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Jyada Chinta Karne Wale Har Time Sochne Wale Jarur Sune By Premanand Ji Maharaj

21 Views· 05/03/24
Sadhan Path
Sadhan Path
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ज्यादा चिंता करने वाले, हर समय सोचने वाले इसे जरूर सुनें ! Those who worry a lot and think all the time must listen to this. | Sri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj00:00 - Intro chinta (Upcoming in the video...)00:52 - One who accepts God as his own, all his ties become loose and he becomes carefree.03:58 - If you don't have peace of mind then you say with your mouth that Shyama is ours but inside you have kept your false relations intact.09:23 - Who suffers from despair? The one who has the only connection with God13:25 - When the saint destroyed the ego of the great emperor Sikandar 19:30 - Narad ji asked the Lord why he did not allow him to marry the princess.23:00 - God does not give us things which are not good for us.27:06 - As long as we remain engaged in worldly matters, we will not be able to realize the Lord sitting within us.29:51 - Those who work only for themselves get misery-----------About Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj :-Early Childhood: A Latent Spiritual SparkAt this tender age, he began to question the purpose of life. He was moved by the thought whether the love of parents is everlasting and if it is not, then why to engage in the happiness which is temporary? He questioned the importance of studying in school and gaining materialistic knowledge and how it would help him realize his goals. To seek answers he began chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी).By the time he was in class 9th he had strongly decided to lead a spiritual life exploring the path leading towards God. He was prepared to leave his family for this noble purpose. He informed his mother about his ideas and decision. At the young age of thirteen, one early morning at 3am Maharaj Ji left his home to unveil the truth behind human life. First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan:Maharaj Ji was undoubtedly blessed by Lord Shiva, the epitome of knowledge and mercy. However he continued to strive for a higher purpose. One day while meditating under a tree in Banaras, by the sheer Grace of Shri ShyamaShyam he was drawn to the glory of Vrindavan.Following in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, Maharaj Ji lived by Madhukari (मधुकरी) in Vrindavan. He has the utmost respect for Brajwasis and believes that one cannot experience "The Divine Love" without eating the grains of a Brajwasi (ब्रजवासी).The infinite Grace of his Sadguru Dev Bhagwan and Shri Vrindavan Dham, is evident in each and every aspect of Maharajji's life.----------#bhajan #satsang #vrindavan #devotion #devotional #sadhanpath #premanandjimaharaj #premanandjimaharajji #premanandbaba

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