 - आजकल Joint Family की प्रथा लुप्त हो गई है और बड़े बुजुर्गों को वृद्धाश्रम भेज दिया जा रहा है , ऐसे में क्या करें ?18:13 - द्वादश अक्षर मंत्र का जप कर सकते हैं क्या ?29:01 - अगर मेरे साथ सब अच्छा ही अच्छा हो रहा है तो क्या इसका मतलब मेरे पुण्य तो खत्म नहीं हो रहे हैं ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
19 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 418 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 02-01-2024 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - क्या बिना दान पुण्य के भगवत प्राप्ति हो सकती है ?06:20 - भगवान श्री गीता जी में कहते हैं कि सब धर्मों को त्याग कर मेरी शरण मे आ जाओ मैं तुम्हें सब पापों से मुक्त कर दूंगा, यहाँ सब धर्मों को त्यागने का क्या अर्थ है ?11:34 - लोग कहते हैं की Traffic light में बच्चों आदि को धन दान में देना गलत है !13:19 - क्या पूजा सामग्री आदि को मिट्टी खोद कर डालना सही है ?14:56 - हरि की प्राप्ति कब और कैसे होगी ?20:02 - भगवत कृपा से बड़े-बड़े महापुरुषों का संग हुआ पर नाम दीक्षा नही ले पाया तो क्या सिर्फ सेवा से मेरा कल्याण हो सकता है ?29:35 - सृष्टि का सृजन और विसृजन का मूल कारण क्या है ?35:55 - माता-पिता नही रहे तो क्या मेरा छोटे भाई-बहन के प्रति मेरा मोह भगवत प्राप्ति मे बाधा है ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
19 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 409 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 24-12-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - दूसरों की सेवा आदि कर्मों मे विश्वास रखें या पूजा में ?02:48 - सारे दिन लड्डू गोपाल की सेवा की चिंता रहती है क्या ये सही है ?03:55 - हमारे पति Non-Veg का सेवन करते हैं तो क्या हमे उसे उनके लिए बनाना चाहिए या नहीं ?05:44 - नाम जप और ध्यान में क्या अंतर है और क्या समानता है ?15:09 - संसार और परमात्मा का अलग-अलग बोध हो गया है, परिवार वालों को मोह माया में परेशान देख अच्छा नहीं लगता !23:49 - अधर्मी को Court case जीताने से पाप लगेगा क्या ?29:40 - आध्यात्मिक और सामाजिक जीवन की उन्नति कैसे प्राप्त करूँ ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
19 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |

premanand ji maharaj
premanand ji maharaj ke pravachan
premanand ji maharaj short video
premanand ji maharaj vrindavan
premanand ji maharaj satsang
premanand ji maharaj ki katha
premanand ji maharaj bhakt charitra
motivational video
motivational speech

Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023

#vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
19 Views · 1 year ago

Our youtube channels:- @BhajanMarg @ShriHitRadhaKripa @Gurukripakevalam @BhajanSaar @SadhanPath Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| For more satsang by " Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj #bhajanmarg #vrindavan #sadhanpath #vrindavanrasmahima #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #radhanamkirtan #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
19 Views · 1 year ago

.पूज्य महाराज जी के इस सत्संग में आप जानेंगें की समय का कद्र करना क्यों जरूरी है, भगवान का नाम किन कारणों से छूट जाता है एवं गृहस्थ जीवन में भजन में आने वाली समस्यों से कैसे बचें || Our youtube channels:- @BhajanMarg @ShriHitRadhaKripa @Gurukripakevalam @BhajanSaar @SadhanPath Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023For more satsang by " Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj #bhajanmarg #vrindavan #sadhanpath #vrindavanrasmahima #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #radhanamkirtan #bhakti #bhajan

Bhajan Marg
19 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 402 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 17-12-2023 #ekantikvartalap00:00 - ऐसा क्या करें कि जीवन के अंत समय में मैं किसी पर बोझ न बनूँ ?12:53 - किसी में भी अच्छा दिखने पर मत्सरता हो जाती है !31:19 - पत्नी की Delivery के समय बच्चा मृत पाया गया क्या इसमें भी मेरा कोई मंगल था या मेरा प्रारब्ध था ?40:56 - आये हुए निहंग सिख जनों से रसमयी अध्यात्म चर्चा ! Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg english
19 Views · 1 year ago

DON'T COME TO VRINDAVAN UNTILL l SUCH PEOPLE MUST STAY AWAY #vrindavan #spirituality #english @BhajanMarg @SadhanPath @Hitradhakripa Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
19 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
18 Views · 8 months ago

सुनो कैसे होता है प्रभु के रहस्य का ज्ञान , प्रभु का दर्शन , प्रभु का प्रेम तत्व // 14/06/2024Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
18 Views · 9 months ago

⁣सावधान होकर इस बात को सुनिये और समझिये और अपने को दुर्गति से बचाइये // 09/06/2024 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
18 Views · 9 months ago

⁣किसी समस्या का हल न मिल रहा हो तो ये पाठ जरूर करें मिलेगा 100% लाभ // 06/06/24 (श्रीराधा कृपा कटाक्ष स्त्रोत्र व श्री कृष्णाष्टकम्) #shrihitradhakripa #bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Vrindavan Ras mahima
18 Views · 9 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 388 से 391

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
18 Views · 9 months ago

इस काम शत्रु से बचने का उपाय / सारी चिंताओं को भस्म कर देने वाली बात / महाराष्ट्र के महान सन्तों की नाम गर्जनाSatsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
18 Views · 9 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 28-05-24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
18 Views · 9 months ago

⁣राधा केलि कुंज में मन लुभाने वाला राधा नाम कीर्तन // 25/05/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
18 Views · 9 months ago

⁣राधानाम की अद्भुत आनंद वर्षा एवं श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन // 20/05/2024

Sadhan Path
18 Views · 9 months ago

⁣सिर्फ 1 महीने ये 6 काम कर लो, फिर देखो चमत्कार || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | बस एक बार भगवान से कुछ मत मांगो - भगवान आपकी चिंता करेंगे || Don't ask God for anything just once - God will take care of you. || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba---------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.----#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
18 Views · 9 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 20-05-24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
18 Views · 9 months ago

⁣हितोत्सव की मंगल बधाई - आबहु ललिता आजु बधाई गाईये !

Sadhan Path
18 Views · 9 months ago

माँ चाहे तो कुछ भी कर सकती है || Mother's Day Special By Sri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--------:#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
18 Views · 10 months ago

⁣हितोत्सव की मंगल बधाई , प्रेम की पीर - पद 296 से 299

Bhajan Marg english
18 Views · 10 months ago

Youth from Pakistan visit Maharaj ji and share the challenge they are facing in their spiritual life there. Hear Maharaj ji's instructions on how to overcome these challenges. Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
18 Views · 10 months ago

⁣हितोत्सव की मंगल बधाई , प्रेम की पीर - पद 281 से 282

Vrindavan Ras mahima
18 Views · 10 months ago

⁣आनंद प्रदान करने वाला कीर्तन और ठा. राधामोहन जू महाराज के अद्भुत श्रृंगार दर्शन // 30/04/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
18 Views · 10 months ago

⁣हितोत्सव की मंगल बधाई , प्रेम की पीर - पद 258 से 261

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
18 Views · 10 months ago

Ep-10 | Pujya Shri Guru Arjun Dev Ji | श्री गुरु अर्जुन देव जी के जीवन का बलिदान , समर्पण पढ़ते हुए भावुक हो गये पूज्य महाराज ( भक्त चरित्र )Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
18 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 25-04-24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
18 Views · 10 months ago

⁣राधा केलि कुंज में श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन एवं भावमय राधा नाम कीर्तन // 24/04/2024

Bhajan Marg english
18 Views · 10 months ago

Discover ... Why do we chant the Radha Name? Will Krishna also be pleased by chanting Radha Name? What happens by chanting Radha Name? Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
18 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 24-04-24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
18 Views · 10 months ago

⁣क्या गूढ़ बात कही !!! मान लोगे तो निहाल हो जाओगे / Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj // 14/04/2024 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
18 Views · 10 months ago

शनि के साढ़े साति या किसी भी ग्रह के प्रकोप से बचने का सबसे सरल उपाय ! Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-- bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
18 Views · 10 months ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp :00:00 - Intro : ये कहानी उनके लिए जिन्हें कोई रास्ता नहीं दिख रहा ( Upcoming In the video )00:09 - If you want to be saved from the attack of Maya, then dedicate all your actions to God.04:51 - The one who worships the Lord with full devotion, the Lord takes his favor.07:20 - The nature of the living being has become such that one cannot take refuge in God until one is defeated.14:02 - Context- 'Kachcha ji' went to Lord Shukracharya, who was sitting in the assembly of demons, to become his disciple.27:21 - There is great power in celibacy39:51 - Without the grace of Guru, no ritual can be accomplished. The one who disobeys Gurudev after receiving knowledge from him goes to hell.58:05 - No one's fame remains, Maya washes away everything.1:00:48 -The churning of the ocean begins, all the gods and demons come together and start churning.1:07:49 - Don't be arrogant, you are not doing sadhana, God is making you do it.1:17:26 - Lord Shiva drank the entire Halahal poison for the welfare of the world.Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Bhajan Marg english
18 Views · 11 months ago

⁣Is Guru a Must for attaining God? Question by a UK Psychiatrist and other doctors on whether a Guru is a must for God realization.Hindi #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
18 Views · 11 months ago

⁣किसी भी हाल में उम्मीद मत छोड़ना ! जीत जाओगे | Do not lose hope under any circumstances! you will win | सफलता के लिए ये एक गुण बहुत जरूरी है ! सफलता का गुप्त नियम || This is very important for success || About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajTime Stamp :00:00 - Intro : It will happen by doing, not by thinking.( Upcoming In the video ) 00:30 - How does the path of God and the path of the world looks from a distance and how it actually is?04:20 - If attachment is left from the body then one is a traveler of God. If attachment is not left then one is a traveler of the world.08:20 - Wherever a miracle has occurred, it has happened due to sincerity.11:40 - Just as day and night come and go, happiness and sorrow too is the cycle of of nature.15:06 - Whom to love? Love is given to the one who stays with us forever, who knows our thoughts. Who is that?18:44 - After attaining the human body, we feel that once we become like this, we will be happy.21:58 - Whoever you identify with, you will get nothing but sorrow.---------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.----#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
18 Views · 11 months ago

राधा रानी के प्रति ये अपराध भूल से भी मत करना, वरना..|| Don't commit this against Radha Rani. | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
18 Views · 11 months ago

⁣धन , पुत्र , मकान आदि की प्राप्ति का सुलभ उपाय / सब कुछ सहने की सामर्थ्य देने वाला नाम // 02/04/2024 Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
18 Views · 11 months ago

पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा "तेरे नैन करत दोऊ चारी" पद गायन एवं मनमोहक झूलन दर्शन // 26/03/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
18 Views · 11 months ago

पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 26-03-24

Bhajan Marg english
18 Views · 11 months ago

⁣Sacred but Polluted Rivers Ways to deal with water pollution. Read about the efforts that are required to make these efforts successful and what we all can do to help to make our sacred rivers pollution free now and for generations #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
18 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 20-03-24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
18 Views · 11 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 76 से 78

Bhajan Marg english
18 Views · 11 months ago

⁣KNOW WHO IS TRUE MOTHER, FATHER, FRIEND & GURU #bhajanmargenglish Explore the profound meaning of true mother, father, friend, and guru in our latest spiritual video. 🌟🙏 Delve into spiritual insights that guide us towards spiritual growth, overall well-being, and success in understanding these divine relationships. Join us in this enlightening journey of realization and understanding. #truerelationships #spiritualwisdom 🕊️💖@BhajanMarg @English_BhajanMarg @SadhanPath @Gurukripakevalam#ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
18 Views · 11 months ago

⁣नंदगाँव के बृजवासी ने श्रीजी के श्रृंगार दर्शन में दिखाई अपनी नृत्य कला और अद्भुत कीर्तन // 16/03/24 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg
#vrindavan ⁣#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
18 Views · 12 months ago

⁣ऐसा राधा नाम कीर्तन की पूज्य महाराज जी भी झूम उठे और श्रीजी का भव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन 27/02/24 #vrindavanrasmahima #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath#vrindavan

Bhajan Marg
18 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 415 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 30-12-2023 00:00 - खुद की कमियों को कैसे दूर करें ?13:42 - इच्छा और अहंकार का नाश कैसे होगा ?24:16 - गौशाला मे दूध निकालना सही है या नहीं ? 28:23 - पत्नि कहती है तुम पर किसी ने मंत्र फ़ूक दिया है !!31:08 - भजन में निरंतरता क्यों नहीं आती ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
18 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 394 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 09-12-2023 #ekantikvartalap Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
18 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 30-11-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - ब्रह्मचर्य रहने के लिए मुझे किन-किन बातों का ध्यान रखना पड़ेगा ?13:25 - दैन्यता कैसे आए ?37:04 - इन लक्षणों के आते ही आपको भगवान मिल जाएंगे ! 45:15 - क्या शहीद हुए जवान अपनी आयु पूरी होने पर शरीर छोड़ते हैं या फिर यह अकाल मृत्यु है ??Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
18 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 374 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 19-11-2023 #ekantikvartalaap 0:00 - कोई बार-बार अपमानित करे, चीखे-चिल्लाए, क्रोध करे, अपने आप को कैसे बचाएं ?16:07 - मेरा काम Research और Development है, भक्ति भाव कैसे समझें ?31:57 - किस चीज का ध्यान रखें की श्रीजी अलावा किसी और का आश्रय ना होने पावे ?34:57 - 80kg की रामायण के दर्शन !!39:08 - क्या किसी की दुआ और बद्दुआ हमें लग सकती है ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
18 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 368 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 13-11-2023 #ekantikvartalap Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
18 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2024 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
18 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2024 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
18 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |

premanand ji maharaj
premanand ji maharaj ke pravachan
premanand ji maharaj short video
premanand ji maharaj vrindavan
premanand ji maharaj satsang
premanand ji maharaj ki katha
premanand ji maharaj bhakt charitra
motivational video
motivational speech

Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023

#vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Satsang Marg
18 Views · 1 year ago

DO THIS : TO ATTAIN GOD #bhajanmarg #bhajanmargenglish #english #vrindavan @BhajanMarg @SadhanPath @ShriHitRadhaKripa Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
17 Views · 9 months ago

तुम सिर्फ शुरू करो ! जीत आपकी ही होगी || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj---------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
17 Views · 9 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 379 से 381

Vrindavan Ras mahima
17 Views · 9 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी संग अद्भुत श्रृंगार दर्शन एवं आनंद प्रदान करने वाला कीर्तन // 27/05/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
17 Views · 9 months ago

⁣ठा. राधामोहन जू को रिझाते हुए पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा पद गायन // 25/05/24

Sadhan Path
17 Views · 9 months ago

⁣ये होने लगे तो समझना भगवान मिलने ही वाले हैं || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-------

Sadhan Path
17 Views · 9 months ago

⁣ऐसे लोगों की खुद भगवान चिंता करते हैं - ध्यान से सुनना | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | बस एक बार भगवान से कुछ मत मांगो - भगवान आपकी चिंता करेंगे || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj-------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-- :#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
17 Views · 9 months ago

जब जीवन में प्रतिकूलता, कठिनाई घेर ले - उस समय बस ये करना ! When adversity and difficulty surround you in life, just do this || Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj | ----------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
17 Views · 9 months ago

शांत रहकर अपने अंदर देखो, सबसे आगे निकल जाओगे ! Stay calm and look within yourself, you will come out ahead. || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |--------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--:#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
17 Views · 9 months ago

राधा केलि कुंज में श्रीजी का मनोहर श्रृंगार दर्शन और रसमय राधा नाम कीर्तन // 15/5/2024

Sadhan Path
17 Views · 9 months ago

ये सबसे गुप्त और अंतिम बात है ! कोई कोई ही समझ पाएगा || This is the most secret and last thing! only someone will understand || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj-----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--------#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Marg english
17 Views · 10 months ago

⁣Destiny vs Karma - what is the Truth? #bhajanmargenglish | God instructs us to do Karma but it is also said that things are destined, then what is the truth? is there a contradiction? Maharaj ji clarifies this with a beautiful example from Lord Ram's pastime involving Lord Shiva and Sati ji. bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg english
17 Views · 10 months ago

⁣Miraculous Vrindavan- it frees you from Maya! #bhajanmargenglish | Vrindavan has a miraculous affect - it enables even the most sinful to be free from Maya and attain God. How is this possible? hear about this interesting pastime of a tourist who came to Vrindavan. Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg english
17 Views · 10 months ago

⁣Beggars of Vrindavan are richer than millionaires | The apparent beggars of Vrindavan have the wealth that even millionaires do not possess. They have the devotion of Radha Krishna. Hear about heart warming personal experiences of Maharaj ji with the people of Vrindavan who do have much material wealth but are so generous. Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
17 Views · 10 months ago

लोगों को खुस करने, दिखाने में जीवन बर्बाद मत करो ! Don't waste your life trying to please people || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |00:00 - Intro लोगों को खुश करने, दिखाने में जीवन बर्बाद मत करो (Upcoming in the video...)00:09 - What is called plight? Those who are destroying life by indulging in the pleasures created by Maya.04:05 - The arrogant demonic attitude is developing, Somya is calm on the outside but full of dirt on the inside.08:16 - There are very few people who know religion, follow religion and sacrifice their lives for religion.13:10 - The mantra is always recited in a sacred state. Mantra should be given by Guru and should be Upanshu and mental and not verbal.19:27 - Don't get ready to buy anything in return for chanting the name. This would be a very foolish thing to do.24:10 - Where arrogance comes, the name vanishes and the arrogant person gets lost in the world.27:03 - By remaining humble and accepting the mistake, the mistake will be forgiven but thinking that we do bhajan, we will destroy everything with the power of bhajan, this increases the arrogance a lot.----------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
17 Views · 10 months ago

⁣हमारे प्रभु का परिचय जान लो / सुनने में तो कड़वी है पर माया से जिताने वाली बात है // 06/05/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
17 Views · 10 months ago

" दिव्य उपदेश " // डरो ऐसे आचरणों से, आपको नरक जाना पड़ेगा // by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
17 Views · 10 months ago

⁣श्री राधा मोहन जू की रसमयी प्रेम वार्ता / पापात्मा , पुण्यात्मा , महात्मा कौन ? // 01/05/2024 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
17 Views · 10 months ago

Ep-17 | Rasik Shekhar Shri Nagri Dev Ji Maharaj | रसिक शेखर श्री नागरी देव जी महाराज का चरित्र एवं उनकी रसमयी वाणी से प्रिया प्रीतम की लीलाओं का वर्णनSatsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
17 Views · 10 months ago

⁣जब पद सुनाते हुए पूज्य महाराज जी ने बताई प्रिया-प्रियतम की रस भरी बात एवं झूलन दर्शन // 29/04/24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
17 Views · 10 months ago

⁣मित्र बनाने में क्या-क्या सावधानियाँ रखें ? / तीर्थ यात्रा करते समय ये सावधानियाँ रखें // 29/04/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
17 Views · 10 months ago

भोजन करने का वो तरीका जिससे मन शांत रहेगा और स्वस्थ रहोगे || The way of eating which will keep your mind calm and healthy || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj00:05 - Food is a very important part of life, it nourishes the life and builds the mind.05:19 - Even the most pure intellect became corrupt due to consumption of contaminated food.10:58 - Sages never use any external weapon, they just forgive.13:40 - Three types of purity have been described: purity of speech.19:09 - If someone is speaking harsh words to you and you speak harsh words back then what is the difference between you and him?25:00 - Whatever work you are doing correctly, it is recognized by the satisfaction in your heart.31:05 -The saint who is a devotee of bhajans and remains engaged in bhajans and naams all the time remains most pure at all times. Don't look at fault even by mistake34:35 - A saint is the one who protects both the king and the people.----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Marg english
17 Views · 10 months ago

Encouraging words from Maharaj ji that can help blind people progress both spiritually and materially in th #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
17 Views · 10 months ago

⁣गृहस्थ में भजन की सिद्दी का सबसे सरल उपाय || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | गृहस्थ में आपका खाना,पीना उठना, बैठना सब भजन हो जाएगा,सिर्फ ये एक काम कर लो || Sadhan Path || At home, your eating, drinking, getting up and sitting will all become bhajans, just do this one thing.----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.----#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
17 Views · 11 months ago

⁣राधा केलि कुंज में श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन एवं नृत्यमय राधा नाम कीर्तन // 11/04/24

Sadhan Path
17 Views · 11 months ago

अपने अंदर की शक्तियों को जगाने का सबसे सरल तरीका || The simplest way to awaken your inner powers || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj-------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
17 Views · 11 months ago

इस बात पर विश्वास है तो तुम्हें निश्चित भगवद् प्राप्ति होगी // वैष्णव धर्म के विरुद्ध ये आचरण मत करो #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
17 Views · 11 months ago

ठा. राधामोहन जू को रिझाते हुए पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा मधुर पद गायन एवं राधा नाम कीर्तन // 05/04/24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
17 Views · 11 months ago

⁣सच्ची घटना - कैसे एक हत्या करने वाला भी बन गया ब्रह्मलीन महापुरुष ? ( True Story ) #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Bhajan Marg english
17 Views · 11 months ago

The holy name is all powerful and has divine potencies - see the miracles with Tukaram ji & Shivaji, Nam dev ji & Gyan dev ji, Maharaj ji's own life and Krishna & Arjuna during Mahabharat. #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg english
17 Views · 11 months ago

Learn from Vrindavan Mahimamrta about how you can see divine Vrindavan, what you need to do and what you need to avoid at all costs! #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
17 Views · 11 months ago

⁣होली के रंग , गुरुदेव के संग - अद्भुत आनंद ( फूलों से होली ) 24/03/2024 Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
17 Views · 11 months ago

आप शुरू तो करो...जिंदगी बदलने वाला वीडियो || You just start...life changing video || learn to catch the tricks of the mind || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajTime Stamp :00:00 - Intro You just start...life changing video ( Upcoming In the video )00:55 - When anger and hatred come, do not be disappointed but be careful.04:03 - Every action of ours should be done as per Guru's order or scripture's order.07:02 - bad thoughts are coming out with the power of bhajan, it is not new, don't be afraid.12:51 - What should we do if someone hates us?16:48 - Karma strengthens attachment and hatred and service frees it.21:23 - These 2 steal your hymn24:51 - Even if anger and hatred come, do not act on them.--------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
17 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 23-03-24

Sadhan Path
17 Views · 11 months ago

प्रभु आपको इतना बदल देंगें की किसी को विश्वास नहीं होगा || You will not give up even in worst times.Time Stamp:00:00 - Intro01:15 - How does even the biggest sinner achieve God by controlling his mind?05:21 - You will easily overcome even the biggest difficulties of life, listen to this carefully.08:09 - Why do bad days, difficult days and big obstacles come in our lives?11:22 - If you make this mistake, there will be so many bad days in your life that you will not be able to bear it.15:02 - You will not give up even in worst times. You Have To Change Youself19:16 - Everyone in the world is suffering because of this.22:54 - Where you forget these, Maya will immediately bring you down.---------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
17 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 21-03-24 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj

Sadhan Path
17 Views · 11 months ago

⁣नाम जप जब करोगे तो ये 3 बातें आपके साथ होगी ही ! These 3 things will definitely happen to you. नहाने के तुरंत बाद ये एक काम जरूर करो !फिर देखो चमत्कार |Do this one thing immediately after bathing | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |----------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.----:#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
17 Views · 11 months ago

⁣समस्त समस्याओं और चिंताओ से मुक्त कराकर लौकिक और पारलौकिक सुख देने वाला अद्भुत नाम महिमा // 17/03/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
17 Views · 12 months ago

⁣The Power Of Silence - कम बोलने की ताकत | PUJYA RADHA BABA STORY ON SILENCE #sadhanpath चुप रहने फायदे - PUJYA RADHA BABA STORY ON SILENCE || POWER OF SILENCE || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj ----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
17 Views · 12 months ago

⁣ऐसा राधा नाम कीर्तन की पूज्य महाराज जी हो गए भावुक और श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन 23/02/24 (⁣aisa raadha naam keertan kee poojy mahaaraaj jee ho gae bhaavuk aur shreejee ka divy shrrngaar darshan ) ⁣Due to such Radha Naam Kirtan, Pujya Maharaj Ji became emotional and saw the divine makeup of Shri Ji. #vrindavanrasmahima #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath#vrindavan

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
17 Views · 1 year ago

देखो सेवा से कितना दुर्लभ फल मिलता है ? / लीला रहस्य को जानने का अधिकारी कौन ? 20/02/24 #shrihitradhakripa #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
17 Views · 1 year ago

कैसे पता चले हमारे पाप नष्ट होने शुरू हो चुके हैं ! When our sins have started to be destroyed | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj ⁣#sadhanpath---About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life:#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
17 Views · 1 year ago

बड़े से बड़े महापापों के नाश करने का अचूक उपाय - 10/02/24Solution to destroy the biggest sinsSatsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima#satsang

Bhajan Marg english
17 Views · 1 year ago

#guru #spirituality #divine #yoga #vrindavan #ekantikvartalap @BhajanMarg @ShriHitRadhaKripa @SadhanPath Unlock the secrets of enlightenment as we delve into the timeless question: Is a Guru Necessary? Watch as we explore the profound role of the Guru in the spiritual journey. 🌟 Discover the essence of guidance, wisdom, and enlightenment. Let's unravel the mysteries together! 🕉️Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
17 Views · 1 year ago

ये 3 बात समझ ली तो आपका डरना असंभव है ! These 3 Things Will Make You Impossible to Afraid -About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life. #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Marg
17 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 398 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 13-12-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - हमारे पाप भजन में मन नहीं लगने देते, ऐसा क्या करें कि हमारे पाप भस्म हो जाएं ?06:26 - क्या भगवत प्राप्त महापुरुष को भगवान संसार में कुछ कार्य करने को भी देते हैं ?11:33 - अगले जन्म के बारे में सोंच कर डर लगता है कि क्या परिस्थिति मिलेगी ?18:25 - शुरुआत में नाम जप करते हुए जो भाव बनता था वो अब नहीं बन रहा है, ऐसा क्यों ?31:55 - आप हम सबसे इतना प्यार क्यों करते हैं ? हमारे कल्याण के लिए आप सर्दी, गर्मी, बरसात व अपने सारी तकलीफ को नजरंदाज कर देते हैं । 40:09 - मेरे गर्भ में शिशु है, डर लगता है इसके आने से भक्ति प्रभवित ना हो जाए !Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
17 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 396 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 11-12-2023 #ekantikvartalap Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
17 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 353 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 29-10-2023 #ekantikvartalaap 00:00 - अपने बच्चे को आपकी तरह संत बनाना चाहता हूँ इसके लिए क्या करूँ ?07:47 - महाराज जी मैं पाखंडी(दंभी) हूँ, इस दुर्गुण से कैसे बाहर आऊं ?13:02 - माया का प्रभाव सिर्फ मनुष्यों पर होता है या सभी जीवों पर होता है ?18:53 - स्कूल के बच्चों ने महाराज जी से क्या प्रश्न पूछे ?25:10 - क्या स्त्रियों को पुरुषों की तुलना में भगवान मिलना ज्यादा कठिन है ?31:28 - बहुत ज्यादा सोचता हूँ, हमेशा डर, चिंता बनी रहती है क्या करूँ ?42:31 - एकांतिक दर्शन Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
17 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 333 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 09-10-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - मुझे राधा रानी के दर्शन हो गए हैं !06:26 - सेवा करते समय हम किसकी सेवा करते हैं, शरीर की, मन की या भगवान की ?15:50 - व्यापार में दिन प्रतिदिन नुकसान उठा रहा हूँ कया करूँ ?23:30 - गणेश जी नाम जपूँ या राधा रानी का ?29:44 - नाम जप मे कैसे प्रेम हो ?35:28 - महाराज जी ने क्यों कहा कि इस बात से हमारा हृदय बहुत दुखी है ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
17 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
17 Views · 1 year ago

premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationRasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Satsang Marg
17 Views · 1 year ago

#bhajanmarg #motivation #vrindavan @BhajanMarg @SadhanPath Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
17 Views · 1 year ago

इसका हिन्दी अनुवाद सुनें: https://youtu.be/VWbdr7X4DsM?s....i=_RBV1AZ08U3gxgKLBh Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
16 Views · 8 months ago

⁣समस्त पापों का नाश करने में समर्थ श्री हित चौरासी जी का पाठ // 12/06/24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
16 Views · 9 months ago

⁣अगर इस आशा की पाश में बंधे हो तो भगवद् प्राप्ति दुर्लभ है / श्री सुंदर दास जी के अति सुंदर सदुपदेश #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
16 Views · 9 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 07-06-24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
16 Views · 9 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 385 से 387

Sadhan Path
16 Views · 9 months ago

पूरे दिन में सिर्फ एक माला जपते हो तो ये बात बहुत ध्यान से सुनना ! Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj---------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-----#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Marg english
16 Views · 9 months ago

Want to attain God? Take Refuge of Saints and control your Eyes, Ears and Tongue. Maharaj ji explains how taking shelter of great souls and controlling these three senses are the key for the person to elevate themselves and attain God. Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
16 Views · 9 months ago

⁣कष्टों को कृपा समझकर सहने से क्या प्राप्त होता है ? / भगवान शंकराचार्य जी द्वारा अद्भुत प्रश्नोत्तरी #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
16 Views · 9 months ago

श्रीजी का मनोरम श्रृंगार दर्शन और आनंदमय राधा नाम कीर्तन //23/05/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
16 Views · 9 months ago

हितोत्सव की मंगल बधाई , प्रेम की पीर - पद 320 से 324

Sadhan Path
16 Views · 9 months ago

MIND CONTROL के लिए दुनिया का सबसे शक्तिशाली तरीका || THE WORLD'S MOST POWERFUL METHOD FOR MIND CONTROL || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.----#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
16 Views · 9 months ago

हितोत्सव की मंगल बधाई , प्रेम की पीर - पद 307 से 310

Bhajan Marg english
16 Views · 10 months ago

Maharaj ji's message for the police. How the police can uplift themselves and help society, How their day to day work can become devotion, and more ... Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
16 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी के राधा नाम कीर्तन में दुर्लभ दर्शन और श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन // 08/05/24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
16 Views · 10 months ago

Ep-20 | Shri Rasik Dev Ji Maharaj | ऐसा गुरु प्रेम , लाखों-करोड़ों में किसी एक का होता है - श्री रसिक देव जी का चरित्र Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
16 Views · 10 months ago

⁣हितोत्सव की मंगल बधाई , प्रेम की पीर - पद 271 से 273

Bhajan Marg english
16 Views · 10 months ago

Householders can play a key role in protecting the sacred trees of Vrindavan. The plants and creepers of Vrindavan are very dear to Priya Lal ju (Radha Krishna). Planting trees, offering the flowers of Vrindavan to Radha Krishna is a great service. #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
16 Views · 10 months ago

⁣हितोत्सव की मंगल बधाई , प्रेम की पीर - पद 268 से 270

Sadhan Path
16 Views · 10 months ago

कितना भी बड़ा रोग हो DAILY ये एक काम जरूर करें !No matter how big disease is, do this one thing DAILY || Sadhan Path || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajTime Stamp :00:00 - Intro - No matter how big disease is, do this one thing DAILY ( Upcoming In the video ) 00:17 - There is no greater benefit than chanting the name.02:15 - All sins are destroyed only by chanting the name. When Sins are destroged sorrows end and life changes.05:33 - Blessed is he who, abandoning thoughts of anyone else, chants the name of the beloved of the saints - Shri Hari and makes others do the same. 08:57 - There is a great glory of this era which does not bear fruit through thousands of years of penance, it is achieved through 24 hours of Naam Kirtan.12:47 - Our children do not listen to us, they behave as per their wish, what to do?15:22 - If the words of the scriptures do not reach your ears then this Kaliyuga will attract you towards demonic behavior.-----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Marg english
16 Views · 10 months ago

The living entity is trapping itself in a web of Karmas. Discover what are karmas, akarmas and vikarmas, and how to turn your karmas to akarmas. Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
16 Views · 10 months ago

⁣रसिकों में कैसी आसक्ति हो ? / भजन को कैसे बचायें , कैसे बढ़ायें और कैसे पचायें ? / 10 नाम अपराध #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
16 Views · 10 months ago

गृहस्थ में ये छोटी सी गलती आपके सारे पाप नष्ट कर देगी || This small mistake in household life will destroy all your sins. || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |00:05 - Karmayoga is very auspicious, do a little selfless service to someone.02:57 - The only secret to happiness is to never hurt anyone.07:03 - If anyone touches his body even once with even a drop of liquor, his celibacy will be destroyed.10:22 - The mind will come up with the biggest tricks to mislead us so that we stop chanting the name.14:45 - Our salvation can be achieved only by ourselves, others can only show us the path of salvation, it is up to us to walk.19:01 - Being awake and not thinking about the world, this is the state of liberation in life.21:40 - If the words Radha Radha Krishna Krishna are uttering from your mouth then you are chanting the name which purifies the places of pilgrimage also.-------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
16 Views · 10 months ago

भजन के ऐसे दिव्य अनुभव होंगे की होश उड़ जाएंगे, ये कर लो बस || You will have such divine experiences of bhajan that your senses will be blown away, just do this. || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |00:41- Do not communicate at all with people who consider only sensual pleasures as happiness.02:58 - Treat food as Bhagwat Prasad and enjoy it with indifference.05:54 - When we get excited by the taste of the senses, we destroy our true self.09:50 - The mere resolution of enjoying pleasures pierces your conscience with the arrow of lust.12:13 - When we accept that every action of ours is given by our Guru Ji, then there will be no ego.16:09 - There should be no resolution of one's own. The resolution should be in the form of the worshipable God Gurudev.20:40 - There should be no thoughts of the world. No love for anyone even after meeting thousands----------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.----#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
16 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा "आजु सम्हारत नाहिन गोरी" पद एवं मनमोहक झूलन दर्शन // 22/04/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
16 Views · 10 months ago

श्रीजी का मनोरम वन विहार , झूलन और नौका-विहार की कुछ झाँकियाँ // 2104/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
16 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी के राधा नाम कीर्तन में आनंदमय दर्शन और श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन // 20/04/24 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Vrindavan Ras mahima
16 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा गुलाब डोल पर झूला झूलते हुए ठा. राधामोहन जू को पद द्वारा रिझाया // 19/04/24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
16 Views · 10 months ago

⁣समझिये सिद्धांत की ये अमूल्य बातें / Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj // 18/04/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
16 Views · 10 months ago

⁣जानिये गृहस्थ आश्रम की महिमा और साधना के अद्भुत सूत्र / Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj // 16/04/2024 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
16 Views · 10 months ago

⁣जैसा सोचोगे वैसा ही 100% होने लगेगा ! पर ये एक गलती मत करना || Whatever you think will happen 100%! But don't make this mistake ! Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp :00:00 - Intro : Whatever you think will happen 100%! But don't make this one mistake!( Upcoming In the video )00:31 - Context - The temptations that come before the nectar comes during the churning of the ocean.02:57 - Spirituality makes both present and future auspicious.06:30 - One should not accept any other position to reach the supreme position.11:13 - During the churning, the great Gajraj named Airavat appeared.19:49 - Goddess Lakshmi described Shri Hari as her husband.22:48 - Now the 13th gem Dhanvantari ji and the 14th gem Amrit Kalash emerged from the churning of the ocean.27:25 - Everyone forgot to drink nectar as soon as they saw Mohini.36:26 - Any beautiful person can attract you only unless he has the spirit of God.----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.----#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
16 Views · 10 months ago

⁣राधा नाम कीर्तन में पूज्य महाराज जी की भाव दशा एवं श्री जी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन // 13/04/24

Bhajan Marg english
16 Views · 11 months ago

Have you ever thought why God only incarnates in India? Find out why and see the glory of Bharat. #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
16 Views · 11 months ago

⁣भव्य कुंज में श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन एवं रसमय राधा नाम कीर्तन // 09/04/24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
16 Views · 11 months ago

⁣गुरु-शिष्य के संबंध में इस त्रुटि से बचकर ऐसी स्थिति प्राप्त होती है / मृत्यु के भय से कैसे बचें ? #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
16 Views · 11 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 165 से 169

Sadhan Path
16 Views · 11 months ago

जितना ज्यादा बोलोगे उतना बर्बाद होगे || The more you talk the more you will be ruined || Sadhan Path || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajTime Stamp :00:00 - Intro 00:40 - Love is not able to awaken due to bad intentions03:21 - There is neither restraint in speech, nor restraint in senses, nor restraint in speaking. kept saying whatever comes to the mind06:56 - Unless you do Trikal Sandhya, unless you do Gayatri rituals, unless you do Japa, unless you do Mantra rituals, you cannot understand the scriptures.10:00 - Bear with its force - say nothing13:22 - Don't try to change the situation, try to change the inner situation - Bhajan is not achieved by merely changing the situation.17:07 - We have to attain God by being innocent------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Saar
16 Views · 11 months ago

जहाँ हो वहीं रह कर ये कर लो 100% भगवान मिल जाएंगें |Do this wherever you are, you will find God 100%|| Sadhan Path || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajSatsang Summary :-In the YouTube video Haripal Ji shares teachings from his gurudev, Jeev, emphasizing that finding God is not dependent on rituals or possessions but rather through devotion and selfless service. Jeev also suggests that God is present where His devotees are respected and served. Haripal Ji shares stories of saints and their devotion towards God and His devotees, emphasizing the importance of selfless service, humility, and devotion. The speaker also discusses the importance of serving saints, even if they seem to be engaging in seemingly unworthy activities, and the importance of remaining steadfast in one's devotion to God. The video includes stories of devotees who found God through selfless service and understanding their spouse as God. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the importance of serving others as God and following one's duty, even if it seems insignificant---------Time Stamp :00:00 - intro00:42 - There is a misconception that if we do something for our happiness then we will be happy but we will not be. If you start thinking about giving happiness to others, you will never be sad.04:03 - he is an ocean of knowledge, Only He can save us from the tricks of Maya.09:32 - Shri Krishna reverses all the actions in a moment.13:57 - Ordinary creatures consider God as their own and disobey orders.20:10 - There should be no attachment in the body, only then will enter the Rasa Leela.22:09 - One who only serves a saint as per Guru's orders and scriptures or serves anyone in whom there is a desire to give happiness, then surely God is found.-----------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.----#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
16 Views · 11 months ago

होली में राधामोहन जू का डोल महामहोत्सव

Sadhan Path
16 Views · 11 months ago

⁣होली पर जनिए राधा रानी के दर्शन का एकमात्र उपाय ! Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | | Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
16 Views · 11 months ago

⁣इसके बाद मन को शांत रखना सीख जाओगे || After this you will learn to keep your mind calm | सारा खेल मन का है ! मन के चाल को पकड़ना सिखो || learn to catch the tricks of the mind || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajTime Stamp:----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
16 Views · 11 months ago

⁣इसके बाद चाहते हुए कोई गलत काम नहीं कर पाओगे, सिर्फ ये कर लो |Listen If You Want To Live Life Freely Time Stamp:00:00 - Intro00:57 - If you commit sins even without wanting to, then do this.04:48 - The result will disturb your mind, you will never get satisfaction if you make this mistake.08:24 - Simple way to make life better, new and memorable12:12 - There is happiness in sacrifice, this is the reason for all your uneasiness.16:38 - Karma does not forgive anyone, when karma comes back the soul trembles.21:54 - You have the freedom to do these 4 things, it will not cause any harm to your mind.---------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
16 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती 18-03-24

Sadhan Path
16 Views · 12 months ago

ये लक्षण दिखे तो समझ जाना 100% आपका जीवन बर्बाद होने वाला है || Your life is 100% going to be ruined || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | ---------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
16 Views · 12 months ago

⁣ठा. राधामोहन जू को रिझाते हुए पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा मधुर पद गायन // 12/03/24 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj

Vrindavan Ras mahima
16 Views · 12 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती 08-03-24 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Vrindavan Ras mahima
16 Views · 12 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती 07-03-24 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Vrindavan Ras mahima
16 Views · 12 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती 04-03-24 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Bhajan Marg english
16 Views · 12 months ago

⁣ART OF CHANTING l CHANTING SAVING IT DIGESTING IT #chanting #spirituality #vrindavan Immerse yourself in the art of chanting as we explore the power of chanting, saving it within, and digesting its spiritual essence. 📿🌟 Delve into spiritual and practical teachings from Vedas and scriptures, unlocking the secrets to spiritual growth, inner peace, and success. 🙏📚@BhajanMarg @SadhanPath @ShriHitRadhaKripa @English_BhajanMarg Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
16 Views · 12 months ago

⁣केवल सुनने मात्र से श्रीजी की सेवा का निश्चित प्राप्त होना -पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा पद गायन/ 28/02/24 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj #radhakelikunj #vrindavanrasmahima #sadhanpath #vrindavan

Sadhan Path
16 Views · 1 year ago

नाम की शक्ति का जल्दी अनुभव करना है तो इस तरह नाम जप करो || POWER OF NAME CHANTING || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:00 - Intro00:53 - The simplest solution to remove all the obstacles and troubles from home05:01 - After doing this you don't have to worry about destroying your old sins.08:56 - After doing this you don't have to worry about destroying your old sins.14:09 - The one who works hard gets success very soon17:41 - Can we worship different gods?22:58 - The simplest way of self-realization ( This is the path of the brave )23:34 - Caution for the seeker -----------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.----:#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
16 Views · 1 year ago

मेहनत करने से कभी मत डरो ! सफलता के सूत्र || Never Be Afraid To Work Hard, Success Formula | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | Time Stamp:-00:00 - Intro00:48 - Power Of Practice. Success Formula04:01 - Don't give Value to anyone.06:04 - If this thing comes into your mind then all your sins will be destroyed..09:55 - The only way to get rid of worry, fear and grief12:54 - The Only Duty Of Human15:57 - Even if you get what you want, your soul will not be satisfied.21:31 - One request Of Pujya Maharaj JI For Happy Grihasth Life23:36 - Uddhav Gopi Samvadh----------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a ⁣शक्तिशाली अभ्यास जो आपको अंदर से सबसे शक्तिशाली बना देंगें This Will Make You Strongest Inside Out #sadhanpath spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
16 Views · 1 year ago

ये करते ही प्रभु बहुत जल्दी दिव्य शक्तियाँ और अनुभूतियाँ प्रदान करते हैं || Sadhan Path | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | ----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
16 Views · 1 year ago

गृहस्थ में भजन का इससे सरल कोई तरीका नहीं || Simplest Way Of Bhakti In Grihasth Jiwan || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:-00:00 - Intro00:27 - There is no simpler way to do bhajan at home than this.03:29 - Perfect Example Of How To Do Bhakti In Grihasth Jiwan.05:18 - Don't Take A Lot Of Stress About Your Life.06:22 - This Will Lead To Terrible Sorrow In Your life10:02 - God Takes Great Care Of Those Who Surrender.18:49 - Why Being Spiritual Is Very Important For Everyone23:23 - Way To Ultimate Happiness ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life. #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
16 Views · 1 year ago

महान भाग्यशाली लोगों के जीवन में होती है ये 4 बातें || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life. #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
16 Views · 1 year ago

किसी भी परिस्थिति में शांत रहना सीखो ! How To Be Calm and Peaceful || Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj Time Stamp:-00:32 - How to Stay Calm in Any Situation And Control Your Emotion06:57 - Guidelines For Spiritual Aspirants10:12 - This Will happen When Step Into Devotion13:54 - Power Of Words 14:47 - How Can A Sinful Man Find God18:52 - How Does God's Grace Help Us To Tackle Difficult Situations20:21 - Even When Mind Decided To Do Wrong Things, How God's Grace Help Us To Come Out From That Situation About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
16 Views · 1 year ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 07-02-24 #vrindavanrasmahima#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Bhajan Marg
16 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 405 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 20-12-2023 #ekantikvartala 00:00 - मैं पूजा-पाठ करता हूँ तो संबंधी, मित्र कहते हैं तु क्या तंत्र-मंत्र कर रहा है !!04:55 - मेरी वृंदावन धाम की निष्ठा है, माता -पिता बद्रीनाथ, जगन्नाथ पुरी आदि जाना चाहते हैं, मैं क्या करूँ ?10:01 - विदेश का Lifestyle अच्छी लगने लगी है, वृंदावन वास कैसे करें ?15:16- क्या हर जन्म में हमें नया मन मिलता है ?21:23 - राधा रानी कैसे मिलेंगी ?22:23 - भक्ति में आगे बढ़ने के लिए मार्गदर्शन करें !!24:21 - जो पहले भाव बनते थे अब नहीं बनते, ऐसा क्यों ?26:48 - नाम जप के बाद कभी-कभी मन नहीं लगता, ऐसा क्यों ?31:03 - भगवान या संतजन अगर सपने में आएं तो क्या समझना चाहिए ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
16 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 382 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 27-11-2023 #ekantikvartalap Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
16 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 358 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 03-11-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - Doctor ने गलत Operation कर दिया क्या उनपर case करूँ या मेरा बुरा प्रारब्ध था ?12:20 - कभी-कभी गुरुदेव भगवान से यह प्रार्थना करनी पड़ती है कि महाराज जी ऐसे नहीं ऐसे करना चाहिए तो बाद हृदय मे ग्लानि होती है कि हमने उनकी बात को काटा । 19:30 - किसी भी प्रेरणा को कैसे पहचाने की ये मन की चाल है या गुरुदेव प्रेरित ?25:11 - ब्रजवासियों से सुंदर वार्ता । 30:35 - पति की मृत्यु के बाद बहुत negativity आ गई है भगवान से विश्वास उठ गया है, भगवान ने ऐसा क्यों किया ?36:22- पिताजी के आचरण देख कर बहुत गुस्सा आता है ऐसे मे मैं क्या करूँ ? 44:32 - महाराज जी जिन शिष्यों को आपकी सेवा मिली है क्या यह उनके कर्मों का फल है ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham#ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
16 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2024 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
16 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2024 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
16 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |

premanand ji maharaj
premanand ji maharaj ke pravachan
premanand ji maharaj short video
premanand ji maharaj vrindavan
premanand ji maharaj satsang
premanand ji maharaj ki katha
premanand ji maharaj bhakt charitra
motivational video
motivational speech

Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023

#vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
16 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |

premanand ji maharaj
premanand ji maharaj ke pravachan
premanand ji maharaj short video
premanand ji maharaj vrindavan
premanand ji maharaj satsang
premanand ji maharaj ki katha
premanand ji maharaj bhakt charitra
motivational video
motivational speech

Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023

#vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
16 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |

premanand ji maharaj
premanand ji maharaj ke pravachan
premanand ji maharaj short video
premanand ji maharaj vrindavan
premanand ji maharaj satsang
premanand ji maharaj ki katha
premanand ji maharaj bhakt charitra
motivational video
motivational speech

Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023

#vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
16 Views · 1 year ago

premanand ji maharaj
premanand ji maharaj ke pravachan
premanand ji maharaj short video
premanand ji maharaj vrindavan
premanand ji maharaj satsang
premanand ji maharaj ki katha
premanand ji maharaj bhakt charitra
motivational video
motivational speech
ramayan episode

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |

Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023

#vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Satsang Marg
16 Views · 1 year ago

#birth #death #vrindavan #why Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
16 Views · 1 year ago

#fear #losing #bhajanmarg #bhajanmargenglishbhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
16 Views · 1 year ago

@BhajanMarg @SadhanPath English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
16 Views · 1 year ago

The Art of Parenting @bhajanmarg @SadhanPath #bhajanmargenglish #english Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
16 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
15 Views · 8 months ago

⁣परम त्याग स्वरूप महाप्रेम का वर्णन / भगवद् लीला में प्रवेश पाने के 7 सोपान // 13/06/2024 Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
15 Views · 9 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 392 से 395

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
15 Views · 9 months ago

⁣इस बात पर विश्वास करके निहाल हो जाओ / नाम का अद्भुत चमत्कार / ज्ञान प्राप्ति का उपाय // 06/06/2024 Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
15 Views · 9 months ago

⁣50 साल भी भजन करते हुए ये गलती कोई लाभ नहीं होने देगी || Sadhan path ---About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace o #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
15 Views · 9 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 05-06-24

Sadhan Path
15 Views · 9 months ago

1 दिन में जीवन बदल जाएगा, एक बार बस ये कर लो || Life will change in 1 day, just do this once | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:00 - Intro01:09 - As soon as you do this, all the divine qualities, wealth knowledge and all virtues come within you.04:33 - The essence of all spiritual practices and Vedas06:27 - Now you don't have to worry about your life, your merits and demerits.11:09 - Dedication is so important in this Material world too, then in this path everything is dedication.14:00 After surrender, don't even mistakenly think that there is no visible progress.18:26 - If you understand this, there will be no fear in your life and your life will be filled with joy.20:49 - Life will change in 1 day, just do this once26:46 - Now you have no control over anything, then why worry?-----------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-------- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
15 Views · 9 months ago

⁣गृहस्थी में रहते हुए भगवान से प्रेम हो जाएगा, ये कर लो || Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj | ये रहस्य जान गए तो गृहस्थ में बिना कष्ट भगवत्प्राप्ति कर लोगे || If you know this secret, you will attain God without any trouble in family life || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajLocation - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospice , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, VrindavanTime Stamp:-00:00 - INTRO - ये रहस्य जान गए तो गृहस्थ में बिना कष्ट भगवत्प्राप्ति कर लोगे (Upcoming in the video...)00:48 - Right now I have taken a lot of loan and given a lot, how can I find time for bhajan?02:10 - Give up affection and love. What is the difference between affection and love04:15 - Here in this world, everyone will forget you, no one will remember you, just remember God.07:05 - If God is pleased and you get service, then serve without ego by taking shelter of Bhagwat Charanavinda.11:15 - Attachment causes a lot of misery. We are very attached to small pleasures14:30 - We have been just enjoying for many births and have not yet found satisfaction.16:05 - Thinking of Vrindavan Dham happens only by the grace of beloved Ju. Don't be proud by coming here19:26 - Our search for happiness will not be fulfilled in any other world, now we just need God's grace.21:36 - Words of Pujya Radha Baba - If from today onwards you will speak Radha Krishna with determination, then the auspicious journey of life will begin from now itself.#satsangi#vrindavan #shrihitpremanandgovindsharanjimaharaj #premanandjimaharaj #bhajan #devotion #sadhanpath #bhakti

Vrindavan Ras mahima
15 Views · 9 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 373 से 375

Vrindavan Ras mahima
15 Views · 9 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 23-05-24

Sadhan Path
15 Views · 9 months ago

लोगों की सुनना बंद करो - सफलता के सूत्र || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |00:00 - logon ki sunna band karo (Upcoming in the video...)00:13 - If you want to get quick benefits of chanting the name then stop listening to others. Seeing, listening and speaking, all three have an impact on our thinking. 02:30 - A high position on the path of God comes only when we do spiritual practice by living within a God-loving Mahatma.04:56 - Don't forget God even for a moment. Then see what joy you feel. Stop worrying about these pleasures.07:50 - If the devotee has the feeling of happily thinking about anti-God behavior then no one can change you.10:50 - The greatest method is here today and will not be there tomorrow. Both the method and the one with the method will no longer exist. why be arrogant14:09 - Can a living being ever be a god?18:10 - The love of God is divine, it is worldly, the worldly mind cannot even imagine this love.21:09 - Description of the wonderful extreme state of love for God----------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-- :#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
15 Views · 9 months ago

अष्ट सिद्धियाँ - नव निधियाँ ऐसे उपासक को प्राप्त होती है // महाप्रसाद की महिमा “ मैं कुछ हूँ ” ये अहंकार कैसे नष्ट हो ? // 22/05/2024Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
15 Views · 9 months ago

⁣इससे उपासक अपनी शरणागति की जाँच करें // 21/05/2024 - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
15 Views · 9 months ago

⁣हितोत्सव की मंगल बधाई - भैया हो अद्भुत मंगल आज

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
15 Views · 9 months ago

⁣हरिवंश महाप्रभु का प्राकट्य उत्सव ( हितोत्सव ) // 19/05/24 - Shri Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
15 Views · 9 months ago

⁣हितोत्सव की मंगल बधाई , प्रेम की पीर - पद 325 से 328

Sadhan Path
15 Views · 10 months ago

अपने दिमाग को REPROGRAM करना सीखो ! जोश से भर देगा ये सत्संग || Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj |00:00 - Intro अपने दिमाग को REPROGRAM करना सीखो ! जोश से भर देगा ये सत्संग | (Upcoming in the video...)00:10 - No matter how much trouble we face, we give this life to God.02:43 - Those who remain trapped in the desire for pleasures can never free themselves from the world and attain equanimity.07:51 - If even a little beginning of equality is made then it will erase the cycle of coming and going.10:56 - There is no determination without renouncing this fickle mind. The reason for its instability must be found14:30 - No matter how much wealth one has, no matter how high a position one holds, there is always a lack in the heart.18:05 - How to stop this fickleness of mind20:10 - As long as there is attachment, there will be pain. Only affection can bring us happiness at the feet of God.--------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
15 Views · 10 months ago

Ep-24 | श्री चतुरदास जी , ठाकुरदास जी , राधा शरण देव जी , सहचरी शरण जी का चरित्र एवं उनकी रसमयी वाणी

Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj
From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan


Sadhan Path
15 Views · 10 months ago

स्वयं का अपमान होने पर ये एक काम जरूर करना ! Do this one thing when you feel insulted || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |00:00 - Intro स्वयं का अपमान होने पर ये एक काम जरूर करना ! (Upcoming in the video...)00:40 - The first sign of sadhana is Titikshava. He will be very patient and tolerant03:27 - Bear with everything, God will settle the matter automatically, just remain silent.07:56 - By having equal feelings in respect, insult, sorrow, happiness, profit and loss, one becomes subordinate to God.11:40 - When we chant the name, both the attachment to this body and the love for it end.16:30 - Any great raga gets destroyed by following the orders of the teachers.21:30 - Chanting the name should be such that you get immersed in every syllable.26:43 - Even if God comes and says stop chanting the name now, don't leave the name.-------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
15 Views · 10 months ago

⁣हितोत्सव की मंगल बधाई , प्रेम की पीर - पद 262 से 265

Sadhan Path
15 Views · 10 months ago

खुद को बदलने का सबसे बड़ा SECRET, ये 1 काम आज ही कर लो | The biggest secret to changing yourself, do this one thing today itself. | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj00:00 - Intro (turant jiwan badalne swabhav kadwa ) Upcoming in the video..00:11 - Words from a sermon can change your life02:18 - Not even a moment should be wasted. What is waste?06:24 - It doesn't matter who you are, whose family you belong to, how you behave. just start chanting the name10:49 - You should become indifferent if the hymn is rising15:08 - You should become indifferent if the hymn is rising20:20 - Whatever medicine has the power to cure diseases comes from God only.23:39 - Everyone gets scared after hearing the word death, there is only devotees who are not afraid of death.--About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
15 Views · 10 months ago

⁣मृत्यु के भय से बचने का उपाय / संतों की वाणी का चमत्कार / संतों से कैसे प्रश्न करने चाहिये ? #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
15 Views · 10 months ago

⁣श्रीजी का अद्भुत मंगला वन विहार के कुछ पल पूज्य महाराज जी के संग // 20/04/24#shrihitradhakripa #bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Sadhan Path
15 Views · 10 months ago

किसी को फालतू में 1 मिनट का भी समय मत दो ! Don't waste even a minute of your time. ||Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |00:00 - Intro (Don't waste even a minute of your time.) Upcoming in the video..00:28 - If you earn a lot of name in the world but do not do bhajan then you will have to suffer hell.03:38 - Walk on the truth. Leave the bondage of mine and yours, otherwise the whole life will be spent in this.07:54 - 3 signs that derail us from our progress12:50 - When Prabhu Narayan ascendant occurs, these 5 things do not suit17:10 - If the mind is focused on the beloved(Priya-Pritam), then respect and insult does not realize21:46 - There should be a place where there is no hiding, no lies, just the truth.25:03 - The pilgrims on the path of God are brave and do not need anyone's praise.----------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
15 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 16-04-24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
15 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 15-04-24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
15 Views · 11 months ago

⁣भव्य कुंज में श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन एवं आनंदमय राधा नाम कीर्तन // 08/04/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
15 Views · 11 months ago

⁣ऐसा राधा नाम कीर्तन की पूज्य महाराज जी हो गए भावुक और श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन // 07/04/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
15 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा "वृषभानु नंदिनी राजत है" पद गायन एवं मनमोहक झूलन दर्शन // 05/04/24

Sadhan Path
15 Views · 11 months ago

प्रारब्ध में लिखे भयानक दुख, रोग, शोक को मिटाने का सबसे सरल उपाय || The simplest solution to erase the terrible sorrow, disease and grief written in destiny. || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Marg english
15 Views · 11 months ago

See how envy leads people to do sinful acts and how Jesus was betrayed. #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
15 Views · 11 months ago

⁣ठा. राधामोहन जू को रिझाते हुए पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा मधुर पद गायन // 31/03/24

Sadhan Path
15 Views · 11 months ago

1 साल तक ये छोटा सा काम कर लो, पहले जैसे नहीं रहोगे | Do this small work for 1 year.|| Sadhan Path || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajTime Stamp :00:00 - intro00:39 - Do this small work for 1 year, you will never be the same as before.02:56 - What to do if someone hates you, (you have to answer the question)05:06 - This feeling of hatred will weaken your Hymn07:23 - Why are we not experiencing any spiritual experience in our lives?11:00 - God starts loving the devotee who has these traits.12:47 - What to do when someone is about to die14:10 - Why do you worry, whatever is happening in life is happening for the good.15:30 - Just as bad deeds are bondage, good deeds are also bondage.17:02 - how should we live our lives19:03 - Know the characteristics that God likes the most----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
15 Views · 11 months ago

⁣होली पे महाराज जी ने दिया सबको गुप्त संदेश || Maharaj ji gave a secret message to everyone on Holi | आप शुरू तो करो...जिंदगी बदलने वाला वीडियो || You just start...life changing video || learn to catch the tricks of the mind || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj-------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
15 Views · 11 months ago

⁣ये करते ही आपको भूत, भविष्यसब अपने आप दिखने लगेगा | you will automatically see your past and future. आप शुरू तो करो...जिंदगी बदलने वाला वीडियो || You just start...life changing video || learn to catch the tricks of the mind || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajTime Stamp :00:00 - Intro - You just started...a life changing video ( Upcoming In the video )00:55 - When anger and hatred come, do not be disappointed but be careful.04:03 - Every action of ours should be done as per Guru's order or scripture's order.07:02 - bad thoughts are coming out with the power of bhajan, it is not new, don't be afraid.12:51 - What should we do if someone hates us?16:48 - Karma strengthens attachment and hatred and service frees it.21:23 - These 2 steal your hymn24:51 - Even if anger and hatred come, do not act on them.---------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
15 Views · 11 months ago

भव्य कुंज में श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन एवं नृत्यमय राधा नाम कीर्तन 18/03/24

Bhajan Marg english
15 Views · 11 months ago

⁣TIME IS MONEY IN THIS WORLD Dive into the profound realization that "Time is Money in This World," inspired by the spiritual insights of Narayan Swami. 🌟⏳ Discover how valuing time can lead to spiritual growth, overall well-being, and success. Join us in uncovering the spiritual significance behind this age-old saying and how to apply it in our daily lives for a richer, more fulfilling journey. #timeismoney #spiritualgrowth #realization 🙏💡 #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
15 Views · 11 months ago

⁣नाम-वाणी निकट श्याम-श्यामा प्रगट - पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा पद गायन // 17/03/24

Sadhan Path
15 Views · 12 months ago

दिन-रात नाम जप चलता रहेगा, सिर्फ ये कर लो || Chanting name will continue day and night, just do this || About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj Time Stamp:00:00 - By serving the body externally and the mind internally, both are purified internally.01:30 - 4 things to be careful while chanting03:39 - What are the symptoms when the mind is controlled?06:57 - Summary of things to be careful while chanting08:07 - Power of naam jaap. ( How to be interested in Naam Jaap )12:08 - The simplest solution to destroy the terrible sin of infinite births17:30 - whatever god does is right, Keep Calm. --------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
15 Views · 12 months ago

⁣ये सुनते ही आपको शांती महसूस होगी - पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा श्रृंगार शत लीला के पद 26/02/24 #vrindavanrasmahima #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath#vrindavan

Vrindavan Ras mahima
15 Views · 12 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती 24-02-24(⁣poojy mahaaraaj jee dvaara phool rachana evan shreejee kee mangala aaratee) ⁣Flower arrangement by Pujya Maharaj Ji and Mangala Aarti of Shriji. #vrindavanrasmahima#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Vrindavan Ras mahima
15 Views · 12 months ago

⁣फलों की कुंज में प्रिया-प्रीतम के अद्भुत दर्शन और आनंदमय राधा नाम कीर्तन 22/02/24 (⁣Wonderful darshan of Priya-Pritam and joyful Radha Naam Kirtan in the grove of fruits.) ⁣phalon kee kunj mein priya-preetam ke adbhut darshan aur aanandamay raadha naam keertan #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Sadhan Path
15 Views · 1 year ago

ये गलती की तो ऐसे भयानक रोग होंगे कि जीना मुश्किल हो जाएगा || You will get terrible diseases. || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:00 - Intro01:12 - Don't commit this sin even by mistake04:49 - Never misbehave in religious places even by mistake07:04 - Don't do GIRLFRIEND BOYFRIEND drama in Vrindavan Dham.09:00 - Why do people who go to religious places die prematurely?12:47 - Some rare people in the world have these things 18:01 - If you have these 5 things then you are very lucky19:38 - Your mind is formed by what you see, hear and speak.22:31 - Symptoms Of True Lover.24:43 - Those who wear too much makeup on their body, listen carefully30:02 - Pujya Shri UDIA BABA Advice To sadhak -----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life. /srihitpremanandjimaharaj--- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
15 Views · 1 year ago

वृंदावन परिक्रमा ( Part-1 ) | राधा केली कुंज से टटिया स्थान तक 18/02/24 #shrihitradhakripa #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
15 Views · 1 year ago

प्रेमी भक्त की क्या आशा होती है ? अगर आप ये बात जान गये तो आपका पुनर्जन्म नहीं होगा 19/02/24 #shrihitradhakripa #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
15 Views · 1 year ago

सम्पूर्ण श्री राम कथा पूज्य महाराज जी के श्री मुख से Part 7 || Ramayan Part 7 || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj ---About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Marg english
15 Views · 1 year ago

DOES MORE MONEY EQUAL MORE HAPPINESS & SUCCESS #money #success #happy #vrindavan #spirituality @BhajanMarg @SadhanPath Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham More Video of Satsang and Ekantik Vaartalaap of Pujya Maharaji's ⁣#bhajanmargenglish #sadhanpath#ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
15 Views · 1 year ago

इस अनुवाद को हिंदी मे सुने : https://youtu.be/Ho_cgLOl_60Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
15 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 414 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 29-12-2023 00:00 - मनोकामना पूर्ण करने हेतु क्या उपाय करना चाहिए ?05:37 - प्रेम की परिभाषा को जीवन की जवाबदारियों से कैसे परिलक्षित किया जाए ?14:41 - मेरे ससुराल वाले बोलते हैं कि हमारे कुलदेवता हमसे रुष्ट हैं क्योंकि मैं उनकी तरफ ध्यान नहीं देती, ऐसी स्थिति में मैं कैसा भाव रखूँ ?18:57 - प्रिया-प्रीतम के शयन के समय क्या हम घर के मंदिर में जा सकते हैं ?28:48 - वैष्णो देवी जी के दर्शन करना चाहती हूँ पर डर लगता है कहीं माता जी प्रकट ना हो जाएँ !! Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
15 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 408 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 23-12-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - मुझे बहुत जल्दी क्रोध आ जाता है और मैं गाली देने लग जाता हूँ, महाराज जी मुझे बचालो मैं क्या करूँ ?12:09 - मानसिक सेवा और प्रगट सेवा में क्या श्रेष्ठ है ?29:58 - मेरा ठाकुर जी और श्रीजी के प्रति वात्सल्य भाव है, क्या मैं श्री हित चतुरासी जी का और सेवक वाणी का पाठ कर सकती हूँ ?37:08 - गीता जयंती पर क्या बोले महाराज जी ?41:37- जबसे भक्ति शुरू की है सब उपहास करते हैं मेरा । Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
15 Views · 1 year ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 05-02-24 #vrindavanrasmahima#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Vrindavan Ras mahima
15 Views · 1 year ago

⁣राधा केलि कुँज में सामूहिक राधा नाम की अद्भुत गूँज और श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन // 02/02/24 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Bhajan Marg
15 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 366 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 11-11-2023 #ekantikvartalap 0:00 - भोग विलास मुझे बार बार गिरा देते हैं , अब तो हार गया मैं !!16:53 - सबसे बड़ा ज्ञान क्या है ? 30:09 - भक्ति में इतने सारे सम्प्रदाय क्यों हैं, क्या यह ठीक है ? 39:25 - ISKCON Mayapur के Co-Director & Vice Chairman से महाराज जी की क्या वार्तालाप हुईBhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
15 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 363 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 08-11-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - जिससे प्यार करता था, वो धोखा दे गई, अब मरने का मन होता है !07:16 - कीर्तन से मान -सम्मान और धन प्राप्ति कितना सही और कितना गलत ?16:54 - जेल में आपराधिक प्रवृत्ति व नकारात्मक विचारों के संग में रहकर भी कैसे हुआ इतना बड़ा परिवर्तन ?25:36 - फ़कीर मस्तु जी, मुस्लिम दरबार हज़रत मौला अली के मुख्य फ़कीर की महाराज जी से क्या वार्तालाप हुई ?30:23 - हम पति पत्नि दोनों को संतान नहीं चाहिए हम भगवान की प्राप्ति करना चाहते हैं !!Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
15 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 361 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 06-11-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - जिससे प्यार करती थी उनकी शादी हो गई, अब Depression में हूँ, क्या करूँ ?10:04 - गुरु से पंचक्षरी मंत्र मिला है ध्यान ठाकुर जी का होता है क्या करूँ ?17:35 - क्या परिवार के बिना जानकारी के दान करना पुण्य है या पाप ?20:24 - 1100 दिनों से निराहार रहने वाले पूज्य संत और पूज्य महाराज जी के बीच हुई क्या वार्तालाप ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
15 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 341 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 17-10-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - मैंने बचपन से पढ़ा है की भगवान एक हैं तो हम उनको अलग-अलग रूपों और धर्म मे क्यों मानते हैं ?02:19 - वैराग्य मार्ग का सबसे बड़ा अपराध 'स्त्री संग' मुझसे हो गया, क्या अब मेरा उद्धार हो सकता है ?24:12 - श्रीजी की विरह में मिलने वाले कष्ट और भगवत साक्षात्कार मे क्या श्रेष्ठ है ?34:41 - आपसे सुना है अगर अंदर थोड़ा भी सांसारिक भोगों की ओर आकर्षण हो तो निवृत्ति मार्ग में नहीं आना चाहिए ।51:24 - माँस-मछली बेचता हूँ, पर खाता नहीं हूँ क्या यह सही है ? 01:00:55 - Ekantik DarshanBhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
15 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 328 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 04-10-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - अगर कर्मों को भोगना ही पड़ेगा तो नाम जप करने का क्या लाभ ?15:27 - 20-21 साल से पति शराब पी रहे हैं आपके सामने आज छोड़ना चाहते हैं !22:32 - मुझे भगवान पर पूरा विश्वास है पर पूर्व की स्मृतियाँ और भविष्य की चिंता सताती है । 28:41 - जब भगवान की प्राप्ति ही जीवन का लक्ष्य है तो यह नौकरी, सब दुनिया की चका-चौंध भगवान ने क्यों बनाई ?43:20 - जब सफलता नहीं मिलती तो Depression हो जाता है क्या करूँ ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
15 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 327 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 03-10-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - किसी ने मेरे ऊपर प्रेत बाधा कर दिया है क्या करूँ ?12:58 - जब अच्छे सपने आने लगे तो क्या समझना चाहिए ?14:54 - क्या व्यक्तित्व विकास एवं आगामी जीवन के लिए परिस्थितियों एवं परिवेश ही जिम्मेदार है ?21:35 - आपको गुरु मानकर आपका ध्यान करना चाहता हूँ ?33:53 - आपकी आज्ञा पर चलना चाहता हूँ पर बार-बार असफल हो जाता हूँ ?38:08 - क्या Body बनाने के लिए Eggs/Non-Veg का खाना जरूरी है ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
15 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2024 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
15 Views · 1 year ago

🎥 भगवान बता रहें हैं गृहस्थ में भजन सिद्ध करने का सरल उपाय || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj 🔗 📌Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitraप्रेमानंद जी महाराजmotivational videomotivational speechmotivationWelcome to Sadhan Path! In this channel you will get daily satsang of Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj and Rasmay Kirtan and Pad Gayan || 📍 Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023 🙏 Thank you for Watching!#vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
15 Views · 1 year ago

Our youtube channels:- @BhajanMarg @ShriHitRadhaKripa @Gurukripakevalam @BhajanSaar @SadhanPath Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2024 सीख जाओगे For more satsang by " Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj " #bhajanmarg #vrindavan #sadhanpath #vrindavanrasmahima #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #radhanamkirtan #bhakti #bhajan

Satsang Marg
15 Views · 1 year ago

Who Do I Trust: GOD or KARM ?? #bhajanmarg @SadhanPath #english Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg english
14 Views · 8 months ago

Every action has a reaction. Every second of our life is recorded and we will suffer or enjoy the results of our actions. Maharaj ji tell us how saints and devotees do not hurt anyone by their words, thoughts or actions, and he tells us about what happens to those who eat meat, eggs, or fish. Those who kill innocent animals will have to bear the consequences of their Karma.Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
14 Views · 8 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 408 से 411

Vrindavan Ras mahima
14 Views · 9 months ago

⁣राधा नाम कीर्तन में पूज्य महाराज जी की आनंदमय दर्शन एवं श्री जी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन // 07/06/24

Sadhan Path
14 Views · 9 months ago

⁣इस गुप्त मंत्र को जपने से बहुत जल्दी सारी मनोकामना पूरी हो जाती है || Sadhan Path Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
14 Views · 9 months ago

⁣माया ठगनी के क्या-क्या नाटक, इनसे बचिये ? // 02/06/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Bhajan Marg english
14 Views · 9 months ago

Bollywood singer B Praak visited Maharaj ji again. Hear about what he said about his experience of Vrindavan, what Vrindavan provides him and how his life has changed because of mercy or Radha Krishna (Ladli ju and Bihari ju), and hear what guidance Maharaj ji gave him. #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
14 Views · 9 months ago

⁣राधा केलि कुंज में श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन और मधुर राधा नाम कीर्तन // 28/05/24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
14 Views · 9 months ago

⁣प्रभु से आर्त प्रार्थना/ वृंदावन की दिव्य लीला/ सब दुख मिटाने वाला , जान लो कर्ता कौन है ? /26/05/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
14 Views · 9 months ago

⁣जीवन की अत्यंत उपयोगी बातें // Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj // 25/05/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
14 Views · 9 months ago

⁣आचार्य कृपा का चमत्कार / प्रभु हमसे कितना प्यार करते हैं ?/ नाम जापक इन त्रुटियों से बचें //23/05/24 Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
14 Views · 9 months ago

⁣इस प्रार्थना के सुनने का फल है भगवद् कृपा प्राप्त होना ( निश्चित कल्याण हो जाएगा ) // 17/05/2024
#satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
14 Views · 9 months ago

⁣राधा नाम कीर्तन में पूज्य महाराज जी की आनंदमय दशा एवं श्री जी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन // 16/05/24

Sadhan Path
14 Views · 9 months ago

⁣कैसी भी परिस्थिति हो, आप खुश रहना सीख जाओगी || Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | गृहस्थ में ये गुप्त काम कर लो ! जीवन बदल जाएगा || Do this secret work at home! life will change || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |-------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---:#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
14 Views · 10 months ago

⁣Ep-25 | श्री राधाप्रसाद देव जी , भगवान दास जी, रणछोड़ दास जी, राधारमण दास जी का चरित्र एवं उनकी वाणी #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
14 Views · 10 months ago

⁣भव्य कुंज में श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन और मधुर राधा नाम कीर्तन // 07/05/24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
14 Views · 10 months ago

⁣सावधान ! इन गलत आकर्षणों से बचकर शुद्ध भगवद् मार्ग में चलें / Shri Premanand Ji Maharaj // 05/05/24 Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
14 Views · 10 months ago

Ep - 22 | Shri Lalit Mohini Dev Ji Charitra | गुरु आसक्त, वृंदावन आसक्त, प्रियाप्रियतम आसक्त श्री ललित मोहिनी देव जी का अद्भुत चरित्र (Bhakt Charitra)Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
14 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 04-05-24

Sadhan Path
14 Views · 10 months ago

अंदर की शक्ति बढ़ाने का सबसे सरल उपाय ये 3 काम कर लो ! The easiest way to increase inner strength is to do these 3 things. ||Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Marg english
14 Views · 10 months ago

A sweet playful pastime of Priya Lal Ju (Radha Krishna) in Vrindavan. It shows how much they love the plants of Vrindavan, they take care of them and even marry a Tamal tree to a golden creeper. #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg english
14 Views · 10 months ago

Maharaj ji says we are ignoring diamonds for pieces of glass, what does he mean? If I get my desires fulfilled, am I fortunate? what is misfortune? #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
14 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 29-04-24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
14 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 27-04-24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
14 Views · 10 months ago

⁣अनन्यता से अद्भुत आनंद की प्राप्ति / सत्संग का सार - " प्रपन्नता " // 26/04/2024 Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
14 Views · 10 months ago

⁣हितोत्सव के पद, प्रेम की पीर - पद 256 से 257

Bhajan Marg english
14 Views · 10 months ago

Some people ask why they should stay from the material pleasures if the world if God has created them. Maharaj ji addresses this question in the video. Everything is created by God but we can choose and have to bear the consequences. #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
14 Views · 10 months ago

कोई बार-बार अपमान करे, मजाक उड़ाये उस समय ये एक काम जरूर करना ! When someone repeatedly insults or makes fun of you then definitely do this one thing || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj00:05 - Should victory be achieved through anger or forgiveness?02:57 - One who has committed a crime unknowingly and did not know about it should be forgiven.06:13 - Must have both a gentle and a fierce nature12:17 - Where religion is going, it is better to lose life, not religion.15:00 - An angry person is more likely to commit sins.18:45 - When Mahadev ji came to test Bhagwati Uma23:49 - This is religion, if someone is causing pain to a helpless person then one should not remain silent at that times.---------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
14 Views · 10 months ago

⁣राधा चरणारविंद की महिमा / प्रिया प्रीतम की सेवा पद्धति / भगवान कहाँ रहते हैं ? / वैष्णव के लक्षण #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
14 Views · 10 months ago

समय को खुद पर ध्यान देने में लगाओ लोगों पर नहीं || Spend time focusing on yourself, not on people || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:12 - The result of external sadhana is the beginning of internal sadhana.02:55 - Understand that this outer world is a drama created by God, there is no truth here.06:28 - The tendency to secretly lead the mind into wrong paths will be very harmful.11:33 - There is no better practice than truth15:29 - There is no yagya or sadhana greater than chanting the name.20:09 - Renunciation of pleasures and company of people brings progress in spiritual practice.------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Marg english
14 Views · 10 months ago

I practice devotion but my family fears I may become a Sanyasi, what should I do? Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
14 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 17-04-24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
14 Views · 10 months ago

⁣मृत्यु की तैयारी कैसे करें ? / जीवन उपयोगी प्रश्नों के कम शब्दों में अद्भुत उत्तर // 13/04/2024 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
14 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 13-04-24

Sadhan Path
14 Views · 11 months ago

जीवन में भगवान की कृपा उतरते ही तुरंत मिलते हैं ये एक संकेत || Signs of god's grace || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajTime Stamp :00:00 - Intro : 12 04 23 Satsang ( Upcoming In the video )00:48 - When the light of spirituality came by the grace of the Guru, all the sense objects were burnt03:05 - Whoever God blesses destroys everything, but don't be afraid.09:11 - One has to control the mind and reach God13:46 - a 20 year old young man said that everything is destroyed, I had done many unholy activities due to which celibacy was destroyed. what to do now20:03 - No one has ever found satisfaction in pleasures. This is the biggest obstacle in attaining God.23:58 - Context - About Revered Sridhar Baba 30:04 - Bad quality of food and bad quality of person will stop your bhajan.36:25 - God is speaking for our good. Whoever surrenders himself to him becomes free from vices.-------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Marg english
14 Views · 11 months ago

Get the answers to ...Is the same mind binding us for countless births or we do get a new mind in every birth? How does a child understand love, nourishment, fear? Hindi #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
14 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 10-04-24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
14 Views · 11 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 147 से 155

Vrindavan Ras mahima
14 Views · 11 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 116 से 122 ⁣By Radha Keli Kunj

Vrindavan Ras mahima
14 Views · 11 months ago

⁣भव्य कुंज में श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन एवं रसमय राधा नाम कीर्तन // 27/03/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
14 Views · 11 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 110 से 115

Vrindavan Ras mahima
14 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 25-03-24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
14 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा "आजु प्रभात लता मंदिर में" पद गायन एवं मनमोहक झूलन दर्शन // 24/03/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
14 Views · 11 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 101 से 105

Sadhan Path
14 Views · 11 months ago

भोलापन छोड़ो, हृदय को कठोर बनाओ || Give up innocence, harden your heart || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj--------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-----#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
14 Views · 11 months ago

⁣रूप जी , सनातन जी पर महाप्रभु चैतन्य देव जू की अद्भुत कृपा 21/03/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa

Sadhan Path
14 Views · 12 months ago

जब शेर का रूप लेके आये भगवान आपने भक्त की परीक्षा लेने || Bhakt Charitra By Premanand Ji Maharaj || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | ----------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
14 Views · 12 months ago

⁣हर संकट से निकलने का यही रास्ता है, अभी सुनों भगवान का वादा है, आपके जीवन का सारा भार उठा लेंगें, ये कर लो || ! Those have always God's blessings.|| Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:00 - Sort it out, understand this is the final thing, This is the solution to all the problems in your life.02:43 - Charitra Of Bhakt Sudama ( श्री सुदामा जी का भक्त चरित्र )17:41 - The only way to be carefree, fearless in life. ( Real Life Incident Of Pujya Maharaj Ji )23:58 - Never doubt yourself28:30 - One day we will win, we will definitely win, just keep this thing in you.31:39 - Remove all doubts from your life, the burden of your life is not on you37:57 - The simplest solution to remove all the shortcomings within you41:22 - If you do this one thing, all the work will be done very soon.46:02 - Spiritual success in life comes only from this one thing ------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
14 Views · 12 months ago

⁣गृहस्थ में तरह नाम जप कर लो, फिर देखो चमत्कार | गृहस्थ में कोई भजन साधन नहीं कर पा रहे तो सिर्फ इतना कर लो || Easiest Way To Do Bhajan In Grihasth. || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | -------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Marg english
14 Views · 12 months ago

Discover the spiritual significance of wearing Tulsi beads in our latest video! 🌿📿 Explore the guidelines from Vedas and scriptures on who can wear Tulsi beads for spiritual growth, overall well-being, and success. 🕊️📖 Join us as we dive into this sacred practice with reverence and understanding. #tulsibeads #spiritualguidance #vedas #scriptures 🙏🌟@BhajanMarg Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
14 Views · 12 months ago

⁣महाशिवरात्रि - पदाभिमान से कैसे सर्वनाश होता है ? महादेव का विवाह महोत्सव 08/03/24 Aaj Ka Satsang #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
14 Views · 12 months ago

8 बातें की भगवान आपके साथ हैं, इसमें से एक भी बात है आपमें तो.. || 8 things that God is with you. || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:00 - 8 things that God is with you.38:35 - The simplest way to eliminate anger and hatred in life02:27 - As much as you will be happy when you get something in life, you will feel 8 times more sad when it goes away.05:18 - The simplest solution to end all the sorrows in life, true story07:45 - Before celebrating your birthday, think about it, one year has been wasted.09:11 - Don't get trapped in this, if it's day then remember night is coming12:33 - What to do when someone scolds or criticizes you? ( how to avoid making anyone your enemy )15:49 - What is the main reason for hatred towards anyone?18:49 - Even if everything has been looted, the easiest way to get rid of the worries in the mind is22:52 - Hardly anyone knows this secret-------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life. #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
14 Views · 12 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी की हम सबके मंगल के लिए अमृतवाणी एवं पद गायन 03-03-24 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Bhajan Marg english
14 Views · 12 months ago

#bhagwatgita #spirituality #vrindavan #radhakelikunj #hitpremanandji Explore the profound meaning behind "Give up all religion & surrender unto me" in the Bhagavad Gita in our latest video. 📖🕉️ Discover spiritual and practical insights from Vedas and scriptures, guiding us toward spiritual growth, inner peace, and success. 🌟 Join us on this enlightening journey of understanding and surrendering to divine wisdom. #bhagavadgita #spiritualwisdom #surrender 🙏🌿✨@BhajanMarg @English_BhajanMarg @SadhanPath @ShriHitRadhaKripa Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
14 Views · 12 months ago

⁣वृंदावन माहात्म्य जब सब जगह भगवान है तो हमें दर्शन क्यों नहीं होते ? कर्म-अकर्म का भेद क्या है ? #shrihitradhakripa #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg #premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
14 Views · 12 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती 27-02-24 #vrindavanrasmahima #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
14 Views · 1 year ago

⁣जानिये महापुरुषों की कैसी अद्भुत कृपा/आप जो-जो भाव करोगे वैसा ही प्रभु आपको अनुभव करायेंगे 22/02/24 #shrihitradhakripa #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
14 Views · 1 year ago

गीता का सबसे शक्तिशाली श्लोक | LISTEN EVERY DAY! Bhagwat Geeta Life Changing Video #sadhanpath भजन सिद्ध होने से पहले दिखते हैं ये लक्षण !These symptoms are seen before the bhajan Siddha || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:00 - Intro01:23 - Why is our mind disturbed, where is the real happiness?04:45 - Where is real happiness and when will our suffering end?05:40 - The only solution to ultimate peace of mind07:02 - What is the root cause of our suffering11:20 - Why do bad days come in our life, this thing will make us strong from within14:16 - Our focus should be only on the goal17:16 - Power of determination, Stop worrying about life, God is there.20:55 - Even God becomes indebted to such people24:41 - If you understand this then you won't have to do anything. -------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
14 Views · 1 year ago

⁣प्रेम मार्ग के उपासक की रहनी भगवान के अवतार का रहस्य | Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj 16/02/24 #shrihitradhakripa #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
14 Views · 1 year ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती 15-02-24 #vrindavanrasmahima #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Bhajan Marg english
14 Views · 1 year ago

⁣GET IMMERSED IN BLISS l MEANING OF MAHARAJ JI'S NAME #bliss #love @SadhanPath #bhajanmargenglish Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
14 Views · 1 year ago

आज का सत्संग 12-02-24 | Today's satsang :- 12 February 2024• भगवद् आश्रय , संबंध को समझिये | Understand God's shelter and relationship .• जीवन के महत्त्वपूर्ण प्रश्नों के उत्तर | Answers to important questions of life .00:00 - मंगलाचरण 05:27 - भगवद् आश्रय , संबंध को समझिये ( Understand God's shelter and relationship )49:44 - जीवन के महत्त्वपूर्ण प्रश्नों के उत्तर ( Answers to important questions of life )Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Bhajan Marg
14 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
14 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
14 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
14 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
14 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
14 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 413 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 28-12-2023⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 413 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 28-12-2023 00:00 - मेरा मन छोटी -छोटी बातों पर निराश हो जाता है !05:13 - कर्म गुरु और धर्म गुरु में मूल भेद क्या है ?16:03 - क्या रस मार्ग में दीक्षित होने के बाद नैमित्तिक कर्मों का त्याग करना होता है जैसे श्राद्ध कर्म आदि ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
14 Views · 1 year ago

चेहरे पर निखार तुरंत आ जाएगा, सिर्फ ये एक काम कर लो || This will make your face glow || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:-00:00 - Intro00:37 - This Will Make Your Face Glow 02:25 - Bhakt Charitra Of Nilambar Das Ji04:49 - Symptoms God has blessed you so much.07:28 - How Can A Sinful Man Find God22:07 - Whatever God Does Is Right 24:37 - Convert Your Fear Into Strength29:09 - Whatever happens to you now will be very good31:33 - Don't deliberately spoil your behavior About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
14 Views · 1 year ago

⁣कितना भी बर्बाद हो गए हो 100% आप जीवन में वापसी करोगे || Definitely You can Comeback In Your Life || कितना भी हार गए हो 100% आप जीवन में वापसी करोगे || Definitely You can Comeback In Your Life || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | In this Satsang :THE POWER OF SUBCONCIOUS MIND IN HINDI. Our minds often deceive us into thinking that overthinking and dwelling on things will solve our problems, but in reality, it only increases our fear and leaves us feeling powerless; the only way to break this cycle is Naam Jaap, Hari Naam Sankirtan, Listening Srimad Bhagavatam, Geeta, Ramayan etc.. About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life. #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Marg
14 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 379 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 24-11-2023 #ekantikvartalap Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
14 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 331 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 07-10-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - हर जगह दुःख और असफलता ही मिल रही है भविष्य को लेकर चिंतित हूँ !02:52 - जीव ईश्वर का अंश होने के बावजूद भी माया मे कैसे फंस गया ?14:06 - अगर कोई भजन करने वाले से त्रुटि होती है तो क्या उसे आत्महत्या करने वाले की गति प्राप्त होती है ?22:40 - अगर कोई व्यक्ति अपना शरीर नष्ट कर लेता है तो उस व्यक्ति के परिवार वाले उसकी मुक्ति के लिए क्या करें ?28:31 - नंदगांव के ब्रजवासी ने ऐसा क्या आशीर्वाद दिया की महाराज जी निहाल हो गए !!33:32 - जब सामने वाला गलत पर गलत कर रहा हो तो उसमे भगवान कैसे देखें ?41:10 - भगवान की इच्छा के बिना कुछ नहीं होता तो कर्मों का फल हमें क्यों भोगना पड़ता है ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalaap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
14 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 325 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 01-10-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - जीवन में आने वाली सभी प्रतिकूलताओं से डर जाता हूं, ये डर कैसे खत्म हो ?14:20 - गुरुदेव से नाम व ग्रंथ स्वाध्याय का मार्गदर्शन प्राप्त नहीं हो पाया कृपया आप मार्गदर्शन करें । 21:17 - अगर घरवालों की आज्ञा और गुरदेव की आज्ञा में से किसी एक का चुनाव करना हो तो किसकी आज्ञा का चयन करे ?26:21 - अगर जन्मना-मरना पहले से लिख दिया जाता है तो क्या हम वृंदावन मे प्राण त्याग सकते हैं ?27:58 - सब कुछ जानता हूँ फिर भी मन काबू मे नहीं आता क्या करूँ ?37:11 - मैं शराब, माँस, मछली को छोड़ नहीं पा रहा हूँ मैं क्या करूँ ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
14 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2024 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
14 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2024 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
14 Views · 1 year ago

Our youtube channels:- @BhajanMarg @ShriHitRadhaKripa @Gurukripakevalam @BhajanSaar @SadhanPath Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| For more satsang by " Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj #bhajanmarg #vrindavan #sadhanpath #vrindavanrasmahima #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #radhanamkirtan #bhakti #bhajan

Bhajan Marg english
14 Views · 1 year ago

#depression #death #negativity #vrindavan #spirituality #bhajanmarg @BhajanMarg @SadhanPath @ShriHitRadhaKripa Embark on a transcendent journey of self-discovery and enlightenment with our latest Spiritual YouTube video 🌟. Explore permanent solutions for depression, death, and negativity, drawing wisdom from the Vedas and the Bhagavad Gita 📜. Immerse yourself in the soothing melodies of ancient teachings, unlocking the secrets to lasting inner peace and joy 🌈. Join us on this extraordinary voyage as we blend the timeless with the contemporary, offering a beacon of hope for a life filled with purpose and tranquility 🕊️✨Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
14 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
14 Views · 1 year ago

#ekantikvartalap #bhajanmarg #shrihitradhakripabhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
13 Views · 8 months ago

⁣राधा केलि कुंज में श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन एवं राधा नाम कीर्तन // 13/06/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
13 Views · 8 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 11-06-24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
13 Views · 8 months ago

⁣रोम रोम आनंदित कर देने वाला राधा नाम कीर्तन व दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन //11/06/2024

Sadhan Path
13 Views · 9 months ago

जहां हो वहीं रहकर बस ये कर लो, पक्का भगवान मिल जाएंगे || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj-------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---:#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
13 Views · 9 months ago

मानसिक शक्ति और शरीर की ऊर्जा शक्ति बढ़ाने का उपाय || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj-----------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-----:#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
13 Views · 9 months ago

⁣कहीं आप राधामाधव की कृपा का अनादर तो नहीं कर रहें ?/ चैतन्य महाप्रभु के उपदेश / कुसंग से कैसे बचें ? Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
13 Views · 9 months ago

ये लक्षण दिखे तो समझना आपका भजन ठीक चल रहा है ! Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Vrindavan Ras mahima
13 Views · 9 months ago

⁣श्रीजी का मनोरम श्रृंगार दर्शन और आनंदमय राधा नाम कीर्तन //21/05/24

Sadhan Path
13 Views · 9 months ago

जन्मोत्सव स्पेशल : ये सुनके आपके आँसू नहीं रुकेंगे || Birthday Special: Your tears will not stop after hearing this || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
13 Views · 9 months ago

⁣लाखों पदों के रचयिता चाचा श्री वृंदावन दास जी का जीवन परिचय | इनका नाम चाचा जी किसने रखा ? Ep-35 | जानिये लाखों पदों के रचयिता , दिव्य गुणों से संपन्न चाचा श्री वृंदावन दास जी का जीवन परिचय इनका नाम चाचा जी किसने और क्यों रखा ?Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
13 Views · 9 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 18-05-24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
13 Views · 9 months ago

⁣सब कुछ सहने का फल / एक बार ये कार्य कर लो कभी नरक नहीं जाओगे / श्रोता एवं वक्ता के लक्षण // 15/05/24 Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
13 Views · 9 months ago

⁣राधा नाम कीर्तन में ठा. राधामोहन जू व पूज्य महाराज जी के पावन दर्शन ! // 13/05/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
13 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा "आजु अति राजत दंपति भोर" पद एवं मनमोहक झूलन दर्शन // 05/05/24

Sadhan Path
13 Views · 10 months ago

⁣भूल से होने वाले अपराध जो भयानक दंड देते हैं || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | 99% लोगों से होने वाला ये छोटा सा जो अपराध भयानक दंड देते हैं || This small crime committed by 99% of people gives terrible punishment || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj00:00 - Intro 99% लोगों से होने वाला ये छोटा सा जो अपराध भयानक दंड देते हैं (Upcoming in the video...)00:06 - Till date no one has been able to describe all the powers of God and no one can describe His opulence.03:46 - When brother-in-law Shri Narad ji became proud of his victory over the vice of lust.08:40 - What is stupidity?Considering the body, the enjoyments related to the body which are obtained through money and the fruits related to means, as done by oneself.13:04 - Remembrance of God all the time, slavery all the time, even if you indulge in it a little, what can't stupidity do?18:32 - If you lose your patience, Maya will shake you.23:51 - There is no place where our Lord is not.28:35 - Don't try to become a husband, Maya. If you act as a slave, Maya will love you like a mother.30:40 - If you take refuge in God, every mistake is forgiven.--------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
13 Views · 10 months ago

Ep-18 | Shri Saras Dev Ji Maharaj | श्री सरस देव जी का चरित्र एवं उनकी रसमयी वाणी से प्रिया प्रीतम की लीलाओं का वर्णनSatsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
13 Views · 10 months ago

करोंड़ों में किसी एक को भगवान कृपा करके ये गुप्त चीज देते हैं || God graciously gives this secret to one among millions. || Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj ||------- About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
13 Views · 10 months ago

मन का ये खेल समझ लो,जीवन आसान हो जाएगा || Understand this game of mind, life will become easier || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajTime Stamp :00:00 - Intro : sahi nirnay ( Upcoming In the video )+01:08 - The worshiper is unable to realize this love because he is under the influence of desires.05:15 - This knowledge gets covered in the worshiper in three ways and then lust shows its effect.14:38 - The result of sinful behavior will be sorrow, if you do good deeds you will get worldly happiness, if you worship then you will get God's bliss.19:53 - A worshiper who takes shelter of God and does devotion very quickly overcomes these vices.23:22 - Even after being defeated a thousand times, we should not become sad, we should not be disappointed.-----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
13 Views · 10 months ago

कर्म का फल सबको मिलता ही है ! कर्म किसी को माफ नहीं करता || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajTime Stamp :00:00 - Intro karm kisi ko maf nahi karta (Upcoming in the video...)00:01 - Whatever karma you have received, offer it to God, it will be a Yagya.01:00 - Story -The fate of those sins which have not been revealed will definitely come. be patient08:19 - If you seek any pleasure through unrighteousness then you will be destroyed.11:53 - No action can be destroyed by words. Rituals have to be performed. Only the name has the power to destroy every action.16:07 - When no one wants anything but that, even death seems like a toy, it is called fun, that fun comes by chanting God's name.21:50 - Even if you escape the punishment here, it is a big prison like hell and the jailer is Yamraj. There you get such punishment that you will not be able to bear it.27:50 - God has very kindly given the path of God, now there is no arbitrary behavior.31:50 - What is charity? work hard earn religiously-----------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.------ #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
13 Views · 10 months ago

⁣भव्य कुंज में श्रीजी का मनोरम श्रृंगार दर्शन और आनंदमय राधा नाम कीर्तन //27/04/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
13 Views · 10 months ago

⁣ठा. राधा मोहन जू को पद सुनाते हुए पूज्य महाराज जी के अद्भुत दर्शन // 27/04/24

Sadhan Path
13 Views · 10 months ago

⁣नाम जप के लिए न्या जोश पैदा कर देगा ये सत्संग || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | आपका कल कभी नहीं आएगा | Your tomorrow will never come | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj---About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
13 Views · 10 months ago

⁣हितोत्सव के पद, प्रेम की पीर - पद 253 से 255

Sadhan Path
13 Views · 10 months ago

तंत्र-मंत्र, काली शक्ति से बचने का सबसे सरल उपाय ! Tantra-Mantra, the simplest way to escape from black power ||Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj00:00 - Intro (tantra mantra ) Upcoming in the video..00:22 - There is no such power in any tantra or mantra that can be used on the one who chants the name of Radha.02:53 - The one who chants the name Radha with joy, everyone, be it auspicious Vinayak or inauspicious Vinayak, gets scared.07:30 - Now I have nothing, no one is mine, ever since I surrendered myself to Pritam.10:45 - The conscience becomes divine as soon as it is dedicated to the feet of the Lord.13:27 - Lust is stronger than anger, greed, attachment and hatred, but when God will see from His vision, they will all be destroyed.17:30 - I am Priyalal's, Priyalal is mine, no one is mine, I am not anyone's. When they start coming, understand in my heart that it is certain that I will go to them.19:40 - Always keep in mind that everything belongs to God--nder age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
13 Views · 10 months ago

⁣हृदय को द्रवित करने वाला राधा नाम कीर्तन || Radha Nam Kirtan Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Vrindavan Ras mahima
13 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 23-04-24

Sadhan Path
13 Views · 10 months ago

इस एक छोटि सी बात से भगवान बहुत जल्दी प्रसन्न हो जाते हैं || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |-------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
13 Views · 10 months ago

⁣चिंता करने से कुछ नहीं होगा इसे सुनो सब ठीक हो जाएगा ! Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj ज्यादा सोचने से दिमाग को रोकने के सबसे सरल तरीका ! The simplest way to stop your mind from overthinking || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
13 Views · 10 months ago

⁣भजन करते हुए भी भगवद् प्रेम क्यों नहीं होता है ? // 15/04/2024 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
13 Views · 11 months ago

गीता ज्ञान : मन पे काबू करने का सबसे सरल उपाय || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
13 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 03-04-24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
13 Views · 11 months ago

⁣स्वस्थ सुखमय जीवन के लिए व्यायाम , प्राणायाम अति आवश्यक // Mandatory things for Healthy Lifestyle Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa
⁣स्वस्थ सुखमय जीवन के लिए व्यायाम प्राणायाम अति आवश्यक है

Vrindavan Ras mahima
13 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 28-03-24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
13 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा "मोहनलाल के रस माती" पद गायन एवं मनमोहक झूलन दर्शन // 28/03/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
13 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा "अपनी बात मोसौं कहि री भामिनी" पद गायन एवं मनमोहक झूलन दर्शन // 27/03/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
13 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 27-03-24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
13 Views · 11 months ago

⁣परम सुख और परम उन्नति में ये 3 बातें बाधक है , इनसे बचिये // 25/03/2024 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
13 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 24-03-24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
13 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा "कौन चतुर जुवती प्रिया" पद गायन एवं मनमोहक झूलन दर्शन // 22/03/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
13 Views · 11 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 86 से 90

Bhajan Marg english
13 Views · 11 months ago

Overcome Fear of depression and death...Discover a Happier you!Realize the root cause of your fear and anxiety and how to overcome this and experience Parmanand - Bliss.

Vrindavan Ras mahima
13 Views · 11 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 71 से 75

Bhajan Marg english
13 Views · 11 months ago

⁣Let The Will of God Be Done l Teachings of Narayan Swami @BhajanMarg @English_BhajanMarg @SadhanPath Embrace the divine flow with "Let The Will of God Be Done," inspired by the realization of Narayan Swami. 🌟🙏 Dive into a spiritual exploration that encourages surrender to the divine will, fostering overall growth and success in life. Join us in understanding the power of faith and the beauty of divine timing. #divinewill #spiritualgrowth #narayanswami 🕊️💫Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
13 Views · 12 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती - 10-03-24 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj

Sadhan Path
13 Views · 12 months ago

⁣नाम जप की शक्ति का अनुभव करना है तो ऐसे नाम जप करो | भजन का पहला अनुभव || ध्यान का पहला अनुभव कैसे होगा || Pain in your brain while meditating? || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:00 - Your mind will never be at peace until you leave it.03:23 - Listen Carefully ! never make anyone serve you06:16 - God gives us everything we need to live life without any demands.09:16 - Simple solution to destroy old Destiny12:13 - Just do this one small thing and all your worries will end.14:11 - Don't listen to anyone's criticism even by mistake17:34 - Never share your inner feelings with anyone23:34 - As soon as you do this one thing, God will take control of your life. -------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life. #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
13 Views · 12 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती 25-02-24 #vrindavanrasmahima #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Sadhan Path
13 Views · 12 months ago

मन के घबराहट को दूर करने का सबसे सरल उपाय |The simplest solution to remove nervousness from the mind || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj -- About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
13 Views · 12 months ago

⁣बसंत के पद- आजु बसन्त मदन रँग रलियाँ । श्री बयालीस लीला- पद्यावली 37 से 40(⁣basant ke pad- aaju basant madan rang raliyaan . shree bayaalees leela- padyaavalee 37 se 40) ⁣Verses of spring- Today spring is full of colors. Shree Byalais Leela- Phrase 37 to 40 #vrindavanrasmahima #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath#vrindavan

Sadhan Path
13 Views · 12 months ago

माला से जप करने के नियम और सावधानियां, ये गलती आपका जप निष्फल कर देगा || Rules for Naam JaapTime Stamp(⁣Rules and precautions for chanting with rosary, this mistake will make your chanting ineffective).:00:00 - By serving the body externally and the mind internally, both are purified internally.01:30 - 4 things to be careful while chanting03:39 - What are the symptoms when the mind is controlled?06:57 - Summary of things to be careful while chanting08:07 - Power of naam jaap. ( How to be interested in Naam Jaap )12:08 - The simplest solution to destroy the terrible sin of infinite births17:30 - whatever god does is right, Keep Calm.21:40 - Everyone is doing this then why is everyone not getting Spiritual welfare?24:33 - The only reason for suffering27:09 - God is one, His forms are different ------- About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life. #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
13 Views · 1 year ago

लोगों को खुश करने में जीवन बर्बाद मत करो || Don't waste your life trying to please people || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:00 - Your mind will never be at peace until you leave it.01:14 - You cannot control your mind until your goal is clear. ( you will learn to control your mind )05:42 - Don't waste your life trying to please people. ( What is true knowledge )10:02 - Ego does not allow us to understand anything, the biggest obstacle in moving forward in life.15:30 - Our thoughts make us aware of happiness and sorrow in the world.19:03 - There is great power in the practice of contemplation23:07 - Miracle of continuous contemplation of God26:52 - Can destiny be changed? ( Real Story )28:04 - The simplest way to clean nature30:42 - Importance of service -----------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Bhajan Marg english
13 Views · 1 year ago

⁣LIFE JOURNEY l This Happened and Maharaj Ji Came to Vrindavan from Kashi #kashi #life #bhajanmargenglish #kashi #vrindavan #varanasi #banaras #lifejourney #lifestory #sanayasembark on a transformative journey as we unravel a real-life story where Maharaj Ji's divine presence shifts from Kashi to Vrindavan! 🌟 Join us in this spiritual exploration, delving into the mysteries of life's journey and divine interventions. 🙏@BhajanMarg @SadhanPath @ShriHitRadhaKripa @English_BhajanMarg HINDI LINK - https://youtu.be/G0NopBM5ems Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
13 Views · 1 year ago

ये एक बात छोड़ते ही आपके अंदर की शक्ति जागृत होने लगेगी || Your inner power will start awakening || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:00 - Your mind will never be at peace until you leave it.03:23 - Listen Carefully ! never make anyone serve you06:16 - God gives us everything we need to live life without any demands.09:16 - Simple solution to destroy old Praradh12:13 - Just do this one small thing and all your worries will end.14:11 - Don't listen to anyone's criticism even by mistake17:34 - Never share your inner feelings with anyone23:34 - As soon as you do this one thing, God will take control of your life. --About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
13 Views · 1 year ago

हर परिस्थिति में प्रसन्न रहने का रहस्य / काम का निवास कहाँ है और काम को कैसे जीते ? 15/02/24 #shrihitradhakripa #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
13 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Basant Panchami 2024 | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj #shrihitradhakripa #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg #premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
13 Views · 1 year ago

बसंत पंचमी महोत्सव (Basant Panchami Mahotsav) और कुछ सदुपदेश Shri Premanand Ji Maharaj 14/02/24 #satangmarg #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Bhajan Marg
13 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham


Bhajan Marg
13 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
13 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
13 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham


Bhajan Marg
13 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
13 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 412 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 27-12-2023 00:00 - आस-पास के लोगों व पारिवारिक जनों में बुरी आदतें देखकर मन निराश हो जाता है, क्या मैं ही गलत हूँ ?11:17 - समाज या धर्म के विरुद्ध आचरण करने वाले को दंड देने पर अपराध तो नहीं लगता ?12:28 - जितनी आवश्यक है उतनी संसारिक वस्तुएं एवं पदार्थ अर्जित कर लिए हैं, अब कब तक कार्य करना पड़ेगा ?14:55 - अपने ईष्ट में अनन्यता बनी रहे इसके लिए मैं क्या करूँ ?19:31 - भगवान की छवियाँ Banner आदि मे छाप दी जाती है, इस पर आपका मार्गदर्शन चाहिए । 26:29 - 20 साल से Judge हूँ, मुझे लगता है इसके कारण मेरे बच्चों में पढ़ाई की प्रेरणा खत्म होती जा रही है । 30:44 - मन की निर्मलता, लक्ष्य पर ध्यान व पाने की व्याकुलता कैसे व कब प्राप्त होगी ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
13 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 390 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 05-12-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - भूलने की बिमारी है भगवान को कैसे याद करूँ ?11:19 - निष्काम कर्मयोग क्या है ?24:15 - कोई गुरु की निंदा करे तो सहन करना चाहिए या बहस करना चाहिए ?30:16 - England से आए Foreigner ने महाराज जी से क्या प्रश्न किया । 38:10 - इन सैनिकों को देखकर महाराज जी क्यों हुए प्रसन्न और क्यों कहा आपकी जय हो ?42:28 - नामधारी सिखजनों से महाराज जी की क्या वार्तालाप हुई ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
13 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 371 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 16-11-2023 #ekantikvartalap Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
13 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 367 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 12-11-2023 #ekantikvartalap 0:00 - क्या गरीबों और जरूरतमंदों की मदद करने से भगवान मिल जाएंगे ?10:07 - हम तो बुरे कर्म करते थे फिर भी हमें अचानक संतों का संग कैसे मिला ?20:09 - पत्नी कहती है सभी देवी-देवताओं की पूजा करो पर उनकी पूजा के समय भी राधा-राधा करता हूँ क्या यह ठीक है ?24:15 - हम सब के लिए दीपावली पर पूज्य महाराज जी के आशीर्वचन !!Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
13 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 356 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 01-11-2023 #ekantikvartala 00:00 - पुरानी आदतों के कारण व्यभिचार और गलत क्रियाएं हो जाती हैं क्या करूँ ?17:53 - दिव्य दृष्टि क्या होती है ?25:36 - पहले साधु-महात्मा पर भरोसा नहीं करता था पर अब आपका प्रवचन सुनकर विश्वास हो गया है । 27:28 - आप भी कहते हैं की हमे भगवान का होने का गर्व होना चाहिए तो फिर भगवान गोपियों के मध्य से क्यों अंतर्ध्यान हो गए ?34:43 - "जो ज्यादा भजन नहीं करते वो ज्यादा बुद्धिमान, सुखी और उन्नति करते हैं" इस पर महाराज जी क्या बोले ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
13 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 347 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 23-10-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - घर का वातावरण अच्छा नहीं है मन बहुत परेशान हो जाता है क्या करूँ ?09:19 - हमें कैसे पता चले कि हम भगवत भाव में हैं या मोह से आसक्त हैं ?14:58 - प्रभु के विराट स्वरूप का परिचय पा लिया पर रस की उपासना अभी हृदय में नही उतरी क्या करूँ ?22:01 - मैं इस दुनिया में क्यों आया ? मैं कौन हूँ ? 27:32 - शिव जी और श्री कृष्ण जी दोनों मे से किसकी पूजा करूँ ?30:38 - बच्चों की शादी और सब जिम्मेदारियाँ पूरी हो गई हैं, अब क्या करें ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
13 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 326 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 02-10-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - जीवन में लगातार शारीरिक समस्या बनी रहती है , क्या करुं , कुछ समझ नहीं आ रहा ?06:29 - भगवान के न्याय में इतनी देरी क्यों ??14:30 - आपने कहा था मंत्र जप में श्रद्धा और विश्वास चाहिए और नाम को किसी भी भाव से जप सकते हैं , कृपया इस बात को और स्पष्ट कर दें!17:34 - मैं ध्यान में आप श्री के साथ श्री जी के चरणों का दर्शन करती हूँ , पर ये अलौकिक शक्ति सहन नहीँ कर पा रही !!29:45 - भगवान जिस पर कृपा करते हैं उसका सर्वनाश हो जाता है, क्या यह बात सत्य है ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
13 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj ram aayenge to angana sajaungiram aayengeram mandir ayodhyaram siya rampran pratishthaayodhya ram mandirayodhyaayodhya liveLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2024 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
13 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |

premanand ji maharaj
premanand ji maharaj ke pravachan
premanand ji maharaj short video
premanand ji maharaj vrindavan
premanand ji maharaj satsang
premanand ji maharaj ki katha
premanand ji maharaj bhakt charitra
motivational video
motivational speech

Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023

#vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Satsang Marg
13 Views · 1 year ago

@BhajanMarg @SadhanPath @ShriHitRadhaKripa @Gurukripakevalam How to Win Over MAYA l Easiest way to conquer Maya #overcome #vrindavan #spirituality #hitpremanandji Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
13 Views · 1 year ago

@BhajanMarg @SadhanPath @ShriHitRadhaKripa #spirituality #bhajanmarg #initiation #god #vrindavan #hitpremanandji Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg english
12 Views · 8 months ago

Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg english
12 Views · 8 months ago

Maharaj ji narrates his 1st darshan of Radha Vallabh ji. He was new to Vrindavan and had not even heard of Radha Vallabh ji, he tells us about this magical 1st experience. #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg english
12 Views · 8 months ago

Hit Sajni Ju reveals how much she and the sakhis love Krishna and why. Hit Sajni ju is the Sakhi Svaroop of Harivansh Mahaprabu and has a heartfelt converstation with another Sakhi about Radha and Krishna. #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 9 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 404 से 407

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 9 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 376 से 378

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 9 months ago

⁣राधानाम की अद्भुत आनंद वर्षा एवं श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन // 31/05/2024

Sadhan Path
12 Views · 9 months ago

ना किसी की सुनो ना परवाह करो - बस आगे बढ़ो ! Don't care about anyone Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajTime Stamp:-00:00 - Control your listening and speaking nonsense02:08 - Control your tongue, don't eat, speak or listen whatever you feel like.05:04 - Avoid respect, respect can ruin you Sadhana07:24 - Don't be lazy, be afraid to relax10:28 - 4 things to attain God12:32 - Power of acceptance14:58 - Explanation of 4 things to attain God17:33 - Glory Of Vrindavan21:05 - The times to come will be very dangerous for those who Want to do bhajan.23:23 - These things destroy our bhajan26:39 - Beware of becoming a preacher------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--:#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 9 months ago

⁣समस्त दुखों से मुक्त होने का अचूक उपाय व पद गायन // 27/05/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 9 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 356 से 361

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 9 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 26-05-24

Sadhan Path
12 Views · 9 months ago

⁣तुम सिर्फ शुरू करो .. जीवन बदल देगा ये सत्संग || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 9 months ago

पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 24-05-24

Sadhan Path
12 Views · 9 months ago

लिख लो भगवत्प्राप्ति 100% पक्की है ये कर लो बस ! Write down that attainment of God is 100% sure, just do this. || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj--------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
12 Views · 9 months ago

⁣महाप्रभु श्री हित हरिवंश चंद्र जू का पावन चरित्र // 18/05/2024 - Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
12 Views · 9 months ago

⁣वृंदावन निष्ठ , हित चौरासी जी के टीकाकार श्री प्रेमदास जी का जीवन परिचय एवं उनकी दिव्य वाणी Ep-34 | हित धर्म का विस्तार करने वाले अद्भुत विद्वान , वृंदावन निष्ठ , हित चौरासी जी के टीकाकार श्री प्रेमदास जी का जीवन परिचय एवं उनकी दिव्य वाणीSatsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 9 months ago

पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 16-05-24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 9 months ago

⁣हितोत्सव की मंगल बधाई , प्रेम की पीर - पद 316 से 319

Sadhan Path
12 Views · 9 months ago

⁣सिर्फ 3 रात ये एक काम जरूर करना, वरना पछताओगे || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | | Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Do this just for 3 nights, then see what a miracle happens. Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |MIND CONTROL के लिए दुनिया का सबसे शक्तिशाली तरीका || THE WORLD'S MOST POWERFUL METHOD FOR MIND CONTROL || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |-----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
12 Views · 9 months ago

दैन्य उपासक के हृदय में कैसा सेवा भाव प्रकट होता है ? किन आचरणों से पशु योनि में जाना पड़ता है ? #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 09-05-24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी के राधा नाम कीर्तन में आनंदमय दर्शन और श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन // 04/05/24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
12 Views · 10 months ago

Ep-21 | Shri Lalit Kishori Dev Ji Maharaj | श्री ललित किशोरी देव जी का चरित्र एवं उनकी रसमयी वाणी से प्रिया प्रीतम की लीलाओं का वर्णनSatsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 10 months ago

⁣हितोत्सव की मंगल बधाई , प्रेम की पीर - पद 274 से 277

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 02-05-24

Sadhan Path
12 Views · 10 months ago

ये 3 बातें छोड़ कर सिर्फ ये एक काम कर लो पक्का सफल होंगे ! Leave these 3 things and do just this one thing and you will definitely be successful. || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj00:06 - Do bhajan yourself and inspire others to do bhajan.02:05 - The nature of Kalyug is to corrupt you through drugs, gambling etc.08:27 - By merely listening to the devotees, they become engrossed in chanting the name, form, virtues and bhajans of the Lord.08:47 - Amazing incident of Mahabhagwat Sudhanva ji (immense glory of the name)12:30 - Initiation of war by Maharaj Hansdhwaj and warning to all the army22:26 - Devotees of God are also very brave who fight with all their might against lust, anger, greed, attachment and lust.28:55 - The war started. Arjun was amazed to see the fighting skills of Prince Sudhanva.33:40 - Shri Krishna himself came and took command of Arjun's chariot and Sudhanva ji got his darshan.38:54 - God showed that he himself and his virtues do not come before his name.43:36 - Sudhanva ji's severed head was also speaking Shri Krishna Shri Krishna45:11 -There is amazing glory in the name of Lord Hari who gives fearlessness to the devotees.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
12 Views · 10 months ago

⁣संबंध से इष्ट कृपा की प्राप्ति / भगवद् प्राप्ति के साधन का वर्णन / गौ सेवा का महत्त्व // 30/04/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 28-04-24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा "प्रात: समय दोऊ रस लंपट" पद एवं मनमोहक झूलन दर्शन // 26/04/24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
12 Views · 10 months ago

⁣साधक की ऊँची प्रेम अवस्था / एकादशी व्रत के क्या-क्या नियम है ? / इस बात को जानिये नहीं तो नरक मिलेगा #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 10 months ago

⁣हितोत्सव के पद, प्रेम की पीर - पद 249 से 252

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 10 months ago

⁣श्रीजी का मनोहर श्रृंगार दर्शन और रसमय राधा नाम कीर्तन // 23/04/2024

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
12 Views · 10 months ago

⁣परम कर्तव्य क्या है और दिव्य लीला में प्रवेश कैसे हो ? / महापुरुषों के उपदेश // 17/04/2024 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 11 months ago

पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 07-04-24 #shrihitradhakripa

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
12 Views · 11 months ago

⁣भगवान के मिलने से पहले मिलता है यह एक संकेत / A Very Secret Discussion #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Bhajan Marg english
12 Views · 11 months ago

Learn what is predestined and what is not; is Astrology a true science? how is our destiny created? Learn how we can our destiny.Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
12 Views · 11 months ago

कितना भी बड़ा रोग हो DAILY ये एक काम जरूर करें !No matter how big disease is, do this one thing DAILY || Sadhan Path || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajTime Stamp :00:00 - Intro - No matter how big disease is, do this one thing DAILY ( Upcoming In the video ) 00:17 - There is no greater benefit than chanting the name.02:15 - All sins are destroyed only by chanting the name. When Sins are destroged sorrows end and life changes.05:33 - Blessed is he who, abandoning thoughts of anyone else, chants the name of the beloved of the saints - Shri Hari and makes others do the same. 08:57 - There is a great glory of this era which does not bear fruit through thousands of years of penance, it is achieved through 24 hours of Naam Kirtan.12:47 - Our children do not listen to us, they behave as per their wish, what to do?15:22 - If the words of the scriptures do not reach your ears then this Kaliyuga will attract you towards demonic behavior.-----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 29-03-24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 11 months ago

⁣राधा केली कुंज में राधा नाम की रस वर्षा और श्रीजी का अति सुन्दर श्रृंगार दर्शन 26/03/2024

Sadhan Path
12 Views · 11 months ago

⁣दिमाग में हर TIME बैचेनी,गुस्सा,चिंता बनी रहती है तो ये करें !If anger and worry remain in your mind | 6 संकेत जो बताते हैं की प्रभु आपके साथ हैं ! 6 signs that God is with you || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajTime Stamp :00:00 - Intro - If restlessness, anger and worry remain in your mind all the time then do this ( Upcoming In the video )00:50 - What happens to the one who commits unrighteous conduct and does not believe in God?02:37 - If I don't eat meat, someone else will definitely eat it, so why don't we eat it?06:28 - If you want to be free from sorrow, distress, worry, birth and death, then follow the right conduct.11:19 - How will the world survive if everyone becomes celibate?16:21 - Only he is proficient who is chanting the name while doing the materialistic world duties.21:28 - Interesting story of the saint of Barsane Ka Gahavan forest. power of chanting name25:57 - Through devotion towards God, God becomes subject to us.------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
12 Views · 11 months ago

⁣Holi Special LOFI #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Bhajan Marg english
12 Views · 11 months ago

Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham

Bhajan Marg english
12 Views · 11 months ago

⁣INFERTILITY : OVERCOME THE STRESS & FIND HOPE AND HAPPINESS #vrindavan #infertility @BhajanMarg @BhajanMarg @English_BhajanMarg Uncover the hidden struggle of infertility in our latest video. 🌸👶 Explore spiritual and practical insights from Vedas and scriptures, offering solace and guidance for spiritual growth, overall well-being, and success in overcoming Stress of infertility. 🙏💖 Join us in this enlightening discussion to find hope and support in your journey. #infertility #spiritualwisdom #hopebhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 11 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 61 से 64

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
12 Views · 12 months ago

⁣इस बात के बिना आपको कोई परम सुख , दिव्य लाभ नहीं मिल सकता आपको भगवद् प्रेम हो गया है इसकी पहचान #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan

Sadhan Path
12 Views · 12 months ago

⁣दिन में सिर्फ 15 मिनट भी भजन करते हो तो ये सुनो | 15 मिनट सिर्फ इस तरह भजन कर लीजिए, फिर देखिए चमत्कार || Just do bhajan like this for 15 minutes | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:00 - Intro01:09 - Just do bhajan like this for 15 minutes, then see the miracle.06:33 - After doing this there is no sorrow, no fear, no fear.04:59 - Those who have these things within them, have freedom, success, glory and everything, they stand with folded hands around them.17:13 - Only those who are neither knowledgeable nor dedicated criticize each other.21:29 - There should be life, not just talk, don't extend your hand to anyone.24:25 - Whatever is written in destiny will come by itself, don't worry.---- About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.--- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
12 Views · 12 months ago

जब हिम्मत टूटे, कोई रास्ता ना दिखे, उस समय क्या करें || What to do when you lose courage || || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:00 - Intro01:05 - When you are very sad, troubled or lost in life then listen to this04:54 - Why does God give bad days in life?08:07 - You will have to break relationships with everyone in the entire world.10:58 - What does Radha Rani like most14:40 - No one is our own in this world! Admit this17:50 - If you do this then no matter how many bad days come, you will not be able to break down.22:16 - If you don't do this, one day you will lose in life and become boring.25:26 - Don't waste your life trying to make others happy----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.---- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
12 Views · 12 months ago

⁣Exclusive Talk #5 Depression, Bhay, Shok, Chinta Se Bachne Ka Sabse Saral Upay #sadhanpath Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
12 Views · 12 months ago

ये कहानी उनके लिए, जिन्हें कोई रास्ता नहीं दिख रहा || This story is for those who can't see any way || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Time Stamp:00:00 - Who do not have children, Must Listen06:16 - God gives us everything we need to live life without any demands.09:16 - Simple solution to destroy old Destiny12:13 - Just do this one small thing and all your worries will end.14:11 - Don't listen to anyone's criticism even by mistake17:34 - Never share your inner feelings with anyone23:34 - As soon as you do this one thing, God will take control of your life. -----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.----#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
12 Views · 12 months ago

हर दिन सिर्फ 20 मिनट ये कर लो फिर देखो चमत्कार || Just do this for 20 minutes every day and see.. || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajTime Stamp:00:00 - Intro00:55 - Practice this POWERFUL MEDITATION for 20 minutes every day, your life will change.07:43 - What changes come in life by doing Naam Jap (the most powerful form of meditation)?09:52 - The easiest way to end all sorrow, grief, fear and worry and attain ultimate peace.16:23 - Easiest Way To Do Spiritual Practice At Home 19:14 - Here one wins by losing23:53 - This is the world's biggest miracle26:50 - Don't have any expectations from anyone and you will win.29:22 - If someone misbehaves with you then keep this in mind ----About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.-#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
12 Views · 12 months ago

आपकी साधना सही होते ही आपको ये गुप्त अनुभव होंगे ! you will have these secret experiences | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |अब तो नाटक करना बंद कर दो, ये गलती करना छोड़ दो | Now stop pretending, stop making this mistake || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Mahara ------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life. #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
12 Views · 1 year ago

गुस्से से परेशान ? हर परिस्थिती में खुद को शांत कैसे रखें || Keep yourself calm in every situation || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | Exclusive Talk #2time Stamp:आगे देखिए ( Upcoming In The Video )00:06:24 - क्रोध कब आता है और उसका कैसे नियंत्रण करें ? ||00:06:24When does anger come and how to control it?01:36 - क्रोध बड़ा है या क्षमा ? || 01:36 Is anger or forgiveness greater? 03:43 - क्षमा किसको करना चाहिए ? || 03:43Who should we forgive?07:16 - क्रोध को पीना सीखे || 07:16learn to control anger!07:45 - क्रोध ओर तेज में क्या अंतर है ? || 07:45What is the difference between anger and anger? -----------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.- :#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 1 year ago

ऐसा राधा नाम कीर्तन की पूज्य महाराज जी हो उठे आनंदित और श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन 18/02/24 #vrindavanrasmahima #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath#vrindavan

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 1 year ago

बसंत के पद- देखि सखी अति आज बन्यौरी वृन्दाविपिन समाज । श्री बयालीस लीला- पद्यावली 12 से 17 #vrindavanrasmahima #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath#vrindavan

Bhajan Marg english
12 Views · 1 year ago

⁣BOOST BRAIN POWER BY THIS ONE THING l MUST TRY #brain #bhajanmargenglish #brain #sharpenyourmemory #sharpenyourbrain #mindpower Enhance your brainpower with this one transformative practice! 🧠🚀 Dive into the spiritual and practical wisdom from Vedas and scriptures in our latest video. 📖 Unlock the secrets to a sharper mind and a deeper spiritual connection. 🙏@BhajanMarg Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
12 Views · 1 year ago

⁣इन भयंकर दोषों से बचे / जानिए नाम जप से आपके अंदर क्या-क्या होता है ? #shrihitradhakripa 11/02/24 Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#bhajanmarg #premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Bhajan Saar
12 Views · 1 year ago

Epic collection of effective, inspirational and motivating Satsang by - Hit Premrasdayini Sharan Ji Maharaj which will help to advance in the Spiritual Path clearing your Doubts and Confusions.From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospice , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#sadhanpath#vrindavanrasmahima​#ShriHitRadhaKripa​ #BhajanMarg​# satsang​#vrindavan #meerabai#vrindavanrasmahima #laddugopal #meerabai #bhaktcharitra #premanandjimaharaj #radhakelikunj #bhakti #satsang #devotion #stories #devotional #bhajan #radharani #motivational #ram #premanandmaharaj #facebookpost #story #facebookpage #radha #krishna#bhajansaar

Bhajan Marg
12 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
12 Views · 1 year ago

Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
12 Views · 1 year ago

किसी भी आदत को छोड़ने का सबसे सरल उपाय || Easiest Way To Change Your Habit | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |#habits We all have those habits we wish we didn’t, but just can’t seem to break.You might think you spend too much time on social media or playing games, or that your time streaming videos might be better spent reading that classic novel you’ve always wanted to try.Though you’ve tried numerous times to break these habits, it might seem like nothing works.Even when you think you’ve finally bested it, you might find yourself back to doing the same habit weeks, or even hours, later.So, how can we stop? How long does it take to break a habit?It can be a challenge, but with some time and effort, habits can be changed.Watch This To Change Your Habits About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.Hastags :#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 1 year ago

⁣ठा. राधामोहन जू को रिझाते हुए पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा मधुर पद गायन एवं झूलन दर्शन // 06/02/24 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Vrindavan Ras mahima
12 Views · 1 year ago

⁣ठा. राधामोहन जू का मनोरम श्रृंगार दर्शन ( ऐसा राधा नाम कीर्तन आपने कभी नहीं सुना होगा )// 04/02/24 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Bhajan Marg english
12 Views · 1 year ago

Watch The Video To know the ultimate cure to LUST,ANGER & GREED. #lust #anger #greed #vrindavan #ekantikvartalap Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
12 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 383 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 28-11-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - Competition के जमाने में दूसरों को देखकर जलन होती है, क्या करूँ ?15:39 - पहले दीक्षा लिया है राधा नाम मे रुचि हो रही है, क्या अब फिर से गुरु दीक्षा लें ?27:55 - भगवत संबंध पर बहुत सुंदर चर्चा !!33:45 - हम किसी की नीजी सुरक्षा में तैनात है, Duty के दौरान किसी को धक्का या बल प्रयोग करने पर अपराध तो नहीं लगेगा ?38:34 - भजन करने पर यह अभिमान आ जाए कि अभी मेरा कोई कुछ नहीं बिगाड़ सकता तो क्या यह सही है ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
12 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 370 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan Bhajan Marg 15-11-2023 #ekantikvartalap 0:00 - मुझे ब्रह्मदृष्टि प्राप्त करने के लिए क्या करना पड़ेगा, तेल की धार के जैसा भजन कैसे होगा ?11:23 - नाम जप के साथ हठ योग से भी कर सकता हूँ क्या ?34:07 - जीवन में बहुत Tension हो विपत्तियों ने घेर लिया हो तो यह सुन लेना आनंद आ जाएगा ! Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
12 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 369 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 14-11-2023 #ekantikvartalap Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
12 Views · 1 year ago

00:00 - मेरा नाम जप में मन नहीं लगता, फिर भी जपूँ तो क्या कल्याण हो जाएगा ?02:35 - वैष्णव अपराध से बहुत डर लगता है कैसे बचें ?13:21 - मुझे अपने स्वरूप का अनुभव हो गया है ! पर आनंद स्थाई नहीं रहता है । 26:46: - कभी-कभी सब कुछ छोड़ने का मन होता है क्या करूँ ?29:22 - एकांतिक दर्शन Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg
12 Views · 1 year ago

⁣एकांतिक वार्तालाप & दर्शन 342 Ekantik Vartalaap & Darshan / Bhajan Marg 18-10-2023 #ekantikvartalap 00:00 - पत्नी कहती है यह यंत्र, धागा या ताबीज़ पहन लो सब काम हो जाएगा!03:52 - भगवान से प्रार्थनाएं, जप, पाठ करने पर भी लक्ष्य प्राप्ति नही हो रही है ऐसा क्यों ?08:54 - पुलिस में हूं, हमारे लिए सबसे बड़ा दान क्या हैं ?17:14 - महाराज जी आपको खाने मे क्या पसंद है ?21:41 - महाराज जी Srila Prabhupada जी मेरे सपने में आए और गले से लगाया , इसका क्या अर्थ है ?24:45 - College की छात्राओं ने महाराज जी से क्या प्रश्न किए ?33:38- मेहनत करने पर भी गरीबी क्यों नही मिट रही ?Bhajan Marg by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan DhamGoogle Map Link: https://goo.gl/maps/nZYKt1sJaMyCVRNS7For More Video of Satsang and Ekantik Vaartalaap of Pujya Maharaji's :-Instagram: Bhajan Marg Official https://www.instagram.com/bhajanmarg_official/Our YouTube Channels: Shri Hit Radha Kripa : @ShriHitRadhaKripa Vrindavan Ras Mahima : @VrindavanRasMahima Sadhan Path: @SadhanPath Facebook : Vrindavan Ras Mahima : https://www.facebook.com/Vrind....avanRasMahima/Websit Login : https://vrindavanrasmahima.com..../#EkantikVartalap#Bh #sadhanpath

Sadhan Path
12 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2024 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
12 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Keywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationLocation: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
12 Views · 1 year ago

Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |

premanand ji maharaj
premanand ji maharaj ke pravachan
premanand ji maharaj short video
premanand ji maharaj vrindavan
premanand ji maharaj satsang
premanand ji maharaj ki katha
premanand ji maharaj bhakt charitra
motivational video
motivational speech

Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023

#vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
12 Views · 1 year ago

जीवन है तो समस्याएं आएगीं बस आप पीछे मत हटना || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharajkeywords:-premanand ji maharaj premanand ji maharaj ke pravachanpremanand ji maharaj short videopremanand ji maharaj vrindavanpremanand ji maharaj satsangpremanand ji maharaj ki kathapremanand ji maharaj bhakt charitramotivational videomotivational speechmotivationRasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| 2023 #vrindavan #sadhanpath #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #bhakti #bhajan

Sadhan Path
12 Views · 1 year ago

Our youtube channels:- @BhajanMarg @ShriHitRadhaKripa @Gurukripakevalam @BhajanSaar @SadhanPath Rasmay Kirtan, Pad Gayan, & Satsang | | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |Location: Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat,Infront of Bhaktivedanta Hospice,Vrindavan-281121, Uttar Pradesh| For more satsang by " Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj #bhajanmarg #vrindavan #sadhanpath #vrindavanrasmahima #devotional #devotion #satsang #kelikung #sprititual #spritiuality #radhanamkirtan #bhakti #bhajan

Bhajan Marg english
12 Views · 1 year ago

#health #dieases #vrindavan @BhajanMarg @SadhanPath @ShriHitRadhaKripa 🌟 Embark on a transformative journey of self-healing with our motivational video! Discover the power within to overcome any disease through the mind-body connection. 🧘‍ Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Satsang Marg
12 Views · 1 year ago

Art of Parenting & Importance of Joint Family #family #parenting #art #vrindavan @BhajanMarg @SadhanPath @ShriHitRadhaKripa Bhajan Marg English by Param Pujya Vrindavan Rasik Sant Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj, Varah Ghat, Vrindavan Dham #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Vrindavan Ras mahima
11 Views · 8 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 412 से 415

Vrindavan Ras mahima
11 Views · 8 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी के राधा नाम कीर्तन में आनंदमय दर्शन और श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन // ⁣12/06/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
11 Views · 9 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 11-06-24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
11 Views · 9 months ago

साधनहीनों को भी धाम कैसे भगवद् प्राप्ति कराता है ? / श्री कबीर साहब की दिव्य वाणी // 05/06/2024Satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
11 Views · 9 months ago

⁣मन के निगेटिव विचार कैसे ख़तम करें || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj | घबराहट, डर, चिंता करना छोड़ दोगे, ये 3 काम कर लो || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajLocation - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospice , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan00:00 - INTRO - गृहस्थ में सारे पाप नष्ट करने का सबसे सरल उपाय (Upcoming in the video...)00:44 - No happiness in this world can satisfy us02:10 - What is our path? To destroy our past sins through bhajan, not to commit any sin in the present and to be careful in the future.04:47 - Just as we take medicine by trusting the doctor, similarly we should trust the words of Satguru Dev and follow his instructions.07:40 - The effect of satsang is that all doubts are destroyed.11:16 - We consider ourselves very knowledgeable and intelligent but as a result we prove to be ignorant and unintelligent.14:32 - All our efforts should be to free ourselves from lust and anger.16:41 - There should be no other refuge in this world, one hope, one faith, one refuge in God.18:50 - We call ourselves devotees, we should see how much effort we are making to attain God.25:34 If you want to attain God then you should meditate on God in the first hour of the night and in the last hour of the night.#Satsang​ #vrindavan #shrihitpremanandgovindsharanjimaharaj #premanandjimaharaj #bhajan #devotion #sadhanpath #bhakti

Vrindavan Ras mahima
11 Views · 9 months ago

⁣प्रेम की पीर - पद 362 से 365

Vrindavan Ras mahima
11 Views · 9 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 20-05-24

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
11 Views · 9 months ago

बयालीस लीला के रचयिता श्री ध्रुवदास जी का परिचय, जिनकी वाणी सुनकर प्रियालाल भी मुस्कुराते है Ep-33 | जानिये बयालीस लीला के रचयिता श्री ध्रुवदास जी का जीवन परिचय , जिनकी वाणी सुनकर प्रिया-लाल भी मुस्कुराते है | उनकी दिव्य वाणी से वचन सिद्धांत और प्रिया प्रियतम की प्रेम लीलाओं का वर्णनSatsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Sadhan Path
11 Views · 9 months ago

बातचीत करने का हुनर जान लो महाराज जी से || Learn the skill of conversation from Maharaj ji || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |00:00 - To move ahead in Spiritual life, it is important to remain silent, most crimes are committed through words.02:12 - How the crime of speech slows down our spiritual practice and pollutes our heart.03:17 - What effect does criticizing someone have on us?04:27 - What should one do when someone finds fault?06:11 - Talk very thoughtfully, be careful otherwise you will not have any experience in life.08:23 - Speak very carefully, don't talk to anyone if you don't need to.10:38 - Our mind gets polluted very quickly due to this, if our nature does not change then we will suffer a lot.12:14 - Keep this in mind before saying anything14:46 - Take shelter in silence, make it a habit not to talk16:31 - Always keep an eye on what's going on in your mind.18:11 - try to concentrate your mind.There is great strength in practice20:35 - God points the way to extraordinary experiences22:14 - Shiv Puran real story of Bhagwati Amba and Lord Shiva.25:56 - Never tolerate this one thing even by mistake, otherwise---- About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.----- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
11 Views · 9 months ago

⁣विशाखा सखी के अवतार, संत प्रेमी, अनन्य रसिक श्री हरिराम व्यास जी का चरित्र एवं उनकी वाणी Ep - 32 | विशाखा सखी के अवतार , शिव जी के कृपा पात्र , अद्भुत विद्वान , संत प्रेमी , परम अनन्य रसिक श्री हरिराम व्यास जी का प्रेरणादायक चरित्र एवं उनकी प्रेमभरी वाणीSatsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
11 Views · 9 months ago

⁣हितोत्सव की मंगल बधाई , प्रेम की पीर - पद 311 से 315

Vrindavan Ras mahima
11 Views · 9 months ago

मन लुभाने वाला श्रीजी का दिव्य झूलन दर्शन एवं रसमय राधा नाम कीर्तन // 12/05/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
11 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 12-05-24

Sadhan Path
11 Views · 10 months ago

लोगों के बारें में सोचना बंद करो - खुद पर ध्यान दो ! Stop thinking about people - focus on yourself || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj |00:00 - Intro लोगों के बारें में सोचना बंद करो - खुद पर ध्यान दो ! (Upcoming in the video...)01:02 - A new desire awakens in a very good seeker that he will do good to everyone and will do good to the world.03:56 - Stop talking about the world, it is going to give you hell, all these things will trap you in the world.07:28 - Why does one who takes refuge in God fall?11:53 - The truth is that no one is our own, in this world people support us as long as their selfishness is fulfilled.15:40 - If you have help in your mind other than God then you will get cheated.20:18 - Who escapes from illusion?24:09 - This love is a big obstacle. How to get out of love to attain God?-----------------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.----- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
11 Views · 10 months ago

⁣जानिये मन की चाल को / प्रभु के नाम , रूप , गुण की महिमा / श्रेष्ठ भक्तों की पहचान क्या ? // 07/05/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
11 Views · 10 months ago

⁣हम सब के प्रिय श्री भगवत रसिक देव जी का चरित्र , इनकी विलक्षण रहनी , चमत्कार एवं रसमयी वाणी ⁣Ep-23 | #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
11 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा फूल रचना एवं श्रीजी की मंगला आरती // 30-04-24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
11 Views · 10 months ago

⁣फूलों से श्रृंगारित झूला एवं पूज्य महाराज जी के राधा नाम कीर्तन में मनमोहक दर्शन // 28/04/24

Sadhan Path
11 Views · 10 months ago

अति गुप्त बात - महाराज जी ठेका ले रहें हैं भगवतप्राप्ति का | Very secret thing - Maharaj ji is taking the contract to attain God. | Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj00:00 - Intro (maharaj ji theka le rhen hain bp ka ye kr lo new) Upcoming in the video..00:09 - You become exclusive to Shyam Shyam, Maharaj ji has taken the entire responsibility of attaining God.05:09 - Without love one cannot find one's beloved and without sacrifice for other desires one cannot find love.09:51 - Can one attain Godhood only by the grace of Guru?12:35 - What is renunciation of everything?16:43 - Desire for God destroys all other desires21:18 - The one who no longer wants anything from the world is actually a king.----- About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.------ #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Vrindavan Ras mahima
11 Views · 10 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा "तू रति रंगभरी देखियत है री राधे" पद एवं मनमोहक झूलन दर्शन // 25/04/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
11 Views · 11 months ago

⁣चली सुंदरी बोली वृंदावन, सुनि मेरौ वचन छबीली राधा - पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा मधुर पद गायन // 10/04/24 #shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#vrindavanrasmahima#sadhanpath#vrindavan

Sadhan Path
11 Views · 11 months ago

सिर्फ जीभ से नाम रटते जाओ, जीवन बदलते देर नहीं लगेगी | It won't take long for your life to change. | विश्वास में बड़ी ताकत होती है, विश्वास की शक्ति |There is great strength in faith, the power of faith || Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji MaharajTime Stamp :00:00 - Intro : It won't take long for your life to change. ( Upcoming In the video ) 00:38 - Will there be any benefit in chanting the name from Jibhaya?03:30 - There is great glory in worshiping God, so how does this come?06:10 - Many learned people do not chant the name! Why not chant?09:50 - A devotee of the path of love and devotion has no other feelings except worshiping the name of his beloved God.13:04 - What will happen by chanting the name? read vedas, read vedanta16:46 - If you want to make your name successful (continuously) then keep these things in mind20:08 - Effect of Kaliyuga - Lie is not considered a sin at all24:21 - The worshiper should always become the owner of the goddess's wealth.constant sadhana27:02 - No matter what happens, we will follow our religion and will not leave it.30:11 - What is religion and duty?------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :- Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.------- #bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

Sadhan Path
11 Views · 11 months ago

⁣पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा "लटकत फिरत युवती रस फुली" पद गायन एवं मनमोहक झूलन दर्शन // 03/04/24

Vrindavan Ras mahima
11 Views · 11 months ago

⁣भव्य कुंज में श्रीजी का दिव्य श्रृंगार दर्शन एवं नृत्यमय राधा नाम कीर्तन // 01/04/24

Bhajan Marg english
11 Views · 11 months ago

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's humility melts the heart of Prakashananda ji. With 3 "attacks" Prakashanand's false ego is turned to dust. #ekantikvartalap#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Bhajan Marg english
11 Views · 11 months ago

Are you searching for God? Learn how to attain God, where to start, where to look, and the spiritual practices required
#bhajanmarg#shrihitradhakripa#radhakelikunj #sadhanpath

Shri Hit Radha Kripa
11 Views · 11 months ago

⁣उपासक दुखों से घबराएँ नहीं अन्यथा इस लाभ से चूक जाएगा / भक्ति के दिव्य 64 अंगों का वर्णन // 31/03/24 #satsang by - Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj From - Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj , Near Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Parikrama Marg, Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan#shrihitradhakripa#bhajanmarg#premanandjimaharaj#radhakelikunj#sadhanpath#gurukripakevalam#vrindavanrasmahima

Vrindavan Ras mahima
11 Views · 11 months ago

⁣ये सुनते ही आपको शांति महसूस होगी - पूज्य महाराज जी द्वारा पद गायन 16/03/24

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